Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1386 The disease is probably gone. Now it has reached the stage of constant coughing. I hope

"Senior." When he saw the source, Xiaoguang stood up and said respectfully: "Senior, this is the first time we have met."

"Senior? This is not like what Xiaoguang would call me." Hearing this unexpected title, Yuanquan suddenly felt something bad: "You are not Xiaoguang, right?"

"I am the auditorium light, but not the auditorium light you know."

"And the world you are in is also a world of dreams, yes, but this is not only the dream of Eryuan, but also the dream of all of us." Lu Guang continued: "The beginning of things has to be said a long time ago. rise."

"Each of us has irreparable regrets in our lives, or has things that we want to escape, or has a destiny that we don't even know ourselves. Some of these things will be borne by us, and some will not It will be placed in our dreams." Lu Guang raised his head and looked around: "This is the origin of this world."

"Although the foundation is indeed Er Yuan's dream, in fact, the current world no longer belongs to him alone."

"Everyone's dream. Sure enough, does this mean the world created by those who were killed by him or deceived by him?" This kind of conjecture has come from before, but he didn't really realize it until this moment. Got to this point.

"Are you Lu Guang?" Yuanquan once met Lu Guang, but he didn't know that Lu Guang was actually a teammate, not an enemy.

When he met Lu Guang, Lu Guang was still determined to fight the main universe.

"Ah, it's me." Lu Guang nodded: "I have been defeated by Xiao Guang, and now I only appear here as a soul. And Meiling is the same as me."

"So you and Meiling have recovered their memories and have a way to escape from this world?" Yuanquan now really paid attention to it: "Also, do you mind telling me what is happening in the outside world?"

"Okay." Lu Guang knew everything, and what he knew was the most specific one, so he kept the story short and tried to describe the current situation in the outside world in the simplest words.

The source listened in his ears, sometimes nodding, sometimes frowning.

During the time he was stuck here, he never expected that the situation in the outside world would change to this extent.

Ling Jia's appearance had been expected, but Shen Si agreed to the agreement with Er Yuan so simply, which was beyond Yuan Yuan's expectation.

Didn't you four old guys change your character? When did you become so abiding by the treaty?

Are these still the four old people I am familiar with?

Don't take it away from others.

After saying that he was killed by Xiao Guang, Lu Guang shut his mouth.

Under the table, Meiling calmly held Lu Guang's hand and encouraged him silently.

Lu Guang turned his head and looked at the familiar smile on Meiling's face, and couldn't help but reveal a bright smile for a moment.

It was a smile he had never seen since he fell into eternal hell.

The smile that can only be shown in front of one's lover and those friends who have passed away long ago.

After listening to Lu Guang's story, Yuanquan was silent, as if he was brewing his own words in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he said carefully: "In other words, the current war has reached the final moment? "

"Yes, but the Lord is immortal. No one can kill the Lord, not even the mysterious Four." Lu Guang revealed the biggest secret of Er Yuan: "He will only be killed by himself, that is, As a source of existence, this characteristic of his has always existed since he assimilated the source of the shadow universe."

"Currently, almost all the sources in the universe are completely dead, and you are the only one left. Only you can truly defeat Er Yuan and break his immortality."

Yuanquan thought for a moment and then said: "But...even if he is immortal and we only need to seal him, then it will be the same."

"It cannot be sealed. Because of this characteristic, he cannot be sealed." Lu Guang shook his head and continued: "His fate will only be ended by the source."

"If that's the case, this guy is really a scoundrel." Yuanquan said, "There are not many sources left in the universe. This guy's road to invincibility is right in front of us."

"So you must leave here, and only you can truly become his opponent." Lu Guang said.

"But... I have tried many methods, but there is no response at all to this world. Combined with what you said before, it is obvious that the dreams of everyone are not just mine, but the dreams of others are merged together." Yuanquan rubbed his brows helplessly: "In other words, I can induce my own mental changes and make some changes in this world, but I can't make other people's mental powers change with my changes."

"Other people's mental power will not be affected by me."


Before the subsequent words were finished, a black cloud that had always been hanging in the sky suddenly appeared with a red light, illuminating the world of dreams.

This red light spread to the earth, attracting the attention of almost everyone living in this world. Everyone raised their heads and looked at the change above their heads in surprise.

In their understanding of the setting, this is a change beyond the knowledge they were given.

Soon, with the appearance of this red ray of light, more and more rays of light began to gradually penetrate in. The seven rays of light seemed to be shining on the earth like a sun, shining with endless light.

And at this moment when the rainbow light shines on the world, the true face of this dream world, hidden under the appearance and disguise, begins to be revealed.

The intertwined spiritual powers are superimposed on each other, forming one thread after another. The illusory world becomes transparent and even trembles. The important things that form this world, that is, those nodes, emerge one by one when I run out of the house and stand on the street. The source of it is before your eyes.

"These." Yuanquan looked at these in surprise. This was a change beyond his expectation.

"These things should be the nodes that make up this world. They were revealed because of that power, so..." Before Lu Guang could finish his words, he saw seven rainbows escaping from the black hole in the sky. The light seemed to have encountered the person it was looking for. The rainbow light all over the sky shrank and gathered together, forming a straight line of colorful light, which descended suddenly and rushed straight to the source.

The rainbow light enveloped Yuan Yuan's entire body. In the next moment, the power of the rainbow spread around the source with the source as the center, converging into a huge shock wave in the blink of an eye. Wherever it passed, the originally solid world became illusory.

Wherever these rainbow lights sweep, the world becomes transparent.

Even those living in this world will become transparent existences after being swept by the rainbow light.

Yuanquan opened his eyes again, and after seeing this drastically changed scene, he suddenly understood something in his heart.

Is what illusion represents falsehood?

Raising his hand, he looked at the rainbow knife he held in his hand, feeling the earth falling into a deep sleep inside, and the body that protected the earth with the last ray of light, protecting him. The source was very moved.

At this time, taking such a risk to enter this world, is it just to convey to me the power of breaking through the false world?

"Dadi, Aix, I feel your thoughts." Holding the Rainbow Knife tightly, Yuanquan's eyes were firm.

With this knife in his hand, and the Rainbow Knife has already displayed the nodes of this world in front of him, he only needs to destroy these nodes, and the world will naturally be destroyed.

In this way, he can leave this world, break away from Er Yuan's body, and reappear in the outside world.

Sure enough, the rainbow knife is used for this purpose and is a professional counterpart.

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