Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1440 Lingjia: Peter, continue. (Happy New Year’s Eve)

"I once had an idea, that is, what would the ending of Xiaohui and me be like when nothing happened."

Stirring the bonfire in front of her, Miraina maintained her human posture and looked at the swaying sparks.

In the rising flames, it seems that the uncertain future can be seen.

"I thought everything was destined, but who knew, it was actually just the bitter fruit of one person's ambition." Sighing, Mirai continued: "When I knew all this, I had no choice. clam down."

"That's why he and I started fighting immediately after we first met."

"To me, he is the murderer who destroyed my life, but to him, I am an unnecessary accident."

"Peter, to you, to a being like you, is the will of life in the universe so insignificant?"

In the swaying bonfire, the rising flames gradually outline the appearance of King O. Although the real person is not here, through this form, Ou Wang completed the dialogue with Miraina.

"That's not the case. That guy's goal is to become a being like me, but he hasn't turned into us yet." King Ao's voice sounded clearly: "For us, every life in the universe is It needs to be taken care of, because as long as it is life, it is a miracle born in this world."

"That's not inevitable, it's accidental."

"The birth of life is achieved through thousands of accidents. Such life is the miracle itself."

"It's just that that guy didn't have such an idea. All he did was become us, not already us."

"So you can rob other people's lives with peace of mind?" Mirai Nai added a handful of firewood, causing King Ao to burn even more fiercely: "But why me?"

"The choices between people are different. Even if life needs to be taken care of, life itself does not feel like it is a miracle." King Ao said in a hazy tone: "When the birth of life becomes If you take things that are commonplace, life itself, you will not think it is a miracle, but it will be a matter of course."

"That's why he thinks it doesn't matter, because in this vast universe, there are countless lives born. It's something that you don't need to care about at all." Future Nai sighed and stood up from the ground.

"Pete, I have fought against him. I can feel his darkness, full of aggression and devouring, like a burning fire."

"This fire is enough to set the entire universe on fire."

"Compared with him, my future is like a puddle of embers, and there is no possibility of renewing the flames." After explaining his situation in this way, Mirai clenched his fists and looked at the sky. Fanxing: "Although we are equal now, in the future, he will definitely be stronger than me. At that time, I will have no power to fight back."

"So Peter, I need your help, and I also need the help of Noah and the others."

Ao Wang in the flames helplessly held his forehead, as if it was already commonplace for the source to make such a request.

Although he knew what Mirai's request was, King Ou had to pretend not to know and said in a questioning tone: "What is it?"

"I need your help to reverse my timeline back to its original starting point and let me do it all over again." Future Nai said firmly: "I don't know what the result of this will be. It's possible that I will change If I get stronger, it is possible that I will disappear directly, but no matter what, it is better than maintaining the status quo and waiting for the countdown to death."

"Even if I die, I will die in the past. I will never give him the chance to devour me."

"Okay." King Ao nodded and agreed simply: "Whatever you need me to do, I will definitely help you, and I will call Noah and the others over immediately."

Anyway, in this repetitive cycle, Ou Wang has seen the scene of Mirai making a decision and making up his mind in front of the bonfire not only 10,000 times, but also 8,000 times.

He didn't know how many times he would continue to watch it, but no matter what, as an important NPC that appeared in this cycle, even if he knew it was a cycle, he still had to appear at this location on time, and then meet the source. .

Sometimes King Ou thinks, if this guy wants to die, it would be great if he died in the past. At least this cycle can really end.

But this guy couldn't die, and there was no way to gain new possibilities. As a result, he kept repeating himself here, and he, the Ultra King, kept appearing and reappearing here.

He even felt annoyed.

But there was no way, who made him talk bad at the beginning and promised the original Mirai Nai to help him, but as a result, Mirai Nai was stuck here, and he was stuck here, too.

It’s hard for everyone!

Opening his eyes suddenly, Yuanquan raised his body from the bed and covered his head, feeling the sudden memory in his mind. After taking a moment to adapt, his frown gradually relaxed.

This is not the first time that something like this has happened, and Yuanquan also knows that this is because the time he is in is getting closer and closer to the point in time when Mirai Nai will extinguish the future, which is the moment when he decides to extinguish the future.

The closer time comes, the more memory fragments are scattered. Those things buried under the long river of time are turned up under the feet of people who walk through it again, and then resurface on the surface of the water again.

The closer the time is, the more memories the source can retrieve, and therefore, every experience in the cycle will be recalled by him as time passes.

"What's wrong?" Saori grabbed a corner of the quilt and looked at Yuanquan's back.

"It's nothing, I just remembered some things that I never thought of before." Yuanquan shook his head and lay down again: "Saori, you probably don't know, this is my first time experiencing such a life."

"Eh? Didn't you and sister Hui get married before?" Saori asked curiously.

"I'm not talking about getting married, but I'm talking about the current timeline, the me now." Yuanquan explained: "According to the previous timeline, I should be about to meet that guy now."

There is one thing whose source is not very clear, that is, if the day comes when the two sides meet, as the two sides meet and then fight, which will eventually lead to the destruction of the future by the future, this matter will be in a new timeline like today. How can it be shown?

Is there another paradoxical encounter?

"But stop talking about it, I was forced to vomit during that time!" When talking about that period of the cycle, Ao Wang said disgustingly: "You don't know, I was just like clocking in to work on time. Just like a social animal, I will appear at a certain point in time, and then do something that I have repeated countless times, and say something that I have repeated countless times.”

"Is it easy for me?"

King Ao spread his hands and complained crazily to Ling Jia: "So from that moment on, I decided that no one can let me go to work again!"

"I was at work during that time. Did those three idiots say they wanted to change shifts with me?"

"No! They are all looking cool!"

Seeing Ling Jia still listening expressionlessly, Ao Wang didn't feel that Ling Jia was annoying him at all, but continued happily: "Especially Noah, I think he is the most unhappy."

"The light of Nexus that I threw away ended up asking me to go? What's the point of this?"

"Isn't Nexus the juvenile body of Noah? If he is, then what will happen to the source? You, the boss, will naturally have to deal with it!"

"Lingga, you are still smart and will always exist in the future, unlike me." As he said that, King Ao hugged Lingga's shoulders and started to cry.

"I was deceived by those three dogs!"

"At my age, is it easy for me?!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Lingga, you have to help me~"

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