Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 148 Give me a chance, I’ll call Stone Wings first

"Don't think this is over!" Bizomo, who had been beaten by Ultra Wai, was already full of sparks. It seemed that this biological weapon had reached its last moment.

Now all he needs to do is make up for one kill, and this guy will completely disappear from the earth.

Tiga and Nexus turned a deaf ear, as if they had not heard Bizomo's words at all. One was accumulating energy and posing, preparing to release the Zapelio ray, and the other was preparing to release the Cross Storm.

Although it is a bit suspicious, in the current situation, the cross storm is enough to kill the opponent.

After a while, I'll take advantage of the damage.

"Hmph, wait, even if I am really killed by you, it will not be easy for the humans on the earth." Although Bizumo didn't absorb much in a short period of time, he understood to some extent what it means to die together.

Although there is no giant of light on the planet where it was once created, and no one can force it to die together, the learning nature of life allows it to still understand this.

"When the most powerful weapon created by mankind is completely released in the human base camp, you can't do anything!" Before he died, Bizzomo's eyes were filled with countless streams of light, and the Zapelli Ao ray struck him. At that moment, it absorbed most of the energy in its body and exploded directly, colliding with Ultraman's light energy.

It was completely destroyed inside, and Bizomo had long since returned to the form of a large lump of meat.

A huge piece of flesh that is more than fifty meters long, with countless squirming flesh and blood, and is paralyzed on the ground. Anyone who looks at it will lose their mind.

Tiga's attack completely hit, but Nexus retracted the gesture of releasing the cross storm point, and instead flew directly towards the sea base.

Although Bizomo's last words may be nonsense, if Bizomo really splits a part and enters the f4 hangar to occupy the Atdis, it only needs to drive out and take aim at the Atdis. sea ​​base.

Once the Max Cannon is fired...

This was what Nexus was worried about, and that was why he gave up the attack and instead rushed to the sea base.

With his speed, he soon arrived at the sea area where the sea base was located, but he arrived a step too late after all. The stored colorful power had begun to accumulate power, and the surging Max Cannon turned into the strongest attack.

The attack, which was colorful but brought the most deadly destruction, fell towards the sea base.

With no time to open his shield, Nexus could only switch forms while flying at high speed. The moment the red young man appeared, Nexus' speed increased sharply again. He crossed his hands in front of him and released Ultra Cross Defense (this move Ah, taught by Tiga), withstood the Max Cannon attack.

But he knew that this couldn't stop Max's cannon.

So when the Max Cannon hit his chest, Nexus cut off the Max Cannon with the weapon on his arm, absorbing and converting part of the energy. At the same time, he resisted with his other hand in front of him, and finally gave the Indestructible Shield to Opened out.

Although the Max Cannon is powerful, it is not as powerful as the Star Destroyer Cannon on the Dynali Prometheus. Although the Max Power System initially used is still powerful, it does not exceed that of Nexus. Defense range.

After resisting for almost ten seconds, the life-sized Tiga came to the battlefield in an aerial form. Seeing such a scene, he rushed directly into the Atdis without saying a word and turned into a ball of light. He killed the split body of Bizomo in a short period of time, allowing the Atdis to return to an uncontrollable state.

The Max Cannon was eliminated, and Nexus' timer began to flash at the same time. Although it was indeed blocked, it could not cover up the fact that he had been hit before.

Therefore, before Tiga came to Nexus' side, Nexus, who turned into a phantom and disappeared, no, the source had fallen into the sea from mid-air without making any waves.

He had passed out.


"Source! Source!"

"Cheer up! Yuan, you have to hold on!"

Seeing Yuanquan being sent to the emergency room, Xincheng and others could only stand outside and watch the lighted signal. The three big words in first aid were engraved in their eyes like shame.

"Yuan..." Although he fell into the sea, Da Gu was still in the state of transformation. He immediately picked up Yuan Quan and released the transformation, carrying the unconscious Yuan Quan on his back and rushed to the medical department.

The blood flowing from Yuanquan's chest was dripping all the way, creating a path of blood, which made Dagu particularly anxious.

He thought that this was a wound that Yuanyuan received in the battle with Bizomo when he was not transformed, but in fact, the wound was caused by a short attack from the Max Cannon.

The flesh and blood on the chest were completely smashed, as if it had been stirred by some drill. The entangled flesh and blood were mixed with blood, which was shocking.

Even Dagu didn't dare to walk too fast, for fear that he would aggravate Yuanquan's injuries during the bumps.

If they hadn't met Xincheng and rushed over halfway, I'm afraid Dagu wouldn't have been able to run such a long distance by himself.

But even if everyone rushed Yuan to the medical department together, would Yuan be able to survive such a serious injury?

"Damn it, if it weren't for that Bizumo, how could Yuan be so seriously injured!" Shinjo punched the wall angrily. If Yuan hadn't broken through Bizumo and saved them trapped in the base, how could he have done it? Possibly so seriously injured.

"How are you, are you okay?" Lina came back a little late because she was attacked by Bizomo, but she still came to the emergency room as soon as possible and asked with concern.

"It's my problem. If I hadn't harbored some illusions about Bizomo, things like this wouldn't have happened today." Sitting blankly on the chair, Horii sighed and took the initiative to take the responsibility on himself: "Yes The source of my harm has become what it is now.”

"As a scientist, I lost my thinking when faced with the existence of life forms like Bizomo, lowered my guard, and decided their usefulness without thinking about their intentions. It was my fault, and I apologize to everyone. "

"That's not your fault, Horii." Dagu put his hand on Horii's shoulder and comforted him: "Even in the past, we have encountered many universes that didn't have much bad intentions towards humans. People, we just think that these are beautiful things, and this is a mistake that everyone makes."

"Dagu is right. It's Bizumo who deserves to die. It has nothing to do with you. If you really want to apologize, just ask him to give him a rub after he recovers." Although Xincheng was angry, Bizumo Even though they had been killed by the two Ultraman, he could still retain his thoughts.

Horii nodded, but still didn't say anything. It was obvious that this blow to him was much more than what it seemed.

"It's just that we should keep these things outside as much as possible in the future." Zongfang finally understood now that it is not good to just bring things into the base without knowing the situation. Once something happens, the consequences will be Unthinkable.

This incident is a warning.

"You won't receive any news if you stay here for a short time. Dagu, you stay here, and the others will follow me to treat other base personnel who were attacked." After gathering his mood, Zongfang also issued the order. Everyone's mood Even though he was depressed, he still put the mission first.


Don't ask, the question is that the next section is Zilda Gas, which is the appearance of Sheila. It can be said that this wave of injuries is for the advancement of the plot.

Oh, why did you have to get hurt?

Doesn’t that fit in with the theme of this episode!

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