Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1469 Saori: Damn it, I won’t become Camila, right?

Because I saw more people dying, I prayed for powerful power.

As a miko, the responsibilities she carries on her body seem to be inherently shackles, restricting everything she has.

The earth once had a shining civilization, but the scene at that time has become a story. When the girl was very young, she could only see such prosperity in books.

What greeted her was a protracted battle between people and the four dark giants.

Everything started to change from the sudden appearance of these four dark giants.

Both civilization and life were completely destroyed by the hands of these four dark giants, with almost nothing left.

Even though everyone desperately wanted to resist, facing these four dark giants, their resistance seemed so weak.

Although he is still alive, it is only temporary.

And today, after once again resolving the invasion of a monster named Gorba under the command of the dark giant named Carmilla, the girl once again opened the door to the temple at the core of eternity.

The unspeakable sadness in her heart made her originally cheerful face become stiff. She couldn't tell anyone about the thoughts buried in her heart except this glowing ball of light.

As the only shrine maiden who serves the eternal core and can open the door to the temple, the girl's importance is unquestionable.

But the girl really didn't expect that one day she would see another person inside the temple door after opening it.

Moreover, he was a man she had never seen before, and even the way he dressed seemed quite strange.

The moment the two sides met, the moment they looked at each other, the girl saw the shining light in this man's eyes.

It is the light that remains in the dark universe and shines in response to countless lives. It is the light of hope and the light that exists in everyone's heart.

As a witch who serves the core of eternity, the girl naturally possesses quite strange powers. It is also a simple thing for the girl to see the essence of a person through her eyes.

"Who are you."

She had never seen such light before, and the girl was stunned for a moment.

Although it is different from the light of the Eternal Core, the girl subconsciously came up with the idea that this light is not inferior to the Eternal Core at all.

"Yuanquan, my name is Yuanquan." The moment he saw the white-haired girl, Yuanquan had a rough guess about her image: "Are you You Lian?"

"My name is Yousalei, a witch who serves the Eternal Core." The girl said her name: "Why do you appear here? Where did you come from?"

"No one can open the door of this temple except me." Yousha Lei continued: "But you walked out of it."

"Then you have to ask me about the big ball of light behind me." He raised his finger and pointed at the eternal core behind him. Source kept walking and continued to walk out: "However, I can probably guess the reason why you are here."

Passing by Yousha Lei, Yuanquan paused for a moment: "Let's go, I probably already know the situation here."

"Eh?" Not understanding what Yuanquan was saying at all, Yousha Lei turned around, looked at Yuanquan's back and immediately chased after him, opening her hands to stop Yuanquan: "You haven't answered me yet, why did you do that? Show up here."

"You talk in front of the Eternal Core every day, and it can no longer stand you, so it called me over to help you solve the trouble outside." Yuanquan crossed his arms and looked at Yousha Lei calmly: "Those four dark giants , let you suffer deeply."

"." You Shalei said nothing, but her dimmed eyes showed her mood.

"So, I'm going to help you solve that guy outside." Patting the girl's shoulder, Yuanquan took out a crystal from his pocket: "This is for you."

You Shalei opened her palms and looked at a crystal medal with "MAX" engraved on her palms, not understanding what it was.

"When I went to the lottery with my wife that day, I exchanged the consolation prize for the prize." Yuanquan explained with a smile: "Although I was very unlucky at that time and only had this consolation prize, it was still considered bad luck. Good luck there."

"You want to deal with Carmilla?" Yousale put away the medal, caught up with the source and walked side by side with him: "That guy's power is very terrifying, even our Earth Defense Force cannot defeat her. ."

"What is she doing now?" Yuanquan did not answer Youshalei's question, but kept talking to himself.

Youshalei was silent for a moment, looking at the source beside her for a long time, and then said thoughtfully: "The one who invaded today is not Carmilla, but a monster named Gorba under her command."

"We have successfully fought it off."

"But it's just a monster, not Carmilla, and it's not the Dark Four." Youshalei covered her chest with both hands: "Although it is a victory, I can't be happy."

"After all, defeating the pawn and defeating the boss are two different things, I understand." The two people walked forward together, and soon walked out of the underground passage and stood on the ground.

But compared to the brilliance of the earth before the arrival of the dark giants, now after several wars, the planet has become much more desolate.

The surrounding environment has been severely damaged after several wars and several years of fighting.

But the battle between the super ancient and the dark giant is not over.

The earth can take a long time to recover, but between the super ancients and the dark giants, one side is bound to lose.

Yuanquan has also experienced war, and even more so, the kind of war where alien beasts destroyed their homes and then everyone rose up to resist. Now, the battle between the super ancients and the dark giant looks similar to that kind of war no matter how you look at it.

Although the surrounding environment seems to be just desolate, just a wasteland overgrown with weeds, and there are no corpses or ruins in sight, but the source has awakened from the birth of the planet in the past, possessed the light of the earth, and came from when he stood on this earth. The pulse of the earth and the subtle groan of pain vaguely echoed in Yuanquan's mind.

That is the memory of the earth, the cry from the earth that has been ravaged over and over again.

".What is your method to fight against the dark giant?" After feeling the memory of this earth, Source's expression became a little solemn: "Are they the same monsters that were born on this planet like you?"

"Yes, they are the monsters sleeping under the earth and living on this planet like us." Youshalei admitted: "In order to protect the eternal core and to protect our common planet, they are also fighting A battle of fate.”

"Sure enough, no wonder the earth will meet." After getting the exact answer, Yuanquan closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the struggle and hesitation in his eyes turned into calm at this moment.

".Anyway, if you want to help us fight against the dark giant, come with me." Grabbing the wrist of the source, Yousalei led him towards the city of super ancient civilization not far away.

It is also the only remaining city, the last one.

The source did not break free, but allowed her to lead him forward.

He also knew that he would not be able to enter that city without the guidance of someone from within.

Although the super ancients were defeated by the dark giants, the dark four were not weak.

Just talking about the Hitram I met before, his strength is firmly at the ultra-ultimate level in the Kingdom of Light, which is the level of the Ultra Brothers.

According to Eternal Core, Hitram is even the weakest among the Dark Four, with the other three being stronger than him.

If you think about it this way, the strength levels of the other three are higher than the Ultra Ultimate, and there may even be someone who surpasses them.

If a super-ancient civilization can persist until now in the face of such an enemy, its own civilization is certainly not weak.

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