Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1493 1485: Brother Tazi: I want to go back to the past and obliterate the source! (Plasma Hu

Damn Yabo people, you really deserve to die! I can't wait to cut you into pieces with thousands of knives!

Seeing the source appear in front of him, and still maintaining the posture of truth, Brother Tazi immediately stopped.

"The power of the transcendent, the person of the transcendent... oh... even the realm has reached the ultra-ultimate level, which is very rare." When he saw Brother Tazi, Yuanquan could clearly see the state of his body.

Transcendents and Transcendents naturally have the ability to distinguish each other. Although it is impossible to completely know each other's abilities, the source of Brother Tazi's abilities is really known.

"What are you doing here!" Brother Tazi was very calm, displaying the calmness of a mountain that was about to collapse.

Even if it is the Savior in person, there is nothing to be afraid of in person.

"Of course I'm here to see what you are doing." Yuanquan said, slowly raising his hand and snapping his fingers. At that moment, the golden barrier that spread out from the natural body instantly spread to the entire Kingdom of Light, covering the entire planet. They were all wrapped up, and then they shrank inward in an instant, returning to the body of the source.

But this time when he returned, all the soldiers from the kingdoms throughout the Kingdom of Light were imprisoned in their bodies by the source.

This is the transcendent power of Yuanyuan, and now it is also used by Yuanyuan.


The silence represents Brother Tazi's unexpressable heart at the moment, and it is also the reason why he has been unwilling to face the savior.

Although he was indeed stronger at the beginning, since he became the savior... no, let alone the savior, even in the split state before that, Yuanyuan was no longer an opponent he could withstand.

If we want to divide the Transcendents into three, six or nine grades, the Phoenix Brave is the only one, and below him are the Origins and the Galaxy of the past.

And Tartarus is also very clear about his position, that is, he cannot reach the small group at the top. He is considered strong among the Transcendents, but he has not reached the top.

Not to mention the top, even the second level can't be touched by him.

Not to mention that the person in front of him is the savior, a being who is above the transcendent.

"After all, we still failed. After all, we still can't avoid your existence!" Tartarus said angrily: "The plan arranged for the Yabo people to appear, but the Yabo people ruined the whole plan."

"Is it possible that you are unconsciously arrogant?" Yuanquan continued: "I can already feel the presence of the king of your kingdom. I will go find him personally after a while."

"Whether the kingdom continues to exist or is directly destroyed has nothing to do with you at this moment."

"It has nothing to do with me?" Brother Tazi couldn't accept this statement: "I am the ultimate life form, the warrior of the Absolut people, Absolut Tartarus!"

"I will rewrite the fate of the kingdom! I will open up the future of the kingdom!"

"How dare you say...it has nothing to do with me?"

With his emotions in place, Brother Tazi no longer hesitated, and released his own power at full power, stimulating the power of Absolut all over his body, not only activating it, but even completely burning it, erupting like an overdraft of life.

And such behavior brought him a terrifying increase.

The rubies in Brother Tazi's hands, whose whole body turned into brilliant golden light, also released a huge amount of light. In an instant, Brother Tazi's body became huge.

In order to accommodate more power, it was enlarged in order to gain a body strong enough to control the explosive Absolute particles in the body.

"Is this your answer?" Brushing one hand in front of him, Mariina's body composed of red, purple, silver, gold, and black faded away from the three colors at this moment, and was replaced by a pure silver body.

The red energy core on the chest began to beat like a heart again, and the bird-shaped core turned into a shadow, making the giant body that had lost its three colors emit a different kind of light.

Jinna also turned into a silver giant at this moment.

"This posture...Noah?!" Brother Tazi was still gathering strength, but he couldn't help but be very surprised when he saw the changes in the source.

"No, this is an expression of the light of salvation." Source spoke: "I spread the light of salvation. If any life that awakens the light of salvation turns into a giant of light, it will belong to Nexus. Image.”

"And the end of it is this gesture."

"It's Noah, but it's not Noah. It's me, but it's not me."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Brother Tazi roared angrily: "Let me see how powerful you are as a savior!"

"Full force - absolute destruction!!"

"Extraordinary light in time and space!"

Pure golden beams of light flew out in a mighty manner, while on the other side, silver beams of light collided with each other in an extremely concentrated manner, without any leakage.

The moment the two parties came into contact, the stalemate between the two parties lasted only a few seconds. Then, the silver-white beam suppressed the golden light, and the suppression speed became faster and faster until it completely hit Brother Tazi's body.

The surrounding environment was not destroyed. A golden time dial appeared on Brother Tazi's body, and the time and space belonging to him rioted and shattered.

The sudden space storm rolled up Brother Tazi's body, creating a terrifying time blast on his ultimate life form, causing Brother Tazi to fly high and fall heavily.

Yuanquan slowly lowered his arm, and the color on his body returned to normal.

"The extremely strong binding force means that the lethality of this light will only be reflected on the enemy, without causing any damage to the surrounding environment." Yuanquan said: "It is for protection, and of course it will not cause greater damage. .”

Covering his chest, Brother Tazi raised his body and immediately opened the Narak space under him, letting him fall directly in and disappear in front of the source.

And the source did not chase after it, and there was no need to chase.

Although the Taurus and Titan were not captured in the previous capture, these kingdom soldiers alone should be enough to hold a negotiation.

The king of the kingdom has always been indifferent to Tartarus. Is he tacitly approving it, or is he incapable of stopping Tartarus' behavior?

This answer can only be known by going to the kingdom in person and meeting the king of Absolut.

Falling into Narak's space again, Tartarus clutched his chest, feeling severe discomfort all over his body, and couldn't get up for a while.

"It's not a light with rapid destructive power, but it's better at strange injuries caused by space-time blasts?" Brother Tazi, who was hit by this light, naturally has the right to make this statement.

He could also feel that instead of causing physical harm, this light detonated him in the time plane and in the space projection.

In other words, it is impossible to defend against it, because what this light hits is not him standing here at this moment, but him next second, or even several seconds later.

That was him in time.

Coupled with his own projection in space, this light attacks this projection in space, so he has no way to resist it.

This is the meaning of space-time explosion.

"Are you okay? Tartarus." Titan helped Tartarus stand up.

Taurus and Titan escaped into Narak space at the critical moment, avoiding their fate of being caught.

Waiting here, they saw the embarrassed side of Tartarus.

"Damn it! We almost won!" Taurus was extremely angry: "Why is that damn savior so powerful?"

"With him here, isn't there nothing we can do?"

"No!" Tartarus took a deep breath and said firmly, "I have another way."

"The current savior has become our biggest obstacle." Brother Tazi gasped a few times: "He is currently invincible."

"But he was extremely weak in the past."

"I want to go back to the past, erase his existence, and destroy his past!"

"Let him be destroyed now!"

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