Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1498 Absolyut-Membius (Unexpectedly, it has become real now!)

"Mebius, are you really going to do this?" Under the high tower of the kingdom, in front of the king, Mebius's body changed from the original red to the current golden color.

This change was approved by Mebius, so the King of Gold could do this.

"Since I want to play a full set, I don't mind changing my identity and becoming like this." Mebius said: "Before, you said that after Tartarus returns to the past, the future will become complete. It’s unknown and no one can predict it.”

"But since it is Brother Yuan's future, I also want to help my brother's future go in the direction he wants to go."

"But this doesn't seem to have anything to do with your incarnation as Absolute-Mombius." The Golden King spoke again: "You have become like this, and you even want me to send you to the world of Teliga. What are you thinking about?"

"After I heard the Teliga you mentioned, I knew that that guy would definitely be an indispensable and important existence in the future, and it was also at that time that a new future would begin." Mebius continued. said.

"I want to appear as a villain and stand on the opposite side of everyone."

"On the one hand, I want to announce my new identity to the entire universe and make everyone believe that the Phoenix Hero cannot appear. On the other hand, I also want to use my evil depravity to make one person believe that the Kingdom of Light has arrived. It’s a fight-or-die situation.”

"Second Source?" King Jin said, "That guy even killed himself. Even if you become a villain, the four words Mebius will not change at all."

"He won't believe you."

"I am neither his friend nor his opponent, so this identity is the reason why we can cooperate." Mebius's chest timer also turned bright red, and his entire body was completed Transition: "I will inform you of his preparations."

"When the time comes, please give this information to Brother Yuan."

"...Membius, can you do this for him?" King Jin said with emotion.

"For me, Brother Yuan is my family, an indispensable family member." Menbius nodded heavily: "For this reason, except for Brother Yuan, I would like to ask you not to keep me conscious. , tell Captain Zoffi and the others."

"After being injected with Absolute particles, another personality will be born in your body. Although that personality will know your plans, he will not show mercy to your brothers." After a pause, King Jin will This incident completely sealed the deal.

"Because that personality is Absolute-Mombius."

"It is an existence with me as its master."

"That's it." Menbius said solemnly: "I must help Brother Yuan and defeat Er Yuan!"

After learning about the battle between the Source and the Second Source from the King of Gold, Mebius was shocked by the actions of the Second Source and the Second Source who killed almost all the Sources, and his impression of him also became very bad. .

Killed all the sources, now even his brother source is not spared?

Even...want to replace it.

Membius clenched his fists, and the thoughts rushing through his mind made him determined to become like this.

"That guy is not qualified to replace my Brother Yuan!"

Covering his chest, Yuanquan suddenly felt a little heavy, as if...as if something had left his side.

"What's wrong?" Eddie asked with concern as he looked at Yuanquan's appearance.

"It's okay, I'm just worried about Mebius, Grigio, and Zeta all of a sudden." Yuanquan shook his head: "In a blink of an eye, our juniors have all taken up the responsibility one by one and become the main force."

"And we became the ones watching all this."

"Thank you also for admonishing Taiga."

Facing the source's thanks, Eddie shook his head and did not respond: "Even without me, he can still come out and get the answer."

"He is now trying to control that power with his friends." Eddie said with emotion: "With their most important partner."

"Memories are very important."

"I will go to the Kingdom of Absolut right away to bring back Mebius and Grigio." Source said another thing: "In addition, regarding Absolute, he also You need to give me an explanation.”

"Be careful." Eddie could not do anything to help Yuanquan. Apart from sending blessings, he could only wait to celebrate his victorious return.

Arriving at the Ultra Airport, it was filled with guard soldiers who had returned from performing missions outside. They not only returned after completing their missions, but also because they received the Ultra signature from the Kingdom of Light and learned that the Kingdom of Light had been invaded. He rushed back in a hurry.

Why was it that when I went out to perform a mission, my hometown was raided?

This is somewhat excessive.

"Since entering the new generation, the strength of the Kingdom of Light has been increasing day by day, and it is much stronger than before." Eddie looked at this scene and said happily: "We have never thought of such a scene before."

"Even after failure, there is still the possibility of rising again. The vitality of the Kingdom of Light is as strong as ever." Yuanquan said with a smile: "This is the case with the Kingdom of Light. There is always a steady stream of new light emerging."

"However, even if the Kingdom of Light becomes stronger, the darkness will also become stronger. Even the Kingdom of Light today is somewhat exhausted." Eddie continued: "Is the balance between light and darkness always like this? ?”

Yuanquan did not answer these words.

The light is indeed becoming stronger and stronger, but the darkness... may not necessarily be getting stronger. It is more likely that it has changed from the previous casual attitude to a little more attention.

The darkness only casts a part of its gaze, which is enough to make the world of light so grim.

After waving goodbye to Eddie, Source flew out of the Kingdom of Light. He turned around and glanced behind him, looking at the bright planet, his milky white eyes reflecting everything about the planet.

"The enemies that the Kingdom of Light will face will become stronger and stronger in the future." Yuanquan took a deep breath, converted his transcendent power, opened the ring-shaped pure white portal again, and then stepped into it, blinking Time came to the super dimension, that is, outside the universe.

The coordinates of the kingdom are not in the Showa universe where the Kingdom of Light is located, but in a universe some distance away from the Kingdom of Light universe.

It was a universe with little golden whirlpools in the deep darkness. Although the light in the darkness was weak, it existed tenaciously.

But these golden whirlpools are not complete, nor do they have any rules. Instead, they look particularly messy, as if they are in chaos and collapse.

The source took a deep breath, and did not maintain Zhenna's posture. Instead, he extracted the light of salvation, changed his appearance, and mobilized all the five colors of light. Not only that, he even changed it at will.

The color on the body cannot be defined, or it may have different postures in the eyes of different people.

Just like the light of salvation has no definite shape.

Directly turning on the posture of the savior, elevating oneself to a nearly mysterious existence, the savior (for the sake of distinction, so after turning on the savior, the source is called the savior)'s milky white eyes traveled across countless distances and accurately locked the location of the kingdom.

The moment you see it, distance becomes something you don't need to think about.

The surrounding space has been replaced, and the source has stood at the location of the kingdom, and it is under the towering tower.

The golden ocean composed of Absolut particles that are so rich that they are liquefied, rolls up the waves and rolls them over in uncertain waves.

The Savior glanced at his surroundings and was not surprised by this.

After all, it is the light that surpasses the plasma sparks of the Kingdom of Light. Even if it is so rich that it liquefies, it is not an exaggeration.

As soon as he raised his hand, the indefinable body of the savior emitted a burst of blue light, floating to the savior's side, depicting Hikari's figure in the golden space.

In an instant, the outlined shadow turned into reality, and Hikari stood tall in the kingdom.

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