Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1503 King Ao: Don’t worry, Noah, no one will be able to disturb your sleep this time (Noah:?

"Zhuo, why is there something wrong with the timeline again?"

After getting up from the graveyard overnight, Noah immediately stopped the timeline that was about to get messed up, and immediately stopped this wrong timeline from connecting with another timeline.

If the docking is completed, I'm afraid there will really be some chaos.

"Really, it's already the last minute, don't give me such a problem!" Noah had a headache, but the closer it got to the end, the less he could let down his guard.

Seeing the return of the savior, he finally got the opportunity to change his shift. If there is another problem with the timeline and the savior is lost inexplicably, then my replacement will be gone. Where can I cry?

So the moment he realized that the wrong timeline was about to catch up with the correct timeline, Noah immediately faked his body and stopped this from happening.

Even if he doesn't sleep anymore, he must avoid such things.

"Why is it this time? It's wrong..." Noah looked at the timeline in his hand and carefully felt the internal situation: "Teliga's plot has actually developed to this point? But now Zeta's story has just begun To begin with, logically this shouldn’t be the case.”

"The current Triga should not be out of the petrified state yet."

But the wrong timeline doesn't care about this, it only cares about catching up with the main plot.

Just like countless tributaries will eventually flow into the main river, it is inevitable no matter what.

Noah moved his eyes and focused on Yinghe, who was fighting Eryuan in the years to come.

These two guys, one wants to solidify the future, and the other wants to protect the future. The battle between the two sides in the future has become a stalemate, and there is no winner for the time being.

As for the battle between these two guys, the broken timeline caused by the fight with each other spread to all directions, causing the broken timeline to fly everywhere and run around.

The timeline in Noah's hands is a timeline that was torn apart and became after reorganization.

But...this is also a possibility in the future.

Noah couldn't turn a blind eye or even annihilate it.

After thinking about it, Noah decided to converge this timeline for the time being, stabilize it, and wait for the main timeline, that is, after Zeta goes to the Triga universe and fights side by side with Triga, then Connect the timeline in your hand, integrate it smoothly, and follow up.

This history is the history of Teliga 30 million years ago. It tells the story of the modern Kengo Manaka who traveled to ancient times and met...

Why is the savior in there too?

Seeing that the source was also in this timeline, Noah was immediately stunned.

Why are you everywhere except at your job? !

After thinking like this, Noah calmed down and chose to continue reading.

At the same time, he also saw that Yuanquan met Manaka Kengo here and "died" in front of Kengo, leaving behind the eternal key and the savior key.

Yousha Lei then sacrificed her life to activate the Eternal Key. At the last moment, Jianwu used the power of the Eternal Key to seal the Dark Trio and himself, and then returned to the future 30 million years later.

Then he went completely crazy and started killing randomly.

If Noah hadn't discovered it early and this timeline was connected to the main line, the plot of Telliga would have started simultaneously with Zeta.

Noah froze this timeline, waiting for the main line to proceed, and then released it on the right day.

After finishing this, Noah thought about it and decided to contact King Ao.

"Hello? Hello?!" Without causing trouble to Ao Wang, Ao Wang's communication was still very easy to connect. Almost as soon as Noah called, Ao Wang picked up the call immediately.

"Yo? Noah, you actually took the initiative to contact me? What should I say?" King Ao's voice was full of teasing: "This is really strange. Among the few of us, you are the first one to contact me."

"It seems that you also know that you yourself are a disgusting thing." Noah did not conceal his knowledge of King Ao: "You said before that you were going to fight Zaki, and now you have already fought with him Have you met?"

"We met." King Ao said easily, "However, I have changed the plan a little bit."

"A little bit?" Noah absolutely didn't believe that the little bit Ao Wang said was really a little bit, so he had even made plans to go out and clean up the mess.

"Yes." King Ao said calmly: "If you want to ensure that Eryuan can definitely devour Zaki in the dream battle, you must ensure that Zaki will never win."

"And if you want to do this, the best option is of course for us to take action."

"Us?" Noah was surprised: "Are you sure? We can't take the initiative."

"We can't take the initiative, but... what if Zaki comes to beat us?" King Ao said with a smile: "Leave this matter to me. Just keep your heart in your stomach. I guarantee that Zaki will definitely find you." .”

"I'm really relieved that you can handle this kind of thing." King Ao may not be reliable in other matters, but in this regard, Noah quite trusts King Ao's ability to do things.

"Huh, thank you for your trust." King Ao was serious for a rare time, although this time his seriousness was also somewhat unreasonable.

"Promise to complete the mission, Messenger of Light."

"Don't come here." Noah said angrily: "I will arrange for Plesser to leave temporarily, and wait for you to bring Zaki over."

"It's been a long time since I've had a fight with him. This is really..."

"Hey, Noah." King Ao spoke again: "Although you are confident of defeating Zaki, what I want is not your victory."

"You are only allowed to lose, not win." If this happened in person, King Ao might look like he was pointing the way with a feather fan scarf.

"If you lose, you will lose both sides."

"Both sides must suffer losses."

"If you kill him, the plan will not go forward."


"Why do I think you did it on purpose?" Noah also came to his senses: "I, Noah, have been in the ancient times and have a great reputation. I have never failed."

"So you want me to lose now?"

"You want to ruin my reputation for the rest of my life, right?"

King Ao did not speak and remained deadly silent.

When Noah saw King Ao's lack of reaction, he knew that this bad old man was the one who had told the central story.

"You bitch!"

"I'm going to find Zero and Zeta." After the meeting, Yuanquan went to Zoffi alone: ​​"Sero doesn't know what I just said, and Tartarus regards Zero as a As a powerful enemy, it is very dangerous for him to be alone out there.”

"I'm going to get him back."

"After you find the location of Zeta and Zero, please send the news back." Ace said: "We are all worried about their situation."

"Yeah, if anything happens, we can help in time." Jack also spoke.

"Take this with you." Hikali handed the sublimation device to the source: "As for the medals, they were all taken away by that shark. I can only give you an sublimation device."

"The instructions for using it are all here, you'll know once you get it."

Fountain took over the sublimator.

This thing...should be more authentic than Bandai, right?

"As for the medal, I will find a way, but..." After thinking about the bells and whistles of Delta's Claw, and then thinking about how even more bells and whistles my own, Jinna, I can't imagine. If he also uses the sublimation device to use the medal to fuse and sublimate, Jinna will become What it looks like.

He really couldn't imagine that scene.

"Who said there are no more medals?" At this time, Zuofi, the eldest brother of the Otto brothers, was the first to stand up, opened his hand, and handed his medal to the source: "This is my medal. .”

"If this is the case...I have it too." The first generation also took out the medal and handed it to Yuanquan as well.

"The rest, I have one more here." Hikali handed his medal to the source: "Although the combination of sublimators is not fixed, different lights also have different reactions. This is the degradation of the concept of light. Changes that will result in the future.”

"It's all up to you to find the best combination of the three rays of light."

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