Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1508 Jagula: I always feel that the guy who causes big troubles when he leaves home has come

Every time he comes to a new universe, especially when he is on earth, what Yuanquan likes most is to mingle among humans, and then look at all these things with the identity and perspective of an ordinary human being, and see what humans in this world are like. of.

Although the earth is still the same earth and humans are still the same kind of humans, humans in each world are somewhat different.

For example, there are no people in the Gaussian universe on earth in other universes.

And the unique spiritual light in the Tiga world is also something unique to this world.

Of course, in the universe of the Kingdom of Light, the troubled people of the Earth during the Showa era were also unique.

Yuanyuan has seen many different universes, different earths, and different human beings. So far, he has not discovered a few particularly extreme human worlds.

Of course, this may also be because he has never been to the world of Nexus and has never been to the TV of the first three Showa games.

So it seems like... humans are okay?

But now on Zeta, the behavior of human beings cannot be said to be beyond his expectations, but it is completely within his expectations.

Because humans are like this, and the source is very clear.

Without paying too much attention to the man's muttering, Yuanquan held a sausage in one hand and walked calmly and plainly in the city. From time to time he would stop for a while when passing by places like parks.

Anyone who sees him will think that he is here to travel, not to cause trouble.

The four-dimensional space is in an undefinable state, and Zero is trapped inside, like water being flushed out of a toilet, showing a spiral and unobservable state.

If you want to get out of trouble, you only need to get rid of this indefinite state of the four-dimensional space and turn it into a state that can be observed.

But as for Zero...he would probably choose a more violent method of cracking.

The source of such thoughts, the light source belonging to Xiao Lu quickly disappeared in the perception, and immediately appeared in another place in the city.

It seems that he was transferred away, but it is also possible that he activated his teleportation ability and left.

Yuanquan stood up and decided to go and see for himself.

After all, TV is TV, and the real world is the real world. If Xiao Lu is really captured while maintaining his human form, anything could happen.

Opening his eyes drowsily, Xiao Lu wanted to adjust his somewhat uncomfortable body, but both his hands and feet were restrained. He was tied to the chair like a guinea pig in a laboratory, unable to do anything at all. No chance to move.

Not only that, he was unable to transform since his movements were restricted.

Looking around, the smoke formed by the thick darkness blocked the vision in front of me. But Xiao Lu himself is not just a warrior of light. As a being of light and darkness, he can clearly see the hidden environment even if it is blocked by thick darkness.

"This is... a laboratory?" Xiao Lu tried to struggle, but in the end he couldn't escape.

"Ultraman Geed." The mechanical voice revealed another name of Xiao Lu. Then, the mechanical arm that automatically descended grabbed Xiao Lu's arm. A thin needle was inserted into his body and began to absorb him. The blood on the body.

In normal operation, the energy particles in the experimental subject's body should be extracted, compressed into a liquid state, and then put into the furnace for forging.

But Belial's medal is different after all. As a dark Ultra warrior, if you want to make Belial's medal, in addition to the demon fragments, you also need the genetic information of Belial's immediate family members.

As we all know, in this universe, Beria has a son, and one of his sons blasted him with light.

The reason why he used such a retro act of drawing blood was because Celebolo wanted to use this to try to create another medal.

Beria's medal is understandable, but the other side of Geed, Caesar Geed, does not exist.

The scale of the battle of light and shadow is particularly huge, and Celebolo also knows the content of its battle.

And Kaiser Geede is another of his goals.

One blood can produce two medals, and they are the highest medals. This is extremely cost-effective no matter how you look at it.

"What are you..." Xiao Lu quickly reacted, "Please, just let Beria rest in peace..."

Before he finished speaking, his consciousness soon fell into coma again.

"Now is not the time for you to stay awake." Using a paralyzing substance to make Xiao Lu pass out, Celebolo twisted his body and returned to the other side, which was the workbench.

"Perhaps Beria's medal and Caesar Geed's medal can also be used." His pupils turned red, and Cerebro glanced at the combination recorded on the paper in front of him: "But there is still one medal missing."

"What is the last one that can be used with these two medals?"

Medals also need to be matched with each other, rather than being used randomly.

Belial's medal and Caesar's medal can be used together, but what about the last one?

What will be the last unknown medal?

After getting two powerful medals, but still missing the last adaptation, Cerebro now finally understands that those people on earth played a card drawing game, and when they drew the limited combination, only two came out and the last one was missing. What does it feel like anymore.

The key is that the card pool clearly tells Xian Que what the last one is, but he has no idea what the last one is.

I still have to try them one by one.

The key is, where does he have the time?

After drawing a tube of blood, Cerebro turned off the machine, opened the dark space with the blood, and then stepped into it.

Before entering, he also placed many mechanical soldiers here as guards.

After all, Beria's son, the only one in the universe, would be a good choice if he could serve as a breeding tool like this.

Of course, Celebolo was also very smart and made two plans.

He knew that there were many cosmic beings who coveted Xiao Lu's body. Placing these mechanical soldiers here was actually to protect Xiao Lu from being captured by other cosmic beings.

On the other hand…

He already knew that the savior had come to this universe, and the relationship between Xiao Lu and the savior was naturally no secret.

Celebolo likes to play games, but he doesn’t like to seek death.

What if it really happened to Xiao Lu? The savior would come up and kill him and still play the hammer game?

To play the game of civilization’s self-destruction, you must first have a savior willing to play.

If he was too lazy to care so much, he would just punch him and Cerebro would have to lie there.

Not long after Celebolo left, Haruki and Yoko from the armory successfully reached this place with the help of Yuhua, and came over cautiously to rescue Xiaolu.

Previously, this group of robots pretended to be high-level personnel of the armory and came to take Xiao Lu away quietly, but they were discovered by the captain Snake Cang...that is, Jagula.

But during the fight, the exposed robot took out a gun, so Jagula, who could not reveal his identity, had to stop and watch them take away Xiaolu.

Now, it's time for reckoning.

But when Yoko and Haruki touched this abandoned building, they happened to see an ordinary citizen walking leisurely on the road.

"Yuhua, why are there ordinary people here?" Yoko whispered to Yuhua in the armory: "Help me see if that guy is also a mimic robot or something."

"Oh, okay." Yuhua started to adjust the computer.

Jakura, who was idle and holding a cup of coffee, inadvertently glanced at Yuhua's computer when passing behind Yuhua, and then left.

But then, Jagula stopped unconsciously, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Jakura, who fell back, bent down and put his head next to Yuka.

"Make his face bigger."

"Eh?!" Yuhua was startled: "Captain! How come you don't make any sound when you walk!"

"That's not important." Jagula waved his hand: "Pull the camera in and take a look."

"This guy's face... I always feel like I've seen it somewhere before." Jakula looked thoughtful.

"It's very familiar."

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