Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1525 Zeta: Why, whether we are of one mind or fighting side by side, it is obviously me who

"Yao Hui, Yao Hui" As the anxious female voice gradually faded away, another person's voice sounded in Yao Hui's ears.

"Transform, use your power, and I will make the light in your heart bloom in advance." Such a gentle voice is different from the previous "Zo Fei". Just listening to this voice, Yaohui felt joy from the bottom of his heart. It was as if I had met a friend I hadn't seen for a long time.

"The light in my heart?" Yaohui murmured.

"Everyone can become light with their own power. In your heart, sleeps your own power, not Zeta's light, but yours." The gentle voice continued: "Come on, Yaohui, join me in saving this world and defeating the Destroyer from across the universe."



The energy was amplified and increased countless times. Two fists made entirely of energy collided with each other from a distance. After both were broken, no one could do anything to defeat the other.

But this is just one of countless types of attack and defense. In a moment that is stretched to an infinite time, whether the destroyer or the savior, they are all experiencing a battle that transcends time. fighting.

The Sands of Time could not stop them from shaking their fists for even a moment. Each blow carried a terrifying power that could shatter the universe.

But in hyperspace, this vast world is where the transcendent and above fight.

Pulling out a crescent-shaped sword from the palm of his hand, the World Destroyer whirled down and slashed down, the terrifying black-red edge flashing away.

After the savior ducked down to avoid it, this sharp edge swept across the cosmic bubble behind the savior like a knife cutting tofu, directly cutting it into two halves.

The savior put one hand behind his back, turned his arm, and modified the direction of time on a small scale, restoring the universe that had been cut in half to its original state.

Although he was slightly distracted, the Destroyer was in front of him and the Savior was under great pressure, so he didn't dare to really divert his attention much.

Just this moment of busyness is enough for the World Destroyer.

He bent his hands in front of him, raised them high, and suddenly slashed down with Hong. The black-red sword light slashed down, carrying the momentum enough to split everything.

The savior knew that he could not hide. If he did, the universe behind him would not be cut into two, or even into three.

The four-color light that constantly flows on the body condenses on the black body at this moment, filling the world in front of him with profound darkness, and using infinitesimal concepts to encapsulate the dark world in one palm.

He raised one hand and spread it out suddenly, and the dark space swallowed up the two sharp blades completely, leaving nothing behind.

"Ha! How come the savior of light has begun to use the power of darkness!" Looking at the unfolding of the dark space, the Destroyer sneered as if he had seen some big joke: "Hey, hey, you are like this, Do you deserve to be called the savior?"

"The savior is not limited to one kind, any form, any possibility, any reason. Various saviors have different identities and different choices." The savior canceled the dark space, and his hands showed claws gathered in front of him. In the middle of the two palms, a ball condensed.

"It's just sophistry." The World Destroyer snorted coldly: "What kind of savior are you? The dark universe has more say than me!"

"Then what are you talking about here!" The weak red light ball was suddenly unfolded and turned into a huge energy ball. Amid the roar of the savior, he threw it out: "Shut up! "

"Could you build such a big thing to kill me?" The World Destroyer smiled disdainfully, slowly raised his hand and stretched out a finger: "Just watch, I can kill it with just one finger. It exploded!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a faint black light flashed on his fingertips. It passed by at an extremely fast speed and exploded in the center of the energy ball, causing changes inside the huge energy ball. The entire ball fell apart and exploded. open.

While the broken crystals were falling, the two sides looked at each other from a distance through these crystals.

"What do you want to do with something like this?" the World Destroyer asked.

"Nothing." The savior spoke: "Just to put an end to this battle."

As soon as the words finished, golden light rushed out from the universe behind the savior and merged into the savior's body. With the return of this golden light, the originally flowing body also gained a slight brilliance at this moment.

At the same time, inside the savior, the shining light of salvation inspired the potential of life. Yaohui's soul was no longer bound. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was standing not far away. enemy.

The guy who defeated himself and Zeta in an understatement.

"Yao Hui, that is the Destroyer, the true posture of destroying the world." The savior said: "I need to sense your power so that we can work together with you to defeat it."

"But what do you want me to do?" Although Yaohui was happy that he could help, the problem was that he didn't know what he could provide.

"Yaohui, behind us now is the universe you are in, and just now, his attack has cut the universe open at once, and its destruction is imminent."

"In a moment of crisis, I turned back time and restored it."

"Yaohui, that is your universe, the one you love, the universe in which you grew up."

Yaohui turned his head and looked at the huge dark sphere behind him, suspended in hyperspace like a bubble, with no ceiling, and its root system in the afternoon, really like a bubble.

"My world." Yaohui repeated.

"Want to protect it?"


"Then keep this feeling in mind, keep in mind your desire to protect your home, and then come with me!" After saying the words in his heart and Yao Hui, in the outside world, the savior twirled with one hand and gathered in front of him. A little glimmer of light.

Then countless light particles continued to gather from all directions, integrating into the body of the original light point little by little, slowly growing it.

"It's a decisive victory, very good!" Seeing that the light of salvation began to shine, the Destroyer was not to be outdone. His hands were like claws on both sides, and he lowered his body, and his entire body turned into darkness.

It can swallow all light, and can completely integrate any object into the body and destroy it completely.

No life can escape the fate of silence.

With one hand concentrating and gathering here, the entire body began to emit light, making the savior at this moment look like a god.

The hands were entangled and condensed into one body, and the entire body was as deep as a black hole, making the World Destroyer look like a demon at this moment.


"bring it on!"

Roaring at the same time, bodies flying forward at the same time, the two people flying at high speed brought a handful of terrifying speeds and collided directly with each other.

Grabbing each other with both hands and wrestling with each other, no one wants to fall behind. This is not only a competition of strength, but also the ultimate battle of superiority between the two sides.

The tit-for-tat impact formed terrifying ripples, which continued to spread around in this hyperspace. All the universes affected by the ripples began to tremble and became unstable.

This is because their battlefield is in hyperspace.

"It seems that we are evenly matched again." Before the Destroyer could finish his words, he saw the light of salvation in the Savior burst out again uncharacteristically.

The person who answered his question was not a savior, but a human being.


Inside the savior, Yaohui didn't know how he could help him, but based on his previous experience, this critical moment was when he exerted his strength.

Therefore, he doubled up in front of him to form a letter "Z", intertwined his hands, and released the only move he knew.

"Zestim Ray!"

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