Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1528 Camilla: It’s broken, my man is running away!

After experiencing a lot of panic and panic, everyone finally calmed down and took a good look at everything that happened in front of them.

"I'm not dead. Who said I was dead?" Looking at Mr. Ye Hu standing on the left and right and the captain coming out of the toilet, Yaohui didn't understand why everyone covered him with a white cloth. face.

This means that I will be sent directly to the crematorium to be cremated.

"Are you not dead? But your heartbeat stopped before." But the one who had the biggest reaction to Haruki's "resurrection from the dead" was not Yoko or Jakura, but Yuhua.

Yuuka has a honey-like attachment to the body of an alien from space, or some kind of monster, and her view of the current Haruki is basically the same as this type of existence.

Because it is impossible for human beings to come back to life, especially since Yuehua had done enough tests before, it was very certain that Yaohui's heart had stopped beating at that time, and the whole person had lost his life.

But he really managed to survive despite being medically judged to be dead, and he was still alive and well without any problems.

This was enough to arouse Yuhua's curiosity, and even her eagerness to put Haruki on the operating table for a proper dissection right now.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You're so scared." This kind of look was used to look at the organs of monsters, and it couldn't appear on humans anyway.

But Yaohui now personally experienced this feeling, this feeling of being stared at by a hunter as a prey.

"Because I'm really curious." No matter how much Haruki tried to avoid Yuuka's gaze, Yuuka would constantly change her position to keep her eyes looking at Haruki's eyes.

But the more she did this, the more reluctant Yaohui became, making the two of them look like they came out of some comedy theater.

"Haruki." Yoko, who was leaning against the table with her arms folded across her chest, finally spoke. With a serious look on her face, she looked at Haruki carefully without any hint of joking: "Are you really Haruki?"

"Eh?" Yaohui was stunned, but Yuhua was not stunned. Instead, her eyes suddenly lit up and she became even more excited.

"Could it be that Haruki is really a cosmic being?!" Yuka jumped up excitedly and turned to Yoko fiercely, as if she wanted to celebrate.

But Yoko had no intention of celebrating with Yuka. Instead, he pushed Yuhua aside and asked again: "Are you really Haruki? Not some cosmic person who borrowed his body and resurrected it. "

Hearing what Yoko said, Jagula immediately cast a surprised look.

If Haruki's soul hadn't really returned, and if Zeta had borrowed his corpse to come back to life, Yoko might actually be able to get her answer right.

As for Zeta's honest and honest character, it is almost impossible to hide it from Yoko.

"Yoko-senpai, what are you talking about? I am Haruki, the real Haruki!" Haruki stood up from the chair and slapped his chest loudly: "You don't even recognize me. Yet?"

"Although I say so, at this time, I..." Yoko doesn't want to doubt Haruki, but there is no way. Now the battle between the earth and the invaders from the universe has developed to this scale. Haruka is dead. The circumstances of the resurrection were so strange that Yoko had to be extremely careful.

"Okay." Jagula finally stood up at this time and interrupted Yoko's follow-up: "No matter what, it is a matter of joy that Haruki can survive."

"The current medical level judges Haruki as death, does that really mean death?" Jakura turned around and looked at Yoko: "This is like the kind of thing where people think that everything that cannot be explained by science is It simply cannot exist."

"But in fact, it may be that the current scientific level cannot explain it." Jagula continued to talk about his sophistry, which even Yoko was caught up in.

What he said cannot be said to be unreasonable, but the half-truths and half-false words still make it difficult for people to figure out which one is true and which one is false.

"It's like the fake dead people reported in the news before. They have been diagnosed as dead and even placed in the mourning hall, but they suddenly came to life." Jagula supported Yaohui's shoulders with both hands: "So Said, since this kind of thing has happened before, it’s not something to be surprised about.”

"Anything that is not worthy of surprise is obviously even one ten thousandth impossible." Yuhua muttered in a low voice, her eyes were quite resentful, but when she saw Yaohui, they were still sparkling and full of little things. The girl's calculation.

"That's right, Yaohui is not dead. This is something to be happy about. What does it mean for us to be so suspicious?" Ye Hu also stood up: "Don't be afraid anymore, Yaohui is still Yaohui, he is our partner. , is also our comrade-in-arms, and there will be no change in this."

"I know everyone will be surprised to experience such a thing, but I want to tell you what I have experienced before." Jagula stood up, looked around, and said loudly.

"I used to have a friend. He and I walked together on the road against the invading space people. We were both frontline warriors. But every time I thought he was going to die, I was already thinking about how to prepare a eulogy for him. When he was there, he would wave and trot over from an unknown place."

"Don't say he's dead, there's not even a speck of ashes on his body."

"It's okay once or twice, he does this every time." After Jakula said this, he shrugged helplessly: "So later on, I got used to it."

After finding Yaohui's body at the critical moment and sending Yaohui's soul into it, Yuanquan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He never expected that Haruki's body would be discovered by Yoko, and she would even be brought back to the base.

If this had come later, if Yaohui had been put on display in the mourning hall, even if he was not really dead, he would have been really dead in a social sense.

After breathing a sigh of relief, Yuanquan turned around and left the armory. While walking, he looked at the three medals in his palm.

Zoffie, Jack, Hikali.

If Yuanquan vaguely remembered these three medals, apart from Shikari's, the other two Zetas already had them, so there was no need for him to send them over.

Putting the three medals back into his pocket, Yuanquan raised his head and looked at the setting sun in the distance in the distance. In his slightly narrowed eyes, the words that a certain insect had vowed at the beginning seemed to emerge.

"Celebulo, it's time for you to give me an explanation."

"Zaipelliao light!"

"Darkness is Pelliao Light!"

The pure white light collided with the dark black light. In the body of the dark Diga, the battle between the two Diga was in full swing, and the battle had reached its peak moment.

The special moves of the light were unable to win each other's victory, and they were even just in a stalemate with each other, with no one giving in.

In the outside world, Dark Tiga, who was squatting on the ground and remaining motionless, was finally found by Carmilla and the others.

But when the trio came over, they saw Dark Diga half-crouching on the ground, and thought he was doing something. However, when they took a closer look, they found that Dark Diga was motionless as if he was frozen.

Carmilla won't be able to deal with it this time.

"What's wrong with him?" Hitler wanted to go up and touch Dark Tiga, but Carmilla on the side looked at her eagerly, threatening to give you a whip if you dare to go up and touch her, so he could only say think about it. , I didn’t dare to really go.

After forcing Hitler away with her eyes, Carmilla stepped forward and said in a gentle tone: "Diga? Diga?"

"What's wrong with you? Why didn't you say goodbye before?"

"what are you doing?"

While speaking, Carmilla reached out and put her hand on Dark Diga's shoulder.

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