Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1532 I am in Nanjing today. Do you have any friends who would like to treat me to a meal? (a

When he came to this quarry alone, the first thing Yuanquan saw was a group of dusty workers, wearing yellow safety helmets and being active everywhere.

In the past, he was also one of these living beings, but he was not so dusty, but a manager.

After taking a look at the quarry, Yuanquan sneaked into the mined cave as carefully as possible, found a deep pit into the underground cavity in the gravel-filled cave, and then jumped directly.

This is also different from the first awakening of the Light of Nexus in the world of Tiga in the past. The source at that time was really a human being, an ordinary earthling, no different.

But times have changed, and now, even if he maintains his human form, he is still considered a strong man.

Jumping down from such a high place, Yuanquan Wenwen stood on the body of a huge earth-yellow creature, then jumped off its body and landed in a not-so-wide open space on the side.

As soon as they landed, two eyes that were particularly conspicuous in the darkness suddenly opened. The two Red Kings simultaneously focused on Yuanyuan and looked at him carefully.

The source did not express the desire to attack, and it itself appeared extremely peaceful, not in a way that made King Red and his wife feel hostile.

After all, he is the savior. All intelligent beings have been given the light of salvation, and the existence of the savior is naturally very familiar to them.

One of the larger ones, King Red, slightly wanted to get up, but Yuanquan stretched out his hand and made a downward movement to signal it to calm down.

"I know that if I come later, you will definitely rush out and eliminate those who make noise and rush into your lair." Yuanquan sighed helplessly. This scene is similar to the one on Kurara Island in the past. How similar is the scene of encountering Gakuma in the quarry?

But at that time, Yuanquan considered himself an ordinary person, not an Ultra Warrior at all, and there wasn't much he could do.

And now this is different.

"I know that those humans came uninvited and are regarded as enemies by you. The reason why you woke up so quickly after my arrival is because you are ready to face the enemy." Yuanquan also understood that he had just arrived, and King Red The couple woke up from their long slumber. In essence, it was because they were highly alerted by the movements of humans on the ground.

"I will leave a vortex of cause and effect on you in a while. It will naturally activate when it needs to be activated. But before that, I hope you can stay here for the time being." He raised his hand and turned the concave The vortex of cause and effect that the hour hand rotates is sent into the bodies of King Red and his wife.

The flash of light in the dark underground world illuminated the eternal darkness.

"I want to ask you to promise me something."

"But you just need to move around in the suburbs and act like you are rushing into the human city."

"Leave the rest to me."

Just when Jiagra was enjoying his afternoon tea, the alarm suddenly sounded, causing Jiagra not to hold his coffee steady and spill some on the table.

"Here we go again..." Jakura frowned and had a headache: "Yuhua, what happened again?"

"It's a quarry in Fukama City, and a monster appeared there." Yuhua adjusted the satellite broadcast to the big screen: "This is...King Red!"

"That's it." When Jakura traveled through the universe, Corncob...that is, King Red, he didn't know how many times he had seen it, and he had long been used to it: "But in Shenjian City... I remember Haruki. Be there."

"Yes, Haruki's mother lives in Shenjian City." Yuhua nodded.

"Contact Yaohui and ask him to come forward to organize the retreat of the masses." Jia Gula immediately ordered: "There is also Jin Guqiao, prepare to dispatch immediately."

And in Shenjian City, Haruki was accompanying his mother when he suddenly received a call from the armory. In Jakura's unhurried words, Haruki understood what was happening and immediately He said goodbye to his mother and prepared to go out on a mission.

After leaving home, looking at the people fleeing because of the appearance of the monster, especially the child who was standing there because of fear, Yaohui directly triggered the PTSD he had in his childhood.

When he was a child, his father charged towards the monster in order to protect everyone and his own children.

And now... this choice also appeared in front of Yaohui, and Yaohui, who had always regarded his father as a role model, naturally would not back down, but made the same choice, rushed towards the monster, and transformed into Zeta Ultraman, stop him.

Just after Zeta appeared, Yuanquan stood on a certain tall building, looking at the battlefield over there with his hands behind his back, cosplaying Tregear.

Of course, this was also the first time he contacted Jakula after arriving on this earth.


A familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind, making Jakula's whole body tremble.

But he reacted immediately, lowered his head calmly, and started a conversation with the voice in his head.

"I knew that you guy must still be on the earth." Although he said mercilessly, the smile on Jagula's face was particularly bright: "If that guy from Eryuan appears here, you will definitely do the same. exist."

"This really has nothing to do with me." Yuanquan also said: "It's really just an accident."

"Perhaps, as you said, Zaki knew I was here, so he ran here?"

"How could that guy sense you?" Jagula shook his head: "What do you want to do by contacting me now?"

"I invite you to watch a training session." Looking at Gamma Future, who had the upper hand from the moment he appeared and firmly controlled the battle rhythm in his hands, Yuanquan immediately withdrew his gaze: "What do you think of Yaohui?" Sample?"

"And Zeta."

"That kid Yaohui..." Jagula thought for a moment: "He is a guy who gets enthusiastic very quickly. He looks carefree, but he is actually very sensitive on the inside."

"However, he is indeed a serious person."

"Zeta..." Jagula sneered and didn't care: "I understand what you giants of light do?"

"You can already become an Ultra Warrior, are you still saying this now?" Knowing the origin of Jakura's character, he was not surprised by Jakura's answer: "Zeta's words... are a good thing Warrior, but he’s too young.”

"Too small?"

"If the power of the Ultra Warriors is only used for fighting, it is indeed very strong, but what is the difference between it and the Uyingdam and Jinguqiao in the armory?" Yuanquan sighed and looked at the Gamma Future over there. Handsome fighting Zeta.

"When I say too young, I mean not only his age, but also his knowledge and thinking."

"He is still too young and thinks that fighting is enough, but every battle has its meaning."

(To be honest, this blame must be thrown to Tsuburaya. Haruki did a good job, but Zeta is really just a tool, and there is almost no growth in the whole drama.)

(However, this is not the first time this problem has arisen. Taiga also has the same problem, but in reverse.)

"Hey, hey, hey, don't you have that urge to educate others again?" Jakura rolled his eyes: "Are you so keen on teaching the new generation of Ultraman?"

"Since you are a young Ultra Warrior, there will always be times when you need guidance from your seniors." Yuanquan said with a smile: "You don't want Hong Kai, who made you so angry at the beginning, to appear in front of you again, right?"

The original Hongkai?

Jakura was startled for a moment, and the image of Hong Kai before he had met Yugenna and Izumi appeared in his mind.

Suddenly, Jagula's blood pressure rose.

"That's really a terrible thing." Shaking his head, Jia Gula kicked that scene out of his mind and asked instead: "Then what do you want me to do if you contact me now?"

"Yes." Yuanquan said.

"What happens next, you have to..."

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