Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 156: Hitting someone is not a slap in the face, but you are not a human being

"You talked about practicing fighting skills or something, I think you just want to beat me up..." Sitting on the floor nearby, Koda muttered, only feeling soreness in his back and leg cramps.

Yuanquan doesn't know what it means to hold back, and the attack must be with full strength. This also leads to the fact that during the sparring battle, even if Yuanquan only defends but does not attack, it is completely impossible for Koda to catch up with Yuanquan's movements.

So the so-called sparring actually means that Yuanquan keeps running and Koda keeps chasing. From time to time Koda feels tired and wants to take a rest, and then Yuanquan will come back and taunt him. The angry Koda roars and chases after him again.

Yuanquan doesn't expect Koda and the others to win when they encounter vampires. Facts have proved that in many cases, as long as you run fast, no one can hurt you.

As long as you walk fast and keep rising and falling, disaster will always be one step behind you.

After Koda fell down from exhaustion, it was Nakajima's turn, followed by Ryo, and the three of them came on one after another. They all lay on the ground panting and couldn't get up for a while.

Of course Yuanquan also understands that this kind of training cannot be accomplished overnight and must be done slowly.

Although he had been doing this before he was hospitalized, after he was hospitalized, these three guys must have been slacking off.

"Look at you, you were all quite capable of running before I was hospitalized. Just a few months later, you are worse than when you first started training!" Yuanquan put his hands on his hips and was very angry.

It's a pity that the three of them were gasping for air, so they could only roll their eyes at Yuanquan's statement.

Do you think that everyone is as healthy and strong as you, the vice-captain, and can run as fast as you can?

Not everyone has the same fighting prowess as you!

Whether it was the last time I punched a little monster in the fog, or the last few months of rushing and fighting monsters, these kinds of things combined, do you think it is something a human can do?

"Pack up and prepare for a surprise attack tonight. Those guys will definitely show up." This is not nonsense from Yuanquan, but the goals of these guys have always been clear.

First of all, they are all near the sea. Secondly, most of the attackers are members of social patrol teams or security guards, a protective organization that protects others.

As long as the above two conditions are met, these vampires will definitely jump out.

"Vice Captain, you don't really want to deal with these guys." Nakajima stood up with difficulty and rubbed his head: "As far as I know, vampires only exist in movies and novels. In real life There is no way such a thing exists."

"Have you ever thought about monsters and Ultraman appearing in real life?" Yuanquan glanced at Nakajima. When the latter was choked and couldn't speak for a long time, he added: "Even if it happens again, It’s unbelievable, but monsters can appear, why can’t vampires appear?”

"If you think about it this way, it seems like anything is possible." Liang touched his chin, seeming to notice something.

"There aren't many responses we can make here, so we have to be careful. Everyone on the victory team is still doubting whether there are vampires. What we have to do is to let them confirm this fact." Source looked around The surrounding teammates circled around and nodded heavily: "Do you understand?"


After the enthusiastic mobilization, Yuanquan belatedly asked where the person had gone.

"Where's the captain? Where did Captain Xibi go?"

"Well, the captain went to the police station. I heard that some team members were missing at the police station, so the captain went to take a look." Koda answered truthfully.

"Tsk, if this continues, I will almost forget that there is such a captain." Yuanquan smacked his mouth, his face didn't show anything, anyway, it doesn't matter: "But it doesn't matter, it's the same with or without him, anyway It’s Feila’s rip-off.”

Koda, Ryo, and Nakajima smiled coyly. The captain is not here. Vice-captain, you can arrange the captain any way you want.

The captain can't beat you anyway.

Anyway, this is a matter between you two, so we won’t mess with it.

Because the captain can beat us!


Late at night, Yuanquan drove a van and took his team members to wander around the bay near the sea.

In order to let the enemy see the car and attack, Yuanquan even specially decorated it with a TPC logo before setting off.

He just barely had the words "I'm right here, come and hit me" printed on his forehead.

"Deputy Captain..." Koda took a deep breath, trying to cover up the panic in his heart.

There is no way, people always have something to fear, and it just so happens that what Koda is afraid of is these mysterious things.

When he thought that a species from a horror movie would jump out and want to kiss him later, Koda didn't move his legs, which was already a very calm performance.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't this coming?" Not long after wandering around the bay, the other party was already eager to jump out and kill.

As the leader, a woman dressed in black and wearing a high hat, accompanied by similarly dressed guys on the left and right, walked towards the van at a very fast pace.

"You can't kill them with guns, remember what I just gave you." Of course Yuanquan also saw this scene, opened the door and jumped out of the car. He rubbed his wrists and looked at these guys without any fear or fear. Walked up.

"Are these things really useful?" Nakajima expressed doubts as he looked at the fishing gun in his hand.

This is an antique from many years ago. In modern society, even those who go fishing at sea basically have no need for this thing.

"I probably understand why the deputy captain asked us to use this." Liang held the fishing gun, quickly opened the car door and walked out: "Bullets can't kill them, so we have to use the fishing gun to nail them to the ground."

"Although they are old antiques, aren't vampires also an old antique?" Koda trembled and opened the car door tremblingly: "To deal with old antiques, we still have to use weapons specially equipped for them."

"Then I understand, the vice-captain wants to capture him alive." Nakajima finally understood what Yuanquan said about proving the existence of vampires.

Isn't it more convincing than anything else to capture a vampire alive and take it back to the headquarters?

The three of them went down to the ground holding fishing guns. Not long after, Yuan Quan, who was walking at the front, collided with the odd one first.

She probably thought that Yuanquan was an ordinary human being, so this woman was very casual when making moves.

But this may have brought a heavy price to her.

Yuanquan grabbed the opponent's fist with one hand and clasped the opponent's face with the other hand. With his fingers spread wide, the strength of one hand was enough to lift the other person up and slam him down onto the road.

This blow was so powerful that cracks were created on the road by the source.

But this was not enough. Dragging the opponent's head, Yuanquan ran forward directly, almost pressing the person to the ground and rubbing him.

The blood slaves on the left and right didn't react for a while.

Something's wrong!

Shouldn't it be us who have such violent force values? !

Why can you, a human being, do such a thing?

In shock, Yuanquan picked up the opponent with one hand and threw him away.

But even though she was treated like this, she didn't suffer much damage. She was even able to adjust her body shape in mid-air and land smoothly.

The woman who lowered her body and turned around immediately laid her eyes on Yuanquan.

This violent and incredibly powerful man.

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