Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1539 Yaohui: Damn it, five Ultramans appear at once and I have one mind, can I stand this?

"Tsk, have you given up thinking?"

The Ultra Warriors would not be defeated by such a blow. Although Grugio-Thunder's attack was indeed extremely powerful, it was impossible to kill Zeta with one shot.

This is not Queen Georgio, she is not that powerful.

And Zeta would lie there motionless. There was only one fundamental reason, and that was that Yaohui had no way to make a choice after all, and finally gave up thinking.

It wasn't that he couldn't stand up, but that his spirit was depressed.

The entanglement between emotion and reason made it difficult for him to make a choice.

But this is not possible. He may be merciful because he cannot make a choice emotionally and rationally.

But not Georgio Raiden.

Now Grugio-Thunder aims the muzzle at Zeta, once again preparing to charge up his power and give Ultraman Zeta the final blow.

At the critical moment, Jin Guqiao regained his ability to move, and under the control of Yoko, stood in front of Zeta.

Jagula, who was originally indifferent, saw Yoko standing in front of Zeta, and his pupils suddenly dilated a lot. He seemed to have thought of something else in his mind, causing him to shout subconsciously.

"Yoko! Get out of there!"

"Huh" but Yoko did not choose to leave. Instead, he took a deep breath and focused all his attention on Grugio Raiden.

Monsters are existences that must be destroyed. This is Yoko's realization.

But looking at the blue tears gurgling down from this Grugio-Thunderbolt, Yoko could not remain indifferent.

"Sorry. Sorry." While saying sorry silently in his heart, he did not stop pressing down on Pendanium Canon's energy storage at all.

"Monsters are alive too! The previous King Red was just trying to protect his children!"

Haruki's shouting at the armory echoed in his ears, and was recalled by Yoko at this moment.

Closing her eyes, the tears falling from the corners of her eyes were Yoko's sadness that she was about to kill a life.

But she didn't hesitate, didn't feel confused, and pressed the button firmly with compassion and sadness in her arms.

She wanted to kill the monster in front of her.

She wants to protect humans!

"Are you just lying here like this?" In the dark world of consciousness, some sounds vaguely sounded, some sounds that made Yaohui feel familiar.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Lying on his back in the dark space, his body sometimes faced upwards and sometimes downwards.

The floating appearance represents a reflection of his own hesitant will.

"If you lie here all the time like this, do you expect the answer to come to you on its own?" This fluttering voice still rings in Yaohui's ears: "All confusion is due to insufficient self-understanding. Only the next is born, your sensibility makes you pity, your rationality makes you determined, but you, like a person standing on a single-plank bridge, feel that you can only go forward and backward."

"Isn't it like that?" Yaohui asked.

"That's true for humans, but..." The subsequent words were not spoken, and the answer Yaohui was waiting for was not revealed to him in the end.

Although it may be someone else's answer, even if it is someone else's, it is what Yaohui wants at this time.

In the undulating darkness, a bright screen suddenly appeared in front of Yaohui.

What is displayed on this screen is everything happening in the outside world at this moment.

"This is the price you pay for lying here." The voice continued: "Your beloved senior has to stand here in order to protect you and defeat the monster that you should have solved."

"With Jin Guqiao's body, it can withstand this blow, but what about the driver?"

Yaohui stared blankly at everything on the screen, looking at everything that almost made him suffocate.

The price of escape was so heavy that he didn't even want to accept it.

But if you fight, there must be sacrifices, but there is no hope for the survival of monsters and humans to coexist, so what else can he do?

Jump off the single-plank bridge and jump into the bottomless abyss?

"Yao Hui." What appeared this time was not the voice of one person, but the voices of five people.

With the appearance of these five voices, the consciousness space that had sunk into darkness was instantly lit up, and what was immediately revealed was a world illuminated by colorful lights.

In Yaohui's eyes, five giants of different colors stood in five positions, looking at him calmly.

"You guys." Yaohui didn't know the other giants, but he knew this golden giant among them.

The five giants stretched out their hands at the same time, and five rays of light of different colors wrapped around Yaohui's body. When these rays of light lingered on Yaohui's body, more sounds from the outside world were heard by Yaohui.

"You fought side by side with me for a short time, and your awakening power has given you some strange abilities." The golden Jinna said: "The cry of life can already be vaguely perceived by you."

"Is that why I can hear the monster's voice?" Yaohui said.

"Yes." Jinnai nodded: "But you have to awaken your power by yourself. I have given you the ability to fully hear the cry of life. Now you can go out."

"The cry of life" Yaohui was still muttering to himself, but his consciousness suddenly flew up from the ground and penetrated the consciousness space at an extremely fast speed. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw the radiant flow. Zeta's dimension.

As soon as he opened his eyes, apart from Zeta's anxious shouts, what Yaohui heard this time was the clear shouts from the monster opposite.

"kill me"

"Ultraman, save me"

"Ultraman Ultraman."

In addition to the cry of Grugio-Thunder, the cry from the souls of the monsters buried deep in the earth's underground were also sensed by Yaohui at this moment.

Even the thoughts of those killed by him that were still left on the earth were analyzed by Yaohui at this moment.

Accepting so much information in an instant, Yaohui covered his head in pain, suppressing himself tightly so as not to howl.

In the outside world, Georgio-Thunder, who charges up his power earlier than Jin Guqiao, will launch attacks faster than Jin Guqiao.


The blue light cannon blasted out instantly, hitting the Jingu Bridge with a devastating momentum.

Yoko was prepared to disintegrate the Jingu Bridge the moment the light cannon arrived, thus avoiding the attack and launching a counterattack.

Although it was dangerous, she had to do this in this situation.

"Captain! He has very strong abilities." Before Yuka could finish her words, the next moment, a light band composed of five rainbows penetrated the earth's atmosphere and landed directly in front of Jin Guqiao and Grugio-Thunderbolt.

As soon as he landed, he was hit by Grugio-Thunder's Destruction Cannon, causing a violent explosion.

Yoko roared angrily, separated from Jinguqiao, flew into the sky with Jinguqiao's upper body, adjusted the muzzle, and pointed it at Grugio-Thunder.

"Pedenium Cannon! Fire!" Yoko roared and pressed the button, and the golden Pendenium Cannon blasted out from top to bottom, aiming at Grugio-Thunderbolt, and it was bound to kill him with one blow.

However, a hand stretched out from the smoke of the explosion stood in front of Pedanim Canon, spreading its fingers and blocking the attack.

"The force is approaching the earth." Before he could finish the sentence, the other party had already landed. This was beyond Yuhua's imagination.

"That multi-colored light." If it was a multi-colored light, it might be Aix, but if it was a multi-colored light, Jagula would probably know who it was.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Jinna raised her head and looked up at the Golden Ancient Bridge floating in the sky, then slowly turned around and faced Grugio-Thunderbolt.

"Isn't this the Ultraman who appeared before?" Yuhua suddenly became happy: "He is actually still on Earth!"

"Tsk, you really know how to be on time." Jagula crossed his arms and looked at it leisurely: "Save it, save it."

"The only one who can save her is you."

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