Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1549 1542: Author: Promise me, Heidi Chui and Noumenon Di Chui please click away from this c

Thirty million years ago.

The red and blue darts were constantly changing their positions around the body, making it difficult for Diga to find a suitable attack angle.

On the outside, Camila is ready to go, always ready to fill in for side attacks.

And at the forefront, Dark Tiga, the strongest among the dark giants, stood in front of Light Tiga without hesitation.

"Now it's not something you can leave if you want." Heidi looked at Tiga opposite him: "Why did you show up?"

"Why was I born like this?"

"Can it be said that in my heart, in my darkness, there is still a light like you?"

"Just like before chaos gave birth to the concept of opposites, light appeared in chaos and opened up chaos. In the world that has remained unchanged for a long time, light and shadow were created."

If you look at it this way, the light born from your own body is just like the original chaotic world.

Because of the birth of light, the binary opposition between light and darkness has only existed since then. Only then has the whole world started to move, and everything has come to this moment.

This is the only reason that can explain the birth of this Tiga.

"I don't know about that kind of thing." Diga clenched the hilt of the sword, and his eyes were on Heidi and Camilla.

Only not on the two red and blue buffs.

Because he really didn't know what was going on.

"But there is one thing I can be sure of." Holding the hilt of the Brilliant Sword, with the horizontal sword in front of his eyes, Diga spoke to himself: "Whether it is Dark Diga or Light Diga, what they have to do is the same."

"No matter how different we are, or even our opposing positions, we can't escape the fact that we are Ultraman Tiga." Although Tiga once felt that he was not the real Tiga, that was when he first changed. The mentality of Ultraman Cheng Tiga.

In the subsequent process of fighting side by side with the source, and even under the influence of Camilla, Dagu has understood that he is both light and human, and he will no longer deny his identity.

"Then come on!"

Raising his hand to gather the energy of darkness, Heidi constructed an energy sword. Heidi held the sword up and rushed toward Diga with meteoric strides.

Diga, on the other hand, stood still, waiting for Heidi's arrival. At the moment, the sword suddenly rioted, sweeping out a circle of light that was dotted together, rustling in front of him.

Heidi didn't pay attention to these things at all. With energy absorption turned on all over his body, he used his body as a shield to face the difficulties. All the rings he encountered along the way were absorbed by him and integrated into his body. Nothing left.

Diga stepped forward, the swords of both sides exchanged, and suddenly collided with each other.

Tiga does not have the special ability to use the flaming sword, and just uses it as an ordinary blank slate weapon.

What he wants is not the kind of victory that relies on weapons, but a physical and even spiritual collision between the two parties.

The moment the two swords intertwined, each other's eyes reflected each other's faces. At that moment, each other's past was transmitted to each other's hearts through the energy blending between them.

Ignoring the sharp edge of the YA Sword, Heidi opened his hand and grabbed the YA Sword and tried to suck it into his body.

But when his energy absorption ability was used on this sword, he was unable to draw any energy from this sword.

Just like an ordinary sword.

But Heidi was still Heidi, and his fighting awareness was not bad. When he realized that he could not absorb the power, he immediately raised his whole arm upwards, and cooperated with the other hand holding the sword, and successfully knocked the Yaoban Sword away.


Holding the light flow of Dillahulme in his hand, Diga hit Heidi on the chin from bottom to top with one hand, exploding a large area of ​​sparks, causing damage and knocking Heidi away at the same time.

Since Heidi chose to fly away Yobian, he would naturally have to pay a corresponding price.

He took a few steps back and quickly stabilized his body. Heidi touched his chin, let out a disdainful laugh, and then stepped forward again: "Dalam's move is of no use to me!"

"So I don't have any hope!" With a thought, Diga switched back to the composite form and opened his hands, releasing a vertical guillotine mixed with a trace of the flaring sword.

This is a trick that Yuanquan learned from the Kingdom of Light and gave it to him. For him who likes to break horns, he likes this trick very much and uses it a lot.

This is indeed a move that Heidi has never seen before. Although both parties are Tiga, it is obvious that Tiga, who came from 30 million years ago, has a richer skill list.

He ducked sideways to avoid the vertical guillotine, but Heidi didn't dare to take it hard. Although he didn't know how powerful this move was, he was very confident in his own strength.

If you believe in your own strength, you will naturally believe in your own strength as a giant of light.

Although the vertical guillotine was empty, Diga didn't care. He rubbed his hands together and pulled out two high-speed rotating disc blades. He rushed forward with the two disc blades. While waving his hands, Heidi let Heidi He looked very puzzled.

My dark giant's fighting style is quite elegant. Why is your light giant's fighting style so wild?

Is this the price of becoming a giant of light?

But the disc blade is made of energy, which is enough, so Heidi still did not dodge, allowing the disc blade to cut on his body, and then it was swallowed and absorbed in an instant, leaving nothing for Diga.


After absorbing the disc blade, Heidi exploded his own lingering dark aura, knocking Diga away. After absorbing the disc blade, he rubbed his hands together and used the same trick to construct two black discs. The blade was thrown.

Diga opened his hands and held up his shield to block the two dark round blades. After breaking them, he lowered his body and assumed a fighting posture.

But Heidi, who watched Diga open his shield to block the dark round blade, couldn't hold back.

"You shouldn't...don't know how to do this, right?" Heidi pointed at his body, and his meaning was easy to understand.

This has almost turned into my body’s passive energy absorption ability. You don’t know how to do that at all?

Is this also the price of becoming a giant of light?

To Heidi's question, Diga could only give a silent answer.

Because he really doesn't know how to do this...

But Heidi would not hesitate to use this move just because he looked at you. It would be better to say that after he discovered this fact, he became more fearless and directly pressed forward.

But Tiga was prepared.

Raising one hand, he used his mind power to pull the flaring sword to fly from a distance, and fell into Diga's hands like a meteor.

The sword edge was filled with an aura of severance, causing Heidi to fall into silence.

If it were a real sword...it would be quite troublesome...



But the hesitation only lasted for a blink of an eye. In the next moment, both sides stood up from the ground at the same time, dueling with flying kicks, landed at the same time, and stepped forward at the same time.

Heidi wanted to block the attack range of the catastrophic sword, while Diga borrowed the ability of the catastrophic sword to carry the same severing power with his wave of hands.

Energy absorption? I'll ban you directly!

However, being so close, the auras of both sides blended even more during the battle, which also led to some special changes.

Heidi, who grabbed Diga's wrist to prevent him from swinging his sword down, suddenly saw another figure appearing in front of his eyes, a figure he didn't recognize but was also a giant.

The silver-gray body stood beside the Light Diga, both hands clasped, as if they were familiar with each other.

Who is that? Is it another of my companions?

In Diga's eyes, what he reflected was a scene of himself wearing ultra-ancient robes, meeting a woman in white robes in a dilapidated ruins.

He recognized that woman, she was You Lian.

"Giant, are you tired of this constant darkness?" the white-haired woman said.

"The time in the dark world is very long, and everything lasts for almost eternity without any changes, because the darkness embraces everything, and everything remains calm."

"But the light is different."

“The brilliance and color that it blooms in a brief moment are unimaginable.”

"It's also a portrayal of the opposition between light and darkness."

"But it also confirms each other."

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