Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1552 So the question is, what is the strength of the first version of Gujia?

The meeting with the super-ancient giant of this era was nothing more than a trivial matter. What really meant a lot to Dagu was the meeting with You Lian under this high tower.

Although it was a bit strange, Dagu looked around and felt that these places gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It wasn't until he set foot on the ground that he saw the complete temple as it had been in the past.

When he once set foot on the ruins of Luluye, he saw the ruins of this intact temple on a land full of broken stone statues of super-ancient giants.

At that time, the temple was in dilapidated condition, with only some rubble and no trace of its former appearance.

Now, spanning 30 million years ago, not only the temple itself, but also Luluye is displayed in front of Dagu intact.

"Here we are, this is You Lian's residence."

Passing by led Diga here: "Every unregistered giant must report to You Lian when he first visits and comes here, so that next time you come, we will treat you as For friends.”

"no matter who."

"Thank you." Diga nodded slightly.

"Okay then, you go in." Passerby stretched out his arms and flew towards the top of the tower: "Remember, just keep your human posture and go in."

"You Lian is not a giant, unlike us."

Looking at the other person's retreating back, Diga took a deep breath, released his transformation state, and returned to his human appearance.

It's just... Ultraman's posture has already caused some misunderstandings. Now that he has returned to his human posture, I'm afraid it will be even more suspicious.

But here in the temple... only You Lian should be there, right?

Dagu was not sure about this, but he had already arrived here, and there was no reason to worry about it any more. Moreover, such a posture would easily arouse the suspicion of others, so Dagu puffed up his chest, stepped onto the road grandly with extraordinary confidence. He climbed the stairs and walked inside step by step.

He thought he would be watched by many people, but in fact, he didn't even see a single person along the way.

At a glance, they are all stone statues, or some super ancient writings.

Anyway, they are the kind that he can't understand.

Walking along the stairs to the top, before entering the interior of the temple, the white-haired woman stood in the square with her hands folded in front of her belly, as if she had been waiting here for a long time.

Her eyes were always in front of her, in front of this staircase.

But after Dagu walked up, her plain eyes suddenly burst into intense light.

It was as if he saw hope, as if he saw the expectation that the person he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"You're finally here." You Lian's eyes were full of Dagu's figure: "Ultraman Tiga."

"Do you also want to call me Ultraman Tiga?" Dagu walked forward, keeping a few steps away from You Lian, facing each other: "You should know that the Ultraman Tiga of this era is not me. In other words, it’s not like me.”

"That's true." You Lian turned around and looked at the words engraved on the wall of the temple: "That Tiga cannot defeat the terrible darkness."

"If the darkness is eliminated here, what happened in our era?" Dagu took a step forward: "Everything after 30 million years is ultimately a problem left over from this era, because in this era without…"

"But Dagu, the imagined doomsday 30 million years ago is not hopeless." You Lian turned sideways and interrupted Dagu's follow-up words: "You, the dark one, cannot defeat the domination of darkness. Only you, as a giant of light, have such a possibility."

"I saw it." Having said this, You Lian walked towards the temple, and Da Gu followed closely behind her without missing a step.

"The light that shines from the future has traveled through time and also shines in our era." Pushing open the closed door, You Lian looked at the huge statue enshrined in the center of the temple with a longing tone. He said: "It was also at that time that I saw the remaining hope under the darkness."

"Leave a glimmer of light and hope for the future."

Dagu looked at the statue and fell into a huge shock. This was not because the statue was too huge or too sacred, but because it was too familiar to him.

"This is... Gujia?"

Yes, the image on this statue is the miracle created by him and the source, the mysterious giant named Gujia.

And it wasn't the same attitude as when he defeated Gatanje later, but it was the first time he showed that attitude.

This was the first time he and the source were one and the same.

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but this light shining from the future also gives us hope in this era." You Lian turned around and looked at the expression on Da Gu's face. She said: "Similarly , this is something you, in this era, cannot bring about."


Although this is indeed the case, I always feel that you are cursing Tiga in a roundabout way...

"Does this have anything to do with me coming to this era?" After looking at the statue for a moment, Dagu retracted his gaze and said, "Even without me, you can use the time machine to go well..."

"Without you, without this light, nothing in the future would have happened." You Lian said: "The ruler of darkness is about to wake up."

"Impossible, Qijela hasn't..." According to his inheritance memory, Gatanjie only appeared after the Qijera flowers bloomed.

But based on what Dagu saw along the way just now, the Qijela flowers were not blooming at all.

Youlian didn't speak, but looked at Dagu silently. The compassion and hope in his eyes put great pressure on Dagu.

Why? Why does this happen?

What does all this have to do with me?

I only came here because of an accident!

I just…

"Qijela has not bloomed in front of you." You Lian said softly: "Because this is Luluye, and what is hidden underneath is the ruler of darkness."

"Zijela, we won't drive here."

"And now, He's waking up."

Dagu: You just woke up when you said you would? Is it that exaggerated?

But the doubt in his heart only existed for a moment, and then... the whole earth began to tremble violently, and together with it, the entire tower was crumbling.

And You Lian in front of Da Gu suddenly shone with light.

These rays of light gathered together to form a screen, and what appeared on this screen was a scene where the rays of light rising from the ground poured into the sky, separated from the earth, and turned into stars gradually fading away.

"The giants are going back to their hometown."

"People on earth no longer need the existence of giants."

Seeing these lights turning into stars and disappearing away, Da Gu turned around in disbelief, looked at You Lian and said, "So, this is the beginning of all destruction?"

"Yes, including me, the fate of everyone has been determined." You Lian said slowly: "Even... those giants who are still here."

As if feeling the light surging from You Lian's body, the black mist seeping out from Luluye's underground broke through the earth, seeped out from the underground, and began to spread within the temple.

"How is it possible...how is it possible to just watch like this?" Dagu looked at the black fog under the temple. This scene... was exactly the same as when the sea base was invaded by the black fog.

"Even if it's just human beings, we still have to fight against the darkness!"

"Qijela is a flower that blooms to allow humans to die painlessly. It is the happiness that the earth gives to humans." You Lian lowered his head and said, "The ruler of darkness is invincible."

"We are willing to accept death without any pain."

The black mist was rising faster and faster, and it had begun to take away all the light that existed.

"How can we be human beings who are so helpless!" Dagu was not the kind of person who would just watch everything destroyed and do nothing, so he took out the divine light stick and entered the world where the black mist escaped and took away the light. , showing his brilliance.

The stream of pure white light picked up You Lian in front of him, broke through the roof of the temple, and flew towards the ground from in front of Gu Jia's statue.

The light faded away for only a moment, and the black mist covered the entire temple, and the tentacles surging from the ground tore through the earth and were revealed.

The trembling temple tilted down, and even Gujia's stone statue disintegrated into pieces and scattered on the ground.

And those giants who were still in Luluye flocked underground, trying to win the last hope for their race and this planet.

They are going to fight against the Lord of Darkness.

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