Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1560 Heidi: As long as I become a giant of light, I can also gain that kind of power, right?

The turbulent tentacles stretched out from under his body, dancing wildly, hitting the golden protective shield that trapped him with every move.

But no matter how Gatanjie's tentacles struck, they could only create some ripples on the golden barrier, and nothing else.

Let out a howl of fright and fury. If the tentacles cannot break it, then use two claws, carrying the dark power and the dark purple will respectively, and the two streams will hit the barrier hard in parallel.

This time, the barrier caused even more violent waves.

But it can only do this, without any other effects.

Gatanjie refused to give up, and black mist escaped from his body, trying to wrap himself up and completely plunge him into darkness.

Outside, Gu Jia had one hand up and one hand down. The two beams of light released from his fingertips connected the end of the hilt and the tip of the holy sword respectively.

Under the parallel flow, he turned his arms, and the entire holy sword was also reversed, turning the hilt downwards and the blade upwards.

The hands were brought back together and gathered in parallel in front of the chest. A square energy body appeared on the chest, and it became huge as Gu Jia's hands were pulled toward both sides.

His hands changed into a posture of hugging the sky. At the same time, the huge cube hung above Gu Jia's head and was completely thrown out by him.

The cube is perfectly integrated with the holy sword barrier, and the entire thing is embedded in it.

At this moment, the cube filled with light encompassed Gatanje's figure. The black mist had no effect. It turned into nothingness under the pressure and was suppressed in an instant.

As the sword energy changed, golden chains formed, penetrating deep into the interior of the cube, linking Gatanjie's body, and locking and sealing it.

Immediately, the cube turned into a thin layer and adhered to Gatanjie's body, completing the seal.

Taking the holy sword, Gujia controlled it with his mind and turned it into a high-speed rotating drill head-on to break through Gatanjie's shell.

The stalemate between the holy sword and the conch shell lasted only a moment. The high-speed rotating sword edge broke through Gatanjie's conch shell, creating a huge crack.

If the Holy Sword continues, then Gujia will be able to kill Gatanjie here.

But he did not choose to do this. Instead, after getting through the crack, he withdrew the holy sword and stayed at his side again.

The cracks on the shell will take a long time to repair, but even if the repair is completed, once it encounters a specific light, the remaining Gujia light will cause a corresponding reaction, causing an internal explosion.

Although it was only once, it was considered a weakness under Gatanje's strong defense.

Criss-crossing, the black-purple chains extending from the body of the conch are pulled by golden chains. The chains close to the conch are black-purple, and the chains connecting the seals are gold.

These chains extend from Gatanjie's body, constantly absorbing the dark energy in his body, locking his personality, and excreted it bit by bit.

Regardless of his personality, the power to control darkness, or even his own energy level, all were expelled and dissipated in the black mist that was dispersed by the chains he pulled out.

As a result, over the years, Gatanjie was unable to maintain his transcendent strength, and thus fell from this realm.

When the next era of great trough in combat power comes, Gatanje will be even more severely weakened.

...There is no other way. As an evil god, he himself belongs to the category that is liquidated by the universe. In addition, with the ready-made seal here, as long as the universe uses some tricks, Gatanjie will not be able to protect even the ultimate.

I am afraid that I will adapt to the times and fall to the ultimate level.

And the Gatanje at that time, that is, the Gatanje 30 million years later, is far from what it is now, and it is by no means invincible.

The ruins of Luluye began to make a rumbling sound, and the entire island was falling towards the sea.

Luluye will eventually sink to the bottom of the sea, and this will not change.

Together with Gatanjie and the seal, they will fall into darkness and will never be known to the world again.

Before sinking to the bottom of the sea, Gatanjie let out a howl of displeasure at Gujia.

The general meaning is that it remembers Gu Jia's words.

Stretching out his hand and breaking the hand that was holding Heidi, Gujia grabbed Heidi's body from the air and took him flying directly into the sky.

Among the high-altitude clouds, Gujia released his own light, dispelling the darkness of the entire earth in an instant, purifying all the black mist and completely disappearing.

The sun... once again shines its light on this planet.


After falling from a high altitude, Heidi was put first and smoothly on the ground. Gujia slowly landed and stood on the coast with his feet.

Beneath the tall and straight figure, he is as majestic as a god.

Dharam and Hitler didn't dare to breathe or say a word.

If there weren't any cracks around it, they would have been able to get in right away.

"You finally..." You Lian had no such scruples. She walked forward with her hands on her chest and looked at Gu Jia excitedly: "From..."

Gu Jia shook his head, indicating that You Lian didn't need to say any more.

"The time machine has left the earth with your will, what about you?" Gu Jia said gently.

"I will stay on earth and lead the remaining people to start their lives again." You Lian knelt down and said, "A brand new life that is different from everything in the super ancient times."

"Is there any hope left for the future?" Gujia nodded: "Gatanjie is not dead yet, he will break out of the seal again in the future."

"At that time, I had left the earth."

"The future of mankind will undergo the test of the ruler at that time."

"Whether you can transcend the past depends on you humans."

After saying this, Gu Jia turned his attention to Heidi, who had been silent on the other side.

"Let me feel it." Heidi raised his head and looked up at Gu Jia: "What does the real light look like?"

Gu Jia shook his head, raised his hands in front of him, and his body emitted light, splitting into two different figures.

The giant of light, Tiga, and the red youth, Nexus, stand on the earth.

"You don't have to rely on others to give you, you have to rely on yourself to get it." Dijia said: "This is what Gujia asked me to tell you."

"Gujia...is that the giant's name?" Heidi said silently: "Light...obtained by yourself."

Seeing Heidi's look of enlightenment, Diga ignored him and turned his attention to the source.

"It's not easy to come here this time. After all, I was 30 million years ago."

"Actually, I just came back from 30 million years ago." Nexus shrugged and said: "And... I also saw some... people who are very similar to here."

Nexus's look very similar, so he naturally refers to the Dark Trio.

"Why are you here?" Nexus asked.

"A shining golden ball, as soon as I saw it, I came over!" When talking about this, Diga was still very resentful.

"Me too!" Nexus said immediately: "That damn big ball of light is really..."

The two Ultra warriors looked at each other and nodded in perfect agreement.

We have to find trouble with that big ball of light.

The figure suddenly became illusory. Starting from the feet, the transparent shadows moved upward one by one, gradually spreading to the two giants.

Heidi was stunned and didn't understand what happened.

But You Lian saw it.

"Are you leaving? Go back to your time."

"Ah, it seems that my mission here is over." Diga looked at his dissipating body and smiled nonchalantly: "Youlian, let's meet again in the future."

"And me." Nexus also raised his hand: "Ultraman Nexus, Ultraman Tiga's comrade, together we..."

Before the next words were finished, the two Ultra warriors who did not belong to this era disappeared in an instant and returned to their own era.

You Lian waved his arms and said goodbye to the two giants.

True light…your own light…

His milky white eyes flickered and flickered as he thought, and gradually he focused on Durham and Hitler, who were cheering because the two giants had left.

The power of light...I, who belong to the Giant of Light...Ultraman Tiga...

If that kind of posture is born from my darkness, that is another possibility for me. Does this mean...

Recalling the steps taken by the Light Tiga to escape from his body, Heidi's eyes stared at Dharam and Hitler.

No...not just the two of them, but also...


We need to add Camilla.

Heidi was silent, an uncontrollable crazy thought emerged from his mind.

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