Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 159 Do you think I look like Agur?

What happened at the headquarters had nothing to do with the source. Although he didn't know where the vampires were hiding, he had a way to find it.

That is, hiding in the dark, watching a certain vampire attack several members of the patrol team. After stopping and showing force, Yuanquan did not choose to kill the opponent, but followed this guy all the way.

Soon, they found the hiding place of these vampires.

But just when Yuanquan was about to go in and kill him, he met a man at the corner of the alley.

A man wearing glasses and a brown trench coat smoking a cigarette.

It looks quite melancholy.

"Hey, what are you doing here? It's too dangerous. Leave quickly." Yuanquan came out of the darkness, patted the guy on the shoulder and said.

"You guys, do you want to scare people to death?" The startled man turned around suddenly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was the source: "It's you, the source from tpc."

"Do you know me?" This aroused Yuanquan's curiosity. If he remembered correctly, he didn't know many people outside, and no reporters exposed his traces.

Besides, he is a member of the ground headquarters, and his newsiness is far less important than that of the members of the Victory Team. He can be called a nobody.

"Of course I know you. Have you forgotten what happened when the angel appeared last time?" The man pushed up his glasses and stretched out his hand: "Let me introduce myself. I am Onoda, a journalist who no longer wants to continue working. "

"The way you are dressed, you almost have the words "I have a very heavy past" written on your face." Shaking hands with Onoda in a friendly way, Yuanquan continued to say while the latter had a low and embarrassed smile on his face. : "You reminded me, so to speak, I am still a celebrity now?"

"Although it has been a long time since the last incident, you have appeared in front of the public. How could I not recognize you." Putting his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, Onoda continued: "You are here, it seems. We have found the vampire’s location.”

"Combined with the expression on your face, combined with your appearance here, you guy, your so-called unbearable past, it can't be that your wife turned into a vampire." There is no way, just looking at this guy's face You can tell from the source. Even in the game, he is a mission character with a yellow exclamation mark above his head.

"Hey, don't say it as if I'm really so straightforward. You came here, didn't you want to deal with these vampires yourself?" Onoda didn't know much about the source, mainly because of Kiriello last time. After the German incident, even if other reporters inquired, they could only find out that Yuanquan often encountered some strange things, and often encountered monsters and aliens.

It can be said that as long as the above three appear, there is a 90% probability that you can find the existence of the source around you.

When Onoda heard the news, he felt baffled. How could there be such a person? Ordinary people would burn incense if he didn't die after encountering him once. If this guy could survive after encountering him so many times, that would be really awesome. Son of the world.

"Of course, do I look like I can't beat these guys?" As he spoke, Yuanquan crossed his arms and assumed a classic show-off pose.

With a cold face, he tried hard to pretend to be like Aguru, but unfortunately, Onoda saw the true nature of Yuanquan at a glance.

"Stop joking, that's a vampire. It can be done with one punch." Onoda only thought that the source was joking. If vampires were really that easy to deal with, would he still be hiding here and not daring to go there?

You must know that among those vampires, there is his favorite girl.

But before Onoda could finish his words, Yuanquan punched the wall directly in front of him. The powerful force made Yuanquan dent the wall with one blow.

Although it has not been penetrated yet, that is because the source has restrained a lot of strength.

Onoda: "."

No, brother, can you still call someone?

I'm afraid you are also a vampire.

"Then don't say it. I actually don't take these things seriously." Yuanquan snapped his fingers, borrowed a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from Onoda, lit them skillfully, and took a deep breath.

You know, during the time he joined TPC, he never smoked.

Although it's not particularly addictive, since we're going to fight later, and we're going to fight one against many, it's really not going to make sense if we don't light up a cigarette.

The speed of pulling the trigger will be much slower.

Yuanquan walked past Onoda and stretched the distance for a long time. When he was about to walk out of the alley, Onoda's voice sounded.

And this is what the source has been waiting for.

"Wait a minute!" Onoda quickly ran over and stood in front of the source. The struggle and desire in his eyes almost overflowed: "If you can really fight in, I hope I can be with you."

"You can't really be who I said you are." Yuanquan shook the ashes of the burnt cigarette and said knowingly.

"Yes, among those vampires, there is someone inside who I want to see no matter what, and even someone I want to protect no matter what." Onoda clenched his fist with such force that the entire fist faded away Bloody: "It was my fault last time. This time I won't let you go no matter what."

"Tsk, I can only promise to go in, but I can't tell who the person you want to save is." As he said that, Yuanquan walked over to Onoda and patted his shoulder: "If you can If you can keep up, come on."

Onoda had no problem. Although making such a choice might cost him his life, trusting a stranger for no reason or something, but seeing the power of the source, Onoda decided to take a gamble.

Of course, Yuanquan didn't know that Onoda was ready to die in his heart. He really didn't think that any vampire could kill Onoda in front of him.

Turning to the door, Yuanquan looked at the door that was locked from the inside. Without saying a word, Yuanquan smashed the glass with a punch and opened the lock from the inside.

Please stop your Wang Xiaoming’s arrogant behavior: JPG

The sound of breaking glass must have been heard by the vampires, but the source didn't care and just stood out with an extremely arrogant voice.

Gun in hand, smoke in mouth.

I am now really operating at full capacity and in great shape!

After opening the door from the inside, Yuanquan slowly walked in. There was no light in the darkness, and even the windows were closed with black curtains, preventing even a trace of light from entering.

As soon as he stepped into it, Onoda subconsciously shuddered, as if he had stepped from the world of the living to the realm of the inhuman.

The source took the lead and took the lead. Although it was dark inside, it could not escape his perception. Even the vampires jumping out of the darkness could not escape his perception.

Raising his hand to grab the vampire that jumped down from above, Yuanquan strangled the opponent's neck with one hand. With the other hand, Yuanquan took out the energy blast gun and shot it directly in the head.

A moment of red light and a moment of screams represent the death of a vampire.

But this is the beginning.

He let go of his hand and looked at the scattered atomic light particles in front of him, and the source let out a "tsk" sound.

"Tsk, let's hunt down those ghosts trapped in the darkness."

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