Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1594 Hong Kai: What? I heard that Jagula died again? Oh... He's just dead, what a big d

【I can't control myself】

[Yohui, shadow...it's a shadow! 】

Zeta's voice contained the difficulty of being forced to do something, and Haruki had also lost control of Zeta at this time and became a third party, who could only watch.

According to Zeta's words, Yaohui tried his best to turn his head and look over.

In this dimensional space, Yaohui's body seemed to be tied up by something, making it difficult to move.

Looking hard, what he saw at this glance was that Zeta's shadow no longer belonged to Zeta. Except for Yoko, who fell to the ground unconscious, the entire black shadow had changed into a different look.

"That's... the shadow of that guy who appeared before!" The moment he saw the shadow, Haruki immediately reacted: "That guy... was parasitic in senior Yoko's body before, is he now parasitic on us?"

[Yaohui...I can't control myself...]

What was reflected in the outside world was that Zeta stood up unsteadily and walked towards the two people who were fighting over there.

At this moment, Destrudos broke free from the hold of the Five Emperors and swung his body, forcing the Five Emperors to lose their balance and stagger forward.

Zeta stretched out his hand and hugged the body of the Five Emperors with his fingers spread wide. Before Jagula had time to rejoice, Zeta slapped the Five Emperors on the back of the head with his other hand, knocking him off balance again. .

"Nani?!" How could Jagula have imagined that such a thing would happen? He was caught off guard and hit hard again, and was unable to organize an effective defense for a while.

This gave Destrudos an opportunity to take advantage of.

The whole body slammed forward, knocking the Five Emperors to the ground. Destrudos did not pursue, but walked to Zeta's side and stood side by side with him.

"Hmph...Humanity's ultimate weapon, humanity's last hope, will now be used to destroy humanity itself." Celebolo's voice sounded from Zeta's side, and the entrenched black shadow broke away from Zeta's body. , stretched out a hand and struck the space in front of him.

In an instant, the shadow of the Five Emperors seemed to be absorbed by something, sinking into the palm of this hand little by little.

Without their shadows, the Five Emperors immediately froze in place, unable to move.

"Oh, the speed at which you become stronger is really unimaginable." Although he has fallen into a complete disadvantage, Jia Gula can't lose even if he loses, and has changed from a semi-demon to a complete demon, and has improved again. own strength.

Although the shadow of the Five Emperors disappeared, another small shadow took its place and became the source of support for the actions of the Five Emperors.

"Oh? Your own shadow?" The Five Emperors regained their mobility again. The reason why they were able to do this was naturally because Jakula replaced the Five Emperors with his own shadow and used his own ability to drive the Five Emperors to move.

But... Celebolo was a little confused and didn't know why Jagula could do such a thing.

Can he hold on?

"Don't think that you are the only shadow. When it comes to shadows under the light, I am not bad at all." After wiping the Snake Heart Sword, Jagula said in a soft tone: "Where there is light, there is shadow." , can you take away my shadow?"

Celebolo couldn't stand this provocation, and stretched out his hand again, trying to absorb Jakura's shadow, but no matter how he operated or called, even if it was forced to take it, Jakura's shadow would not move at all. movement.


Not only that, Jagula's shadow and himself swung down the Snake Heart Sword at the same time. This blow from the air cut off the arm that absorbed the shadow and destroyed it.

"It doesn't look like much." He waved his hand nonchalantly and brushed off the non-existent blood on the Snake Heart Sword. Jakula sneered and mocked.

"...Jagulas-Jagula!" How could Cerebro endure being humiliated like this by Jakula again.

Roaring angrily, he controlled Zeta and rushed towards the Five Emperors with long strides. He was bound to eliminate this guy here.

Destrudos, who was staying in place, started to charge D4, and the red-purple beam belt began to gradually gather, accumulating bit by bit, always ready for a killing blow, putting heavy pressure on Jagula.

But Jagula was fearless, and he rushed forward to face Zeta as he was well prepared.

The moment the two sides were about to come into contact face to face, Shadow Ghost raised his hand, accumulating energy and focusing it on the hand knife.

Zeta raised his hand, also gathered the light particles into the hand knife, picked up a handful of colorful streams of light, and stabbed it out fiercely.

Jagula roared angrily, and the Five Emperors' pliers symbolically resisted, while the eye Q of the other hand was the main force of this attack.

Zeta's hand knife pierced the Five Emperors' pliers, and without losing its power, it stabbed directly into the Five Emperors' stomach, piercing it.

Eye Q also successfully aimed at Zeta's head at this time, and immediately began to work.

The shadow of the shadow ghost trembled and became unstable. Something hidden in Zeta's shadow, or some energy stored in Zeta's body, was drawn, and entered the five realms bit by bit. The emperor's body was pulled away by Eye Q.

"Jagulas-Jagulas... do you want... to... let Zeta escape from my control?" Even if he is severely injured, he still chooses to put his hope in Zeta. This life-saving rescue is the most powerful prove.

But...is this really Jakura?

There are times when he actually believes in Ultraman?

"It's too late to see it now!" Enduring the severe pain in his abdomen, Jagula increased the power of Eye Q and mobilized all the abilities of his body to Eye Q, forcing the person hiding in Zeta's shadow to The things were sucked out bit by bit.

As a result, Zeta's shadow began to emerge, which also made the originally tight control no longer stable.

【Yao Hui! Take advantage of now! 】

Zeta knew this was the last chance and immediately reminded Yaohui.

And Yaohui reacted simultaneously, closing his eyes again, thinking carefully about what he wanted to do most now, and letting himself feel the breeze again, feeling the feeling of falling from the sky into the deep sea and being enveloped by the sea water. The feeling of living.

Remember what you want to do most at this moment, and under the guidance of the wind, listen to the cry of life in the boundless dark and deep universe.

The will of the universe spreads to every corner.

What He can hear is what you can feel.

Some vague understanding appeared in Yaohui's heart, but it passed so quickly that Yaohui didn't even notice it.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Delta's eyes pulled out the eyeliner, the light escaped, and the golden storm swept through his body again.

Both hands stretched forward and pulled toward both sides like claws, as if they wanted to pull something away.



Zeta pulled something out of his shadow, and Jagula also used all his strength to swallow it into his eyes, sealing it completely.

"D4 light, launch!"

On the other side, Destrudos also finished charging up, and faced Zeta and the Five Emperors here, releasing the most powerful D4 light.

Before the torrent of red-purple light arrived, Zeta had no time to prepare the Zestim light, so he had no choice but to open his shield and see if he could block it.

But... the Five Emperors pushed Zeta away and stood up to take the blow alone.

The D4 light was merciless and hit the chest of the Five Emperors directly.

"Captain!" Zeta, who was pushed away, could only make the same gesture as Taylor and watched all this.

"Goodbye." Jiagu La made an OK gesture, and then... the bodies of the five emperors were dismembered and destroyed in the broken mirror image, along with the entire space, leaving no intact corpses.

"Captain..." Yaohui stretched out his hand blankly, watching all this helplessly.

[He wanted to use the power of D4 to destroy the shadow ghosts sucked into his body, so...]

At this point, Zeta stopped talking.

"That is to say..." Yaohui took a deep breath, his whole face trembling: "Captain..."

【Yes, he...】

Before he finished speaking, Destrudos took a step forward and stood in front of Zeta again.

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