Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1597 1589: After all, it is a rare masterpiece of the new generation, and it is also the sec

That day, another earth reflected its own shadow on the earth, plunging the entire earth into darkness and despair.

This shadow of the earth covers all the sunlight that the sun casts on the earth, burying everything, as if this shadow is the true form of the earth at this moment.

And along with this shadow appeared. It is the devil standing on the earth, and it is the final opponent that appears in the eyes of Zeta and Gaia at this moment.

"Sa, let's continue now?" On the ground, Yoko had woken up from a coma. She still kept one eye glowing red, clearly indicating her identity at the moment.

"Celebulo? You are actually still in the body of Senior Yoko?" This is something Haruki didn't expect. Logically speaking, after this guy broke away from Destrudos' body, he shouldn't try his best to get it back. Into Destrudos' body?

Why did you still choose to stay in Yoko-senpai's body?

Moreover, this guy's previous voice clearly came from Destrudos's body, but now it

"Ah~ After all, he has such a good body, how could I let him go so easily?" Licking his lips, "Yoko" said with a smile: "This is an essential person in my plan, how could I let him go so easily?" she?"

"You really deserve to die." Yaohui clenched his fists: "I will come and deal with you right away!"

"Really?" The pale voice of the Lord of Shadows suddenly appeared. He raised his hand and pointed his fingers at Celebolo's current position.

Celebolo also controlled Yoko's body to fall backwards, but instead of lying on the ground, he sank into his own shadow and escaped into the darkness.

The next moment, the cracked energy core suddenly lit up, and an energy timer that suddenly appeared in the center of the chest also began to flash, and the flashing speed became faster and faster, and finally stabilized in red and remained unchanged.

"Come on, Gaia!" Cerebro's voice mixed with Yoko's voice sounded inside the Lord of Shadows, which meant that after she sank into darkness, she once again returned to the body of the monster she created.

And calling out Gaia's name by name is also because in Celebolo's eyes at this moment, apart from Gaia, Zeta is really not a strong enemy.

"." Gaia remained silent, lowering her body and assuming a fighting posture.

"You have already used that stance, there is no way you can use it again!" Obviously, Celebolo also knows the detailed information about Gaia.

"You actually know?" Gaia asked.

"The self-destruction game of civilization that I am playing is to fight against the life that was born under the will of the planet itself. Therefore, if the will of the planet itself is born, it will definitely resist it." Old God Celebolo is here He said: "Before playing this game, I knew that the will of the planet would give birth to corresponding Ultra Warriors, which are existences like you."

"So, you giants of light who were born from the light of the planet, no one knows you better than me." Celebolo continued: "Gaia, you can't use SV anymore."

"You have had the light of the sky before, but that thing has been consumed by you a long time ago." The pale figure stretched out red stripes from the timer to its body and limbs, covering them one by one.

Gaia was silent. In the past, during the war between light and shadow, he had participated in the war provoked by Er Yuan. Even at that time, he had contained the light of the sky in his body.

Although Gaia absorbed the light of the sky because of the need to save the source, it did not fuse with it. As a result, although he initiated the birth of the planet, it was only a specious gesture.

When he entered Eryuan's body with Aguru and turned into pure light and entered the body of the source, he even still separated the light of the earth and sky independently.

Although it was returned after that, only the original light of Gaia was really returned, and the light of the sky disappeared as a consumable.

Yes, from the beginning, the light of the sky was not a permanent light, but a consumable that would be used when needed.

Because in the concept of planets, the earth and ocean are conceptual entities that actually exist, but the concept of sky does not exist.

Because the scope of the sky is so vast, even further, the concept of the sky also includes stars, and those stars are stars formed by the shining light of other planets in the universe.

The concept of the sky includes the existence of these stars.

Therefore, the sky has no real concept at all, it is just a consumable that will be consumed once it is used.

That’s why the appearance of the light in the sky is so difficult.

This is also the reason why Mephisto received so much light from the earth and ocean in the past, but could never get the light from the sky.

This was also the reason why the Source immediately separated the three kinds of light after defeating Faust and used it to revive his hometown.

"You have not become a transcendent! You have not been born as a planet!" In the body of the Lord of Shadows, Celebolo laughed, especially excited: "You who have used SV! Suffer death!"

Open your hands and explore the space on both sides. Because the shadow of the earth covers the light cast by the sun on the earth, the whole world is plunged into darkness. It may also be said that the whole world is in shadow. , so the Shadow Lord's hands seemed to be grabbing something, but he actually grabbed two black shadows, and they gathered into a sphere, fitting in the palm of his hand and integrating into the entire arm.

The white bone spurs flashed with a cold light, and the Lord of Shadows disappeared in an instant. Gaia had already been prepared, bursting out its own light to make itself shine so brightly that its entire body was shrouded in light.

The cold bone spurs slipped from Gaia's back, shooting out violent sparks and creating a crack in Gaia's integrated light.

Gaia ran forward a few steps, deliberately distanced herself from the opponent, then swept one hand behind her, and the daggers in her hands converged into a red blade, gleaming with light, and cut across.

He bent his arm, blocked Gaia's hand knife with his arm guard, grabbed Gaia's wrist, suppressed Gaia with absolute strength, forcibly lifted it up and threw it out.

Gaia, who was flying in the air, stabilized her body, raised her hands and flew up. After making a big circle in the air, she kicked down in the air with the advantage of being in the air.

One foot tore through the air, and his whole body was wrapped in a red storm, falling rapidly.

Pulling back with one hand, the five fingers slowly gathered together to make a fist. The Lord of Shadows snorted coldly, and accurately saw the time when Gaia landed, and quickly punched out.

The dark phantom formed a glove to wrap around the entire forearm, and punched and kicked, from bottom to top. It seemed to be a death move, but at the moment when the punch was punched, it collided with Gaia's flying kick.

In an instant, the surrounding soil collapsed and flew away. The surrounding earth could not withstand this force. The earth cracked and countless cracks spread in all directions.

The other hand stretched forward, trying to grab Gaia's ankle, but Gaia was already prepared, and jumped up twice with the help of the Shadow Lord's arm, and flew behind the Shadow Lord.

While the person was still in the air, Gaia turned around suddenly, and the blue light gathered above her head mixed with some red light shot out.

That was the photon crusher, which was released by Gaia while he was still in mid-air.

He quickly turned around, crossed his hands in front of his chest, and steadily received the luminous sub-crusher. Not only that, the Lord of Shadows also raised his hands and headed towards Gaia withstanding the attack.

Falling to the ground with an attitude of turning around and looking at the moon, Gaia did not stop the release of the photon crusher, but instead charged the second stage, making the photon crusher's beam stronger.

This slightly slowed down some of the Shadow Lord's charging speed, but he still didn't stop.

Exploding the power of light, Gaia activates three stages of charging, turning the photon crusher into a spiral beam, reaching maximum output.

This suppressed the opponent's approach.

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