Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1603 If there is no spark after this, I will be the only light (4,000 words long chapter) (m

"You still want to protect this earth? Jagula, you weren't like this before, were you?"

Under the double beating of the alien Zeta and the Lord of Shadows, there was nothing he could do even if Jakula transformed into Kurenai.

It would be okay if it was just Zeta the Alien. Jagula still has the confidence to fight, but with the Lord of Shadows, he is really no match.

But fortunately, Jagula's purpose is not to defeat, but to delay time, so even if he is at a disadvantage, he is still fighting, relying on Celebolo's hatred for him, intercepting Celebolo here, Let him immerse himself in the pleasure of torturing himself.

And over there, Yaohui stood at the position designated by my dream. He looked at the sky and slowly closed his eyes.

The realm of the big universe... what it is, Yaohui doesn't know, but before, he would fall into the deep sea as long as he calmed down. In that ocean, as long as he wanted, he could get whatever he wanted. Use your own corresponding strength.

So is that the realm of the big universe?

That kind of thing can be called the realm of the great universe?

Yaohui couldn't be sure about this, and he didn't know what the realm of the universe was.

The more he tried to figure this out, the more doubts he felt became more and more, and they became more and more concerning to him.

Yaohui, who was trapped in this strange cycle, even frowned with his eyes closed. It was obvious that he was not in a good mood now.

Once the mind becomes confused, there is no way to calm down easily.

The more I thought about it, the less I could get the answer, the more I chased it, the more I cared about it, until I finally fell into this blind corner with absolutely no solution.

Yaohui frowned, the sweat on his forehead kept falling from his temples, and his anxiety made him crazy.

In the deep sea, the surging waves rolled up waves, and even the sky was covered with dark clouds, with lightning and thunder, full of terror.

"I...I..." He gradually spoke out, questioning himself and doubting himself. During this change, Yaohui felt that he was ups and downs in the turbulent deep sea, and it was difficult to fall into it as calmly as before. in.

The wandering body was erratic, and Yaohui's state of mind showed signs of collapse.

What is the realm of the universe? Do you want to love the world, care about someone, or become ruthless...

What kind of thing, what kind of realm...


His body was trembling slightly, Yaohui panted heavily, and gradually showed signs of opening his eyes.

"Ugh..." But just when Yaohui was about to lose his hold, a strange, young voice resounded in his mind, and this child's voice also made him turn around subconsciously and open his eyes. Eye.

The storm in the deep sea dissipated in the blink of an eye, replaced by the gentle sunshine of the rising sun, and myself falling from the blue ocean, now in a state of free fall.

Yaohui raised his head in surprise, and at a glance he saw the blue ocean floating in the sky gradually getting farther away from him.

…what is this?

The sea in the sky?

The young body fell on Yaohui's shoulders, and he lifted Yaohui's shoulders with both claws to wash. Even though it was laborious, he still stubbornly carried Yaohui up.

He flapped his wings, causing Yao Hui's falling speed to gradually slow down until he fell to the ground.

Yaohui rolled along and relieved the force of falling from the sky.

The moment he stood up again, what caught Yaohui's eyes was a huge stone statue, and it was also a huge stone statue of a monster.

"This is..." Yaohui looked at the stone statue and said with some uncertainty: "Bemonstein?"

"Ugh..." He gently pecked Yaohui's trousers with his bird's beak, and the little Bemonstein, who was only as tall as Yaohui's waist, let out a sad cry.

"Are those...your parents?" Looking at the little monster next to him, the little monster who had just saved him, Yaohui asked: "Why did it turn into a stone statue..."


But before the question was resolved, the huge stone statue of Bemonstein was shattered. It was replaced by a huge robot that Yaohui had never seen before. With its steel claws extended, it destroyed Bemonstein's statue. stone statue.

Yaohui was almost hit by these rubbles. He hid on the ground in a panic and tried his best to avoid turning into a corpse.


Seeing the stone statues of his parents being destroyed, the little Bemonstein let out a sharp scream, flapped his wings, and rushed towards the opponent with his little feet.

But...the steel claws extending downward grabbed Bemenstein's small body, and with cold ruthlessness, he did not give it any preferential treatment, and threw it into the glass jar behind him like an animal.

And in this glass jar, there were not only little Bemonsteins, but also many unhatched monster eggs.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Yaohui struggled to stand up from the ground, waving his arms and roaring: "That's just a little monster, with no fighting power at all, and those eggs! What are you doing! "

The huge robot ignored Yaohui's voice, and turned around silently and left here like a real cold monster.

"Stop screaming, it's pointless." A man walked out of the ruins behind Yaohui. He was wearing a threadbare linen robe. The cuff of his right hand was empty. It was obvious that he was not in good condition.

"You...that guy..." Yaohui pointed at the robot that was gradually moving away behind him.

"The overlord who rules the universe is just a robot of the Interstellar Alliance." The man said in a calm tone: "Our planet is under the rule of the empire."

"What is that? That means being able to deal with monsters..." Yaohui asked excitedly.

"What else? Do you want to resist?" The man raised his head and looked at Yaohui with a look that he had long been accustomed to and even regarded it as a normal thing: "Why do you want to resist?"

"Why?" Yaohui's expression twitched heavily.

"Otherwise?" The man raised his robe, revealing the hidden truth.

Seeing the empty stomach, even the cyberpunk style that had been replaced with machinery to maintain this man's life in motion, Yaohui took a step back in horror, unable to accept it all.


"I think someone with your delicate skin and tender flesh will be looking for you soon."

"What about those monsters? They..."

"They and a group of guys who want to save the world are advertised as the most valuable commodities. The one you just saw is the collector." The man put down the robe: "Specialize in capturing these monsters and rebels. Take A robot to worship.”

"What about you? Are you also a rebel?"

"I..." Yaohui didn't know how to answer, so he chose to remain silent.

But this silence seems to be acquiescence.

The swinging fist hit Yaohui hard on the stomach, causing him to bend over. The man who came suddenly was not satisfied enough, and pushed out his knee, hitting Yaohui in the head and knocking him to the ground.

Bending down and grabbing Yaohui's ankle, the man stretched out his mechanical arm to guide the electric current all over Yaohui's body, forcing him to remain paralyzed.

Grabbing Yaohui's feet, the man turned around and dragged him towards the building in the distance.

"You...are you that kind of person?" Yaohui asked with difficulty.


"Are you just willing to do this and not resist at all?"

"I don't want the price to go up."

"Have you always been like this? You..."

"We've always been like this, always been like this."

"It's always been like this, right?" Yaohui roared angrily: "If you don't resist, isn't there no hope at all?"

"What is the hope?" he asked sincerely.

"If you don't know what hope is...I will..."


The slaves who were tied up at will were clearly marked with prices, and the meats that were hung and sold everywhere in the market were divided into strict grades of three, six, and nine.

The king is a king, a general is a general, a merchant is a merchant, and a slave is a slave. Each level has its own way of survival, and each level has its own groveling.

This is what Yaohui saw after he woke up and was locked in a cage with his hands tied and chained.

Are humanoid creatures really humans?

He saw the little Pygmon's body, made into a specimen and standing in front of the stage, becoming a beautiful landscape.

He looked at the abnormal times when he raised his hands in the air in a gesture of surrender, only to have his hands chopped off, yet still thanked the executioner.

This is different from the world he thought.

"This is the norm in the universe." An old man lying flat in a cage said: "Scenes like this are everywhere in the universe."

"Do you think that a savior has appeared and the light of salvation can be of use?" Hitting his forehead, the old man continued: "A hundred years ago, this planet was not like this. At that time, this place was not destroyed. The interstellar alliance rules, the planet is developing itself, and civilization is also progressing steadily."

"But the Star Alliance found this place."

"Eighty years ago, their fight failed."

"In the next eighty years, everyone has been praying, the savior of the universe, come quickly, set your sights here, look at us, save us, and become our savior."

"Do you think this kind of call is useful?"

Yaohui was silent.

"So they have no hope and no hope for a savior."

"That's more like a ridiculous legend passed down from the past."

"No... that's not a ridiculous legend! The savior really exists!" Yaohui retorted loudly: "I have seen the appearance of the savior. The savior... he..."

"What about others?" the old man asked.

"But if you rely on the savior for everything, is this right?" Yaohui asked: "I don't know what to say, but isn't it ridiculous to rely on the savior?! "

"That's just a ray of comfort in despair." The old man raised his hand and pointed to the execution ground over there: "Look, someone is going up again."

Yaohui followed the finger and looked over, and at this glance he saw the little Bemonstein being sent to the high platform.

"What are they going to do?"

"You still have to ask? Let's share the meat!"

Yaohui turned his head and looked at the old man with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

"Do you think I'm joking?" the old man said slowly.

Yaohui turned his head in disbelief, and just when he turned his head, he saw a huge sharp blade with a shape of "well" falling from the sky, splitting the little Bemonstein into neat parts in an instant.

Splashing blood fell on Yaohui's face, staining him.

"I want this piece!"

"Give this to me!"

"Don't even think about it! You dare to fight with me? Do you want to kill me?"

Staring at the absurd scene over there, in Yaohui's eyes, something seemed to be extinguished, and something seemed to be ignited.

"Is this world always like this?"

"You don't think there is hope, do you?" the old man chirped.

"The savior responded to the legend, sowed the light of salvation, and brought the light of salvation to the infinite universe."

"But the light of salvation is only the light of salvation. It is a possibility, not a hope." The old man stared at Yaohui's back and said solemnly: "Hope does not belong to the first generation savior."

"Hope... So even if there is a savior, the universe will still be the same, has not changed at all?" Yaohui murmured.

"Although the Savior is great, he is not omnipotent. He has done what he can do, and he can't do anything else."

"...I understand." Taking a deep breath, Yaohui opened his eyes silently: "I don't know why I appear here, but that doesn't matter anymore."

"My father said that there is a limit to what a person can do, and what he can protect is only what he can do."

"Senior Savior also said that what a person can achieve depends on his ability. You must not use this excuse to convince yourself to do things cheaply."

"I dare not ask for anything, but if hope does not exist..." Yaohui turned around and said solemnly: "I am willing to bring hope to the entire universe!"

"Oh, hope?" The old man suddenly said with a sneer: "Hope is just like a wish, it is an out-of-reach message and something that can never exist."

"Just like I hope the Star Alliance fucks off, you hope that little monster out there survives!"

"is it possible?!"

"What's the use of hope? Hope itself is a desire to impose one's own demands on others. Whether it succeeds or not has nothing to do with you or me!"

"Hope? What hope do you want? This world is hopeless! It is hopeless!"

"Hope is useless, hope is useless!!"

"I was arrested by a guy I didn't know. When I first saw him, I felt that he was miserable. After talking to him, I learned something about what happened to him."

"He regards resistance as a ridiculous thing and regards everything nowadays as normal, so he has become a part of this world."

"He asked me if I was resisting. I hesitated, and then he knocked me out and sent me here."

Yaohui took a deep breath and continued.

“He takes everything for granted, but in my opinion, it’s definitely not the case!”

"He became part of this world and integrated into it because he never expected anything, because he took everything for granted."

"I don't think so."

"If you lose even your heart of hope, then you are completely hopeless."

Yaohui closed his eyes and said slowly: "I don't know why I came here, but if everyone in this world takes this for granted..."

"I want to be the only light in this world!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yaohui's body burst out with endless light, shining so brightly that the terrifying light tore the world apart completely, causing Yaohui to disappear in the blink of an eye.

Before Yaohui left, he seemed to see the old man who disappeared in the light looking at him with a smile, and finally suddenly changed his appearance and turned into a being similar to Ultraman.

The light of salvation trembled violently, and at the moment when the world was turned upside down, it finally triggered the induction on the source side.

"The second savior...is born!" Jinna stopped, immediately turned around and flew back.

As the savior, he naturally wanted to go to the side of the second-generation savior as soon as possible.

Mainly, he was curious who it was.

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