Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1606 Jagula: Damn it, the division of the savior lineage is already an inherent skill, right

Seeing it but pretending not to see it, getting it but wanting to destroy it, the so-called psychology cannot escape the four words.

Selfishness is at work.

Maybe you found a reason at the beginning, and then used this reason to start your own plan with peace of mind, and then convinced yourself to continue like this, and finally became grand.

Because I have convinced myself, I regard it as right and can continue like this.

Then, one day in the future, I really saw something in the reasons I had convinced myself emerge.

At this time, it means that the self-deception ends here, even if it is a dream, it is time to stop here.

Because I have lost my reason to continue.

But...someone couldn't help but think of another possibility in his mind.

If the thing that appeared was extinguished and did not appear, can it continue?

This is a thought that is like a devil's whisper, but as long as it appears, it will not be easily eliminated. Instead, it will continue to appear in my mind and then be repeated over and over again.

Was it difficult to make this decision?


But I’ve thought that way from the beginning, so what if I do it again now?

It's just...just starting over.

Deceiving yourself?

No, that's called being loyal to one's ideals.

"You tarnish the light of salvation, I will never allow you to tarnish this light like this!" The Lord of Shadows waved his hands, and two black and white energy blades came out of his hands, spinning and flying towards the other side. Hope King.

"The light of salvation is not like you! You idiot! Idiot!"

After launching two attacks, the Lord of Shadows rose from the ground and leaped into the sky. Standing condescendingly, he raised his hands in the air, triggering changes in the planet's weather and attracting thunder and lightning, which fell from the sky.

Maybe this is also part of fate. Ever since I got Eryuan's medal, maybe the occurrence of such a scene has already been destined?

After all, the savior and the destroyer are two topics that are always intertwined and cannot be avoided.

Raising his hand, the hand with the arm guard was in front of him. The crystal of the letter [γ] on the arm guard burst out with intense light, forming a glowing energy shield that perfectly resisted the Emperor of Hope. Steadyly take the two shadow knives.

The Lord of Shadows descended from the sky with a flying kick, his body burning with entangled dark flames from the shadows, and his momentum was like a rainbow.

Hope Huang gathered the energy he had spread back into his armguard, slowly clenched his five fingers into a fist, stepped back slightly, then struck out quickly and smashed it out hard.

The fists and feet collided together, and countless roars came out from the shadows, as if they wanted to pull the Emperor of Hope into the shadows.

But the intense light that lingered around the Emperor of Hope converged on the crystal on his forehead, flowing throughout his body in the blink of an eye, defeating all the shadows.

Emperor Hope's body suddenly disappeared in place, reversing the space where the Lord of Shadows was. At the same time, the crystal [γ] shone brightly again. Under the influence of the strange super power, Emperor Hope slapped the ground with one hand, causing a shock wave. The ripples spread in all directions, and even space was affected.

However, the Lord of Shadows is no ordinary person. Even if he is reversed into a mirror image by space, he will not be trapped there.

Suddenly jumping out from the shadow of Emperor Hope, the Lord of Shadow's hands took on the shape of claws and smashed into Emperor Hope's head.

The [β] crystal on the forehead burst into light again, and red light shot out. Together with the [Gamma] crystal on the arm guard, the red beam of light turned abruptly, like a snake in the air. Swimming.

The swimming red beam of light wrapped around the hands of the Lord of Shadows like a rope, suddenly tightening, binding his hands.

Even so, Hope Huang was still hit by something, and his body took a few steps back uncontrollably before he stabilized his body.

"Shadow?" The voices of Zeta and Yaohui overlapped, which meant that Emperor Hope's current state was not of one mind, but more like... fusion.

"Have you forgotten my name?" The black shadow retracted its fist, swept backhand, and slashed the hands of the Lord of Shadows with the knife, cutting off the red rope.

After recovering, the Lord of Shadows rubbed his wrist and stood together with his shadow.

One is very three-dimensional, while the other is like a piece of dark paper.

But soon, this black "paper" expanded as if inflated, and soon became very full, turning into a dark... shadow master.

"Two against one?" Seeing that the shadow master in front of him suddenly turned into two, I hope the emperor was calm and just glanced at his own shadow.

After seeing that his shadow still belonged to him, Huang Huang turned his attention to the two guys over there.

"I am the master of shadows, and I belong to the king of all shadows!" The shadow of the earth from outside the universe became Celebolo's confidence. Even if the Zeta in front of him suddenly became like this, it was not afraid.

It's just a change of form. Doesn't Zeta change forms all day long?

It’s just that this time it’s a different one that I haven’t seen before.

As if he knew what Celebolo was thinking, Emperor Hope slowly stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in front of him.

In an instant, the [β] crystal on the forehead, the [γ] crystal on the arm guards, the [δ] belt on the waist, and the soft armor on the arm emitted a faint light, and the hidden [α] crystal lit up at the same time. stand up.

Four rays of light were immediately separated from Zeta's body. These four rays of light became independent in turn and became Beta Impact-Zeta, Gamma Future-Zeta, and Delta Claw-Zeta.

and the final Alpha Armor - Zeta.

"Two versus one is boring? Why don't we do five versus two!" With four Ultra Warriors emitting red light, purple light, golden light, and blue light, plus the Emperor of Hope standing in the middle, the situation changed in an instant. It was five on two.

"You!" Seeing the Emperor of Hope turn into five, Celebolo couldn't bear it anymore.

Also unbearable was Jagula, who finally climbed up from the ruins, wiped the blood from his forehead, and was in a state of embarrassment.

"Yaohui...you kid is really worthy of being of the savior's lineage." Jagula held his forehead and felt a headache: "Who can see this five-part move and not regard you as the savior! !”

"Hmph, they are just some defeated generals. What's the point of calling them out more?" Even at this point, Celebolo was not afraid: "Behind me, there is the support of an entire planet!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Gamma Future suddenly said: "Do you think it's just five against two?"

With that said, Gama Mirai also snapped his fingers, and then three rays of light were separated from his body again.

These three rays of light are none other than the Three Great Masters of Heisei.

Tiga, Dyna, Gaia.


"So, we are eight against two." Gama Mirai put down his hand, his movements gentle and elegant.

"Well...it's better to be better than a master." Jagula put his hands on the back of his head and complained directly: "He was divided into two at first, and then divided into five. I thought he had reached his limit."

"Then you performed a trick of clones and then clones, and it became eight."

"Isn't this good?" I Meng laughed out loud: "Although I can't transform into Gaia, doesn't Gaia still participate in the war?"

Jakula rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"Go!" Emperor Hope gave the order, and immediately, a mighty eight Ultraman rushed forward together, heading towards the blond Lord of Shadows.

"Don't think I'm afraid!" The Lord of Shadows raised one hand and pointed it at the sky: "Sa, the shadow hidden in the shadows, come out and help me!"

The hand pointed at the sky gathered into a shadow, and was controlled by Celebolo to slap it on the ground with one hand.

In an instant, terrifying shadows swept across the surroundings, and the shadow of the earth living in the universe responded, casting countless black shadows, falling on the city one by one.

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