Ultra Fighting Legend

Shoulder blades, my shoulder blades are killing me this year. (I’m going to take a day off tomorrow.

First of all, I fell into the period of code word boredom, which is commonly known as the code words. I get a headache when I see the code words. I will see if I can get better tomorrow. If not, I will have to take another day off.

I started writing in 2015 and rarely asked for leave. It has been eight years since I started writing. I originally came with the intention of not reading a book but I didn’t expect that it would be eight years since I started writing.

After eight years, no matter how much enthusiasm I have, it is almost exhausted. This is already a job, not a hobby.

Another reason is that I am getting older. My energy and body are not as good as before.

Now I feel so sleepy after 11 o'clock, but when I was 22 years old, I was still full of energy at this time.

Eight years ago, I was 20 years old. Now I am 28 years old. It seems like a joke for a 28-year-old person to say that his energy is not as good as before and his health is not good before he has reached 30. But I Indeed.

At the beginning of this year, the scapula of my right shoulder protruded, causing me more injuries than in previous years. This injury tortured me greatly. Compared with the past, I suffered from back pain, foot pain, and back pain.

Sometimes I wish I could bend my right hand back 180 degrees and twist it to the left.

But this is also impossible.

So let me take a day off for now.

Asking for leave basically didn’t exist five years ago, but the closer I get to now, the more frequent I ask for leave.

But despite this, I still take at least one day a month and try my best to maintain an unshakable double update. I feel that I should be okay and not too lazy.

So I'll take a break tomorrow and check it out the day after tomorrow. If it really doesn't work, I'll update it the day after tomorrow.

I'll try my best to do it the day after tomorrow. After all, I never seem to take two days off a month. I will definitely try my best if I can.

And then the last bit is.

I'm going to fight the succubus tonight. I don't know how long I'll be unconscious tomorrow. I'm still updating, and I'll lose half my life (dog head)

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