Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1610 Gujia: This is the change of all things reincarnation without change. It is one, which

At the same time, I Meng held his head in his hands, fell to the ground in pain, and kept wailing.

The same goes for Jakura.

Yuanquan was even more unbearable. He covered his head with his hands and fell to his knees, his whole body trembling.

Countless memories popped up from my mind like a spurt, making it impossible for my brain to process these memories in time.

The strange fluctuations came from the depths of the universe, from another universe... no, from the hometown of the source, causing huge changes that affected the entire universe.

The universe itself, hyperspace, and hyperdimensions are all affected and become blurred.

In the place of cause and effect, the broken cause and effect was reconnected, and the originally involved cause and effect was broken again, and the reconstruction was completed in a very short period of time.

The long river of time surged with huge waves. The long river that used to flow downward actually had a tendency to go upstream at this moment, colliding with the river that originally flowed downward, setting off huge waves.

Ao Wang and Noah appeared together and immediately came to the top of the Time River to suppress the countercurrent of the Time River.

Ling Jia protects the future.

Saga cast a miracle and made the impossible possible.

Regedo is in the middle, running the vortex with his hands, and everything will eventually spread out, locking all the ends of everything in front of him, Regedo. Together with the miracle dropped by Saka, we can prevent this future of annihilation. .

Time has finally come to this moment. At the moment when Zeta's TV ends and Trigga's TV begins, time finally comes to this moment when the future is extinguished.

According to past experience, when time reaches this point, it will begin to reset, even if the current timeline is completely different from before.

Because in the future of Nirvana, everything returns to its original point, develops again and then resets again, this thing is out of control.

From the moment Mirai destroys the future, this cycle can never stop.

Although Mirai Nai's original intention was to change Er Yuan to become a mysterious person, or to change his past self enough to defeat Er Yuan Zaki, from the moment he cast Mirai Nirvana, the whole thing was out of his control. .

So Reggio would say that there is no success or failure in the future of Nirvana.

It didn't work out because the entire universe was trapped in a loop.

There is no failure, which means that Er Yuan will never be able to touch the day when he becomes a mystery.

Even if you lock the future, even if you learn something from the future, it's useless.

Because as long as time reaches this moment, the future of annihilation will be activated, resetting everything back to the starting point.

After all the Mysteries were dispatched, Er Yuan also felt something. He raised his head and stared at the Mysteries with an extremely ugly expression.

"A few old guys... Mirai Nai said he wanted to destroy the future, and he needed your help. Huh, it turns out that because of your intervention, this cycle will never stop!"

Er Yuan snorted coldly and withdrew his gaze.

Anyway, what happened next has been repeated countless times, and Eryuan has long been accustomed to it.

"A few old guys are now like NPCs. They must attend even if they are seriously injured, and then each stand in the same position where they stood at the beginning."

"You brought this kind of sin upon yourself!"

The result of stabilizing the turbulence of the long river of time is that the long river flowing down the river is stagnant, while the "river" flowing upstream is turbulent and active.

"Repeated again and again, cycle after cycle, the power accumulated in the future of Nirvana is getting stronger and stronger." Noah said solemnly: "What a crime. What we are facing now is ourselves in the first cycle. "

That's right, it was precisely because of the first cycle that several mysterious choices helped Future Nai destroy the future, which led to this unstoppable cycle.

At this moment, even if they wanted to stop him, what they each faced was the same version of themselves when they first came to help.

In other words, what Noah and the others are facing at this moment is not some other existence, but themselves, who are also mysterious.

"Just like before, even if we stop him, everything will be pushed back to the starting point by the upstream time!" King Ao was solemn and solemn. This time, he really didn't mess around, and showed a 100% serious attitude. The divinity blooms, showing the posture of God vividly.

At this time, he is no longer a wallowing old man, but the king of the Kingdom of Light, a god from eternity!

"But every cycle in the past, and the stories that happened in each cycle, are different from this one!" Ling Jia rarely spoke. As someone who always lives in the future, he will suffer the most in this annihilated future.

Because he has always been ahead of time and has never looked back. But once the future is destroyed and everything is reset, he really has to look back and chase the backward time.

...Nima, time was originally chasing me, but it turned out to be me chasing time? !

Is this okay?

"Ha! Feel it, the unstoppable cycle, feel the changes accumulated in these countless cycles, those changes are no longer the same as the first." Saka was extremely excited.

"Everything has its own changes, even if it is a cycle that cannot be stopped, it will also change in every cycle." When Reggio opened his mouth, he was full of the flavor of the Emperor of Heaven: "This is the variable accumulated in the endless reincarnations. For one.”

"Gujia, go up!" Noah, as the final spokesperson, brought the final judgment to the unstoppable cycle.

The light of the Holy Sword slowly rises, and the mystery of holding the sword comes from the end of time and falls between Ao Wang and Noah.

Facing the roaring backflow of the river, Gujia remained silent, holding the horizontal sword in his hand as if waving his hand calmly.

Strike from the bottom up to break up the sea and cut off the river. With just one sword, it cuts off the roaring countercurrent in the middle. The sword's momentum is like breaking bamboo, cutting through it all the way, destroying the unstoppable countercurrent.

Noah and King Ao exerted their strength at the same time, and the long river of time continued to flow, flowing smoothly towards the future.

Those remaining countercurrents were re-wrapped by the smooth flowing river of time, integrated again, and returned to the mainstream.

Slowly putting down the hand holding the sword, Gu Jia looked at the smooth river of time, and his milky white eyes seemed to reflect a lot of the past.

Noah and King Ao put down their hands and breathed a real sigh of relief.

Saijia and Lejiduo came hand in hand, and Lingjia also looked back again and returned to the present.

Now, almost all the mysteries are gathered together, standing on the long river of time, watching the long river of time flowing down.

"The cycle that cannot be stopped is finally over." At this time, Ao Wang, as a She Niu, must be the first to speak.

"The brand new future is right in front of us, and everything is heading towards infinite possibilities." Saka crossed his arms and sighed with emotion: "Future Nai... the cycle continues, destroying the future, looking for a glimmer of hope, and finally succeeded."

"A few of us can't stop this cycle, because we are facing us who help Future Nai start to destroy the future, so we can't stop it." Noah said: "And the variables, sources and countless accumulated in the cycle The bonds formed by people become gods, but they can stop it."

"Isn't this the glimmer of hope that Mirai is looking for?" There was a rare emotional change in Reggio's tone: "If you can't find a glimmer of hope, the cycle will continue, and only when you find it will the cycle be broken. .”

"So, this is also in his calculation?" Lingjia also said: "From now on, Mirai will no longer exist, and the entire universe will only remember this inexplicable time corridor."

"That's not necessarily true." King Ao waved his cloak: "We remember, Yuanquan remembers, and Eryuan must also remember."

"There are also those who have formed a bond with the source. They all remember it and can all retrieve their own memories countless times in this infinite cycle."

"No one will remember Nai in the future." King Ao said firmly, with an unprecedented firmness and certainty.

"He never existed!"

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