Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 165 I didn’t expect you to be such a big guy

The source no longer wants to pay attention to the matter of the vampire Xiulanos, because he now has a bigger trouble in front of him.

Faust will eventually find him, but it is more surprising that Faust has found him now.

And now that Faust has arrived, is Mephistopheles still far behind?

The emergence of alien beasts indicates that the source is this world. This world that should not be invaded by alien beasts will eventually bring disaster.

And this is not the result that Yuanquan wants, so what he is thinking about now is how he wants to leave this world.

Maybe as long as he leaves, the world will still return to its original state.

Tiga will solve all the monsters. Even when darkness finally falls, Tiga can achieve infinite miracles and save the world.

However, his arrival did not bring any changes to the world, and even brought the source of disaster.

Tiga defeated Xiulanos, and with the help of humans, everyone once again won. This also made Yuanquan feel more and more that his existence was unnecessary.

So much so that after this idea was born, Yuanquan was no longer willing to fight as Ultraman.

Confused fists cannot bring victory. Yuanquan understands that in his current state, even if he transforms, he will not be able to defeat the monster, so for a long time, he let Dagu fight alone.

And Dagu can solve the trouble every time. No matter who the opponent is, Dagu can solve it perfectly.

However, Nexus's long absence finally aroused Dagu's suspicion, so he blocked the way to Yuanquan on this day. When they met to drive to the ground, which was the training room designated by Yuanquan, Dagu asked his question.

"What happened? Why haven't I seen you smile these past few days?" Dagu deeply felt that this was abnormal, because Yuan has always been a funny character, and the most common thing he does in daily life is to Something ridiculous, but something that everyone will laugh at.

Dagu had long been accustomed to such a source, but there was a sudden change, and Dagu felt even more profoundly.

Too old, the funny characters are no longer funny!

"I just feel that my own existence does not seem to have any effect on this world." Yuanquan spread his hands. Dagu may be able to answer part of his questions, but Yuanquan did not want to tell him all the questions.

"Anyway, everyone can find their own role in this world. The same goes for you, Yuan. You are Ultraman Nexus and my comrade." Dagu patted Yuanquan on the shoulder. No matter what, He regards the source as very important.

This is the only one who is a true comrade of Ultraman.

"Dagu, actually I am not from this world. I come from a destroyed world, where ferocious monsters and dark giants destroyed my home. Even now, they have found me again!" Source's He was slightly excited. Faust's words had no impact on him, but Faust's appearance itself had an impact on him.

"Do you understand what that means? What that means is that if I stay here any longer, I will bring destruction to this world!" He lost his enterprising spirit and sat down on the chair. Yuanquan smiled to himself. : "I thought I could accompany you to the end, but I didn't expect that it was just my wishful thinking."

"What the hell are you talking about! What about the destroyed world, what about the dark giant, those are not important! Even if they are all true, but Yuan, you still have me and everyone on the victory team, we will be with you Let's fight together!" Dagu squatted next to Yuanquan. He vaguely knew that Yuanquan's past was not simple. This could be seen from the world in his Nameta domain.

But so what?

So Dagu believed everything Yuanquan said just now, and believed that what he said was true.

"Stop joking, I..." Before Yuanquan could finish his words, he was interrupted sharply by Dagu.

"Source! I don't know how long you fought alone as Ultraman in the past, but if you are just a lonely warrior and you can't save it alone, there will be me." Dagu straightened Source's The body forced Yuanquan's eyes to meet his: "Didn't you say that you want to accompany me to the end? If this is really the case, then I also tell you, I also want to go to the end with you. at last."

"No matter what happens, you are no longer alone. I will always be by your side." This me, Dagu refers to not only himself, but also Ultraman Tiga.

He especially understands the loneliness of fighting alone. What Ida Iryu said at the beginning, the loneliness of a soldier, etc., he has become more and more aware of as he fights more and more.

He simply could not imagine that without Nexus, he would be able to make it to the end on this unknown, alone road.

Without Nexus, without the victory team, without everyone's company, Dagu would have already failed with the Kirialodians.

And if the same thing happened to Yuanquan, Dagu could fully imagine how unbearable it would be to fight alone.

Carrying the weight of a whole world on you?

"...Give me some more time to think about it, Dagu, give me some more time." If the tip of a bull's horn is really so easily drilled out, it wouldn't be the horn of a bull's horn.

The source is not afraid of Faust, nor is it afraid of alien beasts, but is afraid of the consequences of the two coming into this world.

There was absolutely no way he could watch the world go to the same ending again.

However, what Dagu said was right, he and Ultraman Tiga were still there.

Perhaps compared to fighting alone in the previous world, here is a completely different choice.

"Even if there are any difficulties, you still have me, and we will bear it together. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, and don't feel that you are alone." Dagu stood up and walked towards the door: " Don’t worry and face it, I will stand by your side and be with you.”

After saying that, Dagu opened the door, and at the same time, what impressed him was Lina standing in front of the door trying to knock on the door.

Dagu was panicked.

When did Lina come?

"Lina...you..." Before Dagu could finish his hesitant words, Lina's dull eyes quickly refocused, and she looked at Dagu as if she were looking at a ghost.

"I know you and Yuan are very good friends, but I really didn't expect that you are actually..." Lina's eyes were very complicated, so complicated that Dagu couldn't even understand what Lina wanted to say.

But he knew it was definitely not a good thing.

"No, Lina, what on earth are you..."

"Since you said you would always stay with Yuan..." Lina seemed to have seen a new world again, looking at Dagu with a look that Dagu couldn't understand at all... and she was temporarily in autistic state. The source of: "Stop talking, I understand, if you really like Dagu."

"No, Lina, what do you understand? Do you have any misunderstanding? Yuan and I are just friends, just friends!"

"Yes, he is your boyfriend..."

"I'm not...listen to my explanation!" Dagu couldn't argue, and he was very aggrieved.

The main reason is that he can't say that he and Yuan are both Ultraman, so the explanation is...

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