Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1629 What happened? !What happened? !

"It was your two companions who came to ambush me just now!"

Carmilla became more and more furious. She crossed her hands in front of her again, constructed a light rod and held it in her hand. While waving it, she moved a handful of small tail wings, slowly lengthening it, and finally became an extension. , becomes a glowing whip.

With the long whip in hand, Carmilla swung it above her head and wrapped it around Membius's wrist, hoping to block Membius's attack route and force him to wrestle with her.

Although the previous wrestling process was short, Carmilla's excellent fighting skills made her realize that Membius was not as powerful as her, so she forced Membius to have a head-on conflict with her, so as to His own strengths attack Mebius's weaknesses.

The real battle is to grab someone else's painful feet and beat them to death until they are completely buried.

But Mebius, as an excellent swordsman, could not be controlled so easily. The long sword bounced up and entangled with the whip rope. In the process of sparks flying, the two sides were in a stalemate, and no one gave the other a three-pointer.

But the problem is that Carmila is not alone, she also has two teammates.

Although a little slower, Dagon and Hitram still rushed to Carmilla's side. They looked at each other in tacit understanding and took action at the same time.

Dagon shook the earth, causing the ground to tremble and make Mebius lose his footing.

Hitram, on the other hand, used his high-speed ability, constantly moving around Membius like a fly that couldn't be beaten, interfering with Membius's judgment.

"Hmph! Why don't you call out those two teammates of yours?!" Carmilla suddenly exerted force, forcing Membius's stable bottom plate to change, and was pulled forward to stagger a step forward.

"We were beaten out because of our carelessness in a sneak attack before, but don't think we will be beaten to death like this!" Dagon snorted coldly, advocating head-on confrontation and fighting in an upright manner, and he was most concerned about such villainous sneak attacks. It's disdain.

"Now, we are three against three, just right!"

Although Hitram was still moving at high speed, after hearing Dagon's words, he wanted to say something, but in the end he did not say it.

Mebius didn't know what these two guys were talking about. He fell into passivity and was not being beaten at this moment, but sinking into the sea of ​​consciousness. Under the six glowing spheres towering on the top of the clouds, he fell into In the midst of contemplation.

Of the six transcendental essences, which one should you choose?

The flow rate of time in the sea of ​​consciousness is different from that in the outside world, leaving enough time for Mebius to think.

After thinking about the three guys in the outside world, and then thinking about his current state, Membius finally decided to choose the first transcendent essence, which was a sphere that burned like a flame and was like the sun.

Stretching out his hand, he guided the sphere into his body, and the remaining five transcendent essences disappeared in an instant, completely disappearing, leaving only the blazing sun to escape into Mebius' body.

At this moment, the transcendent essence completed its settlement, and also raised the power of Mebius to the level of a transcendent.

What is reflected in the outside world is that the situation where Mebius was originally at a disadvantage was rewritten in the blink of an eye. The fire that penetrated the body wrapped around Mebius's body. The flames were blazing, making Hitler, who was constantly jumping, Mu was the first to be attacked, causing his dagger to attack Mebius's body and at the same time, the entire dagger was burned red, implicating his own feelings, and suddenly made him withdraw from that kind of High speed state.

Not only that, the flames also spread towards Carmilla along the junction of the two people who were in a stalemate.

Carmilla immediately gave up and retreated, pulling Dagon out of Membius's attack range.

The extraordinary high temperature and burning fireball made Mebius look like a sun, not an orange-red flame, nor a bright yellow flame, but the transcendent essence ignited by the power of Absolut.

The eternal fire is naturally also a golden air wave.

The city fell into high temperatures in the blink of an eye. The temperature of the entire city rose sharply. The world that was originally flickering in the dark night was lit up under the fierce fire.

The green belt began to spontaneously ignite, plastic bags twisted and shrank, and many things that needed to dissipate heat exploded.

If you say that everyone is living on Venus at this moment, I am afraid some people will believe it.

"This high temperature." This high temperature also had a huge impact on the elite victory team who was sitting in the sky and watching this battle.

Not only that, the internal circuitry of the Nasdis also began to lose its effectiveness due to the high temperature. Sparks continued to explode from various locations throughout the body, making it appear to be in a shaky state.

"If it continues like this, the Nasdis will fall from the sky." Malulu stumbled and fell to the ground, covering her head and ignoring the pain, and said quickly: "The temperature now is already very exaggerated. "

"We must make him stop this endless elevation, otherwise, let's not talk about what happened to those three guys, we humans will not be able to bear it for now." Captain Tatsumi gritted his teeth: "Can the main gun still be fired now? ?”

"It needs to be charged, but there is no guarantee that the line will be able to function before charging is completed."

Before the next words were finished, Jie Ming and Zhangren came hand in hand.

The two who opened the door had just entered. The next moment, Ultraman Teliga appeared from the light. As soon as he appeared, a simple version of Zapelio's light bombarded Mebius' body.

Although Zaperi'o's light was somewhat distorted due to the high temperature, the belt still hit Mebius itself.

After being attacked, or the main target he came here to really eliminate appeared, Membius stopped raising the temperature, and the flames that lingered around his body also subsided, allowing everyone to see clearly what he looked like at this moment.

The originally golden armor was painted with red stripes, which were the marks left by the eternal flames.

This is not a testimony of Membius's courage in forging bonds in the past, but the eternal fire caused by igniting the power of Absolut at this moment, symbolizing destruction and killing.

"Absolut-Mombius." Turning around slowly, the golden-red figure brought tremendous pressure to Teliga, even surpassing any existence he had faced before.

Teliga subconsciously took a step back.

"Is this guy really fake? Why does he give me the feeling of a senior?" Teliga lowered his body and assumed a fighting posture.

He had only experienced this kind of aura from one person, and that was the senior.

In other words, is this guy as powerful as his predecessor?

"Absolut-Mumbius." Repeated his name again, Mumbius either did not get a reply from Teliga, or he was infected with the Kingdom virus.

(Referring to the fact that no matter where the Absolut people go, they have to introduce themselves to everyone they meet)

"Absolutembius?" This name was a name that Teliga had never heard before, but he always felt that there seemed to be no connection between the two names. On the contrary, they should be two completely different names. exist.

"Follow the kingdom's orders and eliminate those who will succeed the third generation here."

The red sword blade flickered with a brilliant brilliance. Considering Absolut's power, this golden-red lightsaber must be wrapped with destructive energy.

Although a long sword with a physical body like the Little Golden Sword can carry out attacks faster and in more ways, a long sword made of energy bodies can, in a sense, do more damage.

When it comes to sword-to-sword, Jian Wu raised his hand to summon the ring sword and floated it in front of him, holding it in his hand.

The momentum between the two sides gradually condensed, and only the two sides were in each other's eyes.

The Dark Trio, as the targets of the attack at the beginning, actually fell into the embarrassment of no one paying attention at this moment.

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