Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1672 Eryuan: Even if my health is reduced, it can’t stop my desire to have sex (Shadow Unive


Greeting him nonchalantly, the man standing behind Ignis was wearing regular clothes and had a reassuring smile.

Even though he was just standing there, it seemed as if he was the only one shining brightest in the world.

"You are." Ignis was sure that he had never seen this person before, but for some reason, after seeing him, Ignis felt that he trusted him from the bottom of his heart.

Even though he had never met him before, Ignis felt that he could trust him.

This feeling of trust was brought to him by the light flowing in his body.

"Zhen Jiao Dagu, my name." He walked toward Ignis. Dagu seemed to be no one. Step by step, he came to Ignis's side and stood side by side with him.

"Wanting to resurrect important people who died is what everyone wants to do."

"But in this world, there is no resurrection from the dead."

Dagu said in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "I know a person. Like you, he also experienced the destruction of his hometown and the death of the most important person to him."

"I don't know if he ever had the idea of ​​resurrecting those people in his heart, but in the end, he respected the passing of those people and carried everything on himself, carrying the hope that the dead placed on the living. , live bravely.”

Dagu's voice is gentle and enlightening. No matter who it is, they will not get bored after hearing his voice. Instead, they will maintain a calm heart and be able to listen to him continue to talk.

"Do you want to resurrect the dead and pursue a hope that does not exist? Do you want to make up for your own regrets, or do you want to change everyone who was naive at that time?" Dagu turned his head and looked at Ignis beside him: "The savior of this world."

"Savior?" Ignis sneered, took out the Nexus Key from his arms, and put it in his hand: "With such a heart, what qualifications do I have to use this power now?"

"When my planet was destroyed and my people perished, I awakened the light out of despair. I finally gained this power, but lost myself in hatred and was unable to evolve this light."

"It wasn't until later that I saw many lives that died because of Hitram. The more I saw, the hatred that was originally very simple has changed a lot without realizing it."

"When I didn't realize it, killing Hitram was not just about revenge."

Dagu also quietly acted as a listening audience, listening to Ignis's words.

"But when I knew that the Eternal Core had the power to reshape the universe, even change time, and reshape destiny, my heart seemed to change from revenge." Ignis took a deep breath.

"But when I want to occupy the eternal core to resurrect my people, I can feel that if I really do that, this light will leave me."

"Because my heart has been filled with selfish desires, so I am no longer worthy of using this power..."

"This... power should have brought hope to the entire universe."

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with doing that." Da Gu turned around and said: "It's up to you to decide how to use your power and where to use it. The departure of the light may not be because of this."

"Maybe it's because you haven't thought about the consequences of doing that."

"To use extra strength to get involved in another world, you have already thought clearly about the consequences of doing so." As he spoke, Dagu stretched out his hand and shook Ignis's hand: "Otherwise, that The key to salvation will not respond to you, and you will not be able to recruit the help of a new savior."

"New savior?" Ignis let out a long sigh of relief. He felt that after chatting with this person, some of the emotions in his heart were released. The burden that had been oppressing his heart was also released at this moment. Being removed gave him a chance to breathe.


This thank you was said by Ignis sincerely.

"If you want to do it, just do it." Dagu said: "No matter what the consequences are, you must be prepared to bear them."

"I understand!" Taking out the underground monster Telestone's sharp claws from the pocket on his waist, and matching them with the dried eyes of the ancient Dun, Ignis jumped directly from the small slope. The body sank directly into the earth and disappeared in an instant.

Obviously, with the help of the power of the two underground monsters, he has now escaped underground to find the location of the temple gate.

"Is this the world of Teliga that you said?" No longer paying attention to Ignis, Da Gu turned to look at his surroundings.

Although he arrived a step late, the previous battles here and the numerous energy remnants remaining on the earth all illustrate the degree of chaos in the previous battle.

As for the eternal core mentioned by the source, before Da Gu came, he also sensed a special light and found an eternity deeply embedded in the meteorite on a meteorite in the meteorite belt of a certain planet in the universe. fragments.

He also clearly remembered that when he rushed over, he saw that the meteorite already had a basic way of thinking, and even launched a brazen attack because he wanted to take away the eternal fragments.

This already has a certain wisdom.

In other words, if he doesn't pass by, this meteorite will give birth to a new life sooner or later.

But in that case, what is this life?

Life that popped out of a meteorite...

Sun Wukong?

After dispersing all the things in his mind, Dagu continued to stay here, waiting for the arrival of the protector of this world, the parallel world counterpart of Diga as mentioned by the source.

He wanted to see this person and had been thinking about it for a long time.

Although the way of coming to this universe is a bit strange, it is still here after all, and that is enough.

It's a pity that Carmilla and Lina are in a different world constructed by the source. If the source doesn't come, naturally Carmilla and the others can't come either.

I just don’t know where the shock wave washed the source.

At this time, Yuanyuan, who was worried about Dagu, fell into a coma and was still flying at high speed in the super-dimensional space.

During this period, he didn't encounter any cosmic bubbles, causing him to wander in the super dimension, and he didn't know when he could stop.

At this time, after that tattered plastic bag-like Darkness of Rebirth floated over, it seemed to have noticed some power from the same source. This tattered Darkness of Rebirth stretched out its tentacles and completely unfolded the side of itself that was still intact. , spread out into a curtain, trying to intercept the guy flying at high speed.

Then, Jinna, who had been accelerating, directly broke through the curtain of the new darkness, tore a huge gap in it again, and continued to fly towards the distance at a not so fast speed.

Although he failed to intercept it, it was obvious that the Darkness of Rebirth had successfully slowed down Marina, forcing him to slow down a lot.

The new darkness converged again, merged into one body in the wriggling motion, and reunited into the ontology, that is, the two sources.

But compared to the high spirits at the beginning, the second source appeared this time with holes appearing in many places on his body.

Especially his abdomen and chest, two huge gaps that were big enough for fists to pass through, were injuries that could not be repaired in a short time.

The damage caused by Saka's Ultimate Fist is obviously not easy to repair.

"You brought this savior to your door yourself!"

The original plan was to keep floating like this, waiting for his injuries to be repaired, and then go find trouble with the source. But how could Er Yuan have imagined that the Savior would actually be in such a state of unconsciousness and drifting that he could not control himself.

Can he bear it after seeing this?

Isn't this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

As long as he swallows the savior, his injuries will be restored in an instant.

And he can go one step further.

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