Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 171 Ultra Bomb is so easy to use (serious face)

"I really didn't expect that before I went to find you, you were already so impatient to seek death." Although he was confused by the cross storm, because Nexus pursued the instant attack without accumulating power, he was confused. Although Shide's face was slightly damaged by the light, he could still withstand it.

But what reflected in those dark, jewel-like eyes was the flame of anger.

I have always been the only one chasing Nexus, playing with Nexus in the palm of my hand, and happily standing up as the main messenger behind the scenes to control the overall situation.

This is the script you took.

But this time, why is there such a guy? How could there be Nexus who didn't play by the rules and came out to fight on his own?

Aren't you supposed to be trembling in that universe, waiting for me, Faust, to come, and then have some fun with you?

"You said you were going to take away my light, but I didn't believe it, so I came to you to see how you were going to take it away." He raised one hand and placed it in front of him, and the particle lightsaber appeared in his hand.

Even the red youth form has not been activated, and Nexus stands out as an arrogant person.

"Come, prove to me that you have the ability to take away my light. Nexus's" eyes reflect the existence of Faust, which also comes from the previous world and from his hometown that is no longer there.

If he is not Faust, as a team member, perhaps Yuanquan would like to meet the captain.

But if he was not Faust, how could he have survived until now, or even stood in front of himself?

The two words betrayal are just two words, but Yuanquan knows the heavy meaning of these two words.

He also understands that betrayal to others may be a three-word answer to Kagetora.

Stay alive.

Maybe he saw the strength of Mephistopheles and the difficulty of the alien beasts, but in any case, it was his own choice to choose to become Faust, and it didn't matter whether he destroyed the world or not.

As long as you are alive and happy, you can even become stronger.

Nexus was not the kind of person who would excuse others. To him, Kagetora was a betrayer, and it didn't matter what Kagetora did in his own eyes.

Because this is what Nexus sees.

"Prove it to you? I will kill you now!" The unexpected decision gave Faust a feeling of being out of control. Coupled with the hatred that had been blurred by the light before, Faust was too lazy to talk to Nike again. No matter what Sesus said, he just sprinted forward, flew at high speed, spread his fingers and slapped the timer on Nexus's chest.

If a battle breaks out outside the universe, Nexus is really not afraid of anyone. Although Faust rushes over very quickly, Nexus is even faster.

Before Faust rushed over, he took the lead and threw out a photon blade.

As a small move to contain, although it is small in power, it is more powerful than it is in terms of speed.

Nexus followed closely behind and also attacked.

Isn’t it true that some people are engaged in aerial combat and still want to engage in close combat in the sky?

Although he is not afraid of this aspect, Nexus just wants to engage in serious aerial combat.

Rotating his body while flying at high speed, the particle sword threw out several crescent light blades, rushing towards Faust continuously.

Faust's combat experience is not limited. While approaching rapidly, he also twists his body to avoid these attacks, but he is inevitably affected, causing his own speed to be greatly reduced.

And this is what Nexus wants.

The high-speed rotating body suddenly stopped, and the particle lightsaber was wrapped with intense light. With one hand across the blade, Nexus drew a long, narrow and powerful light blade.

The Photon Blade evolved into the Crescent Light Blade, but on top of this, Source also came up with new tricks.

Crescent shock wave.

This is a skill that can only be used with a particle lightsaber or storm sword, and its power is judged by the two.

When using the particle lightsaber, the power of the crescent shock wave is still passable.

But if it is the Sword of Storm, the power of this move is comparable to the level of a sure-kill move like the Ultimate Storm.

The red youth was not activated, and he was even using the particle lightsaber. It was obvious that Nexus was fighting with the intention of testing Faust, rather than exposing his cards right away.

Faust looked at the crescent shock wave with a range of about thirty meters, and suddenly had no intention of trying to intercept it forcefully.

Are you kidding? Why is this a move I haven't seen before?

Is this the Crescent Light Blade? But it seems to be dozens of times more powerful than the Crescent Light Blade.

Faust has fought many Nexus. Perhaps as an enemy, he knows even better than Nexus himself what skills Nexus has.

But now, he was dumbfounded.

Because the particle lightsaber and crescent moon shock wave are brand new moves that he has never seen before.

He twisted his body as hard as he could, so that he could avoid the attack range of the crescent moon shock wave by a hair at the most critical moment. However, despite this, Faust's chest still shot out large swaths of sparks.

Even if there is no frontal attack, the residual power caused by just the edge is enough to cause considerable damage.

Faust did not understand this, so he suddenly suffered a loss.

The flying posture suddenly stopped, and Faust fell straight into the depths of the infinite multiverse while sparks were still rising from his body.

But this was only temporary. Soon, he rushed up again from below, carrying with him stronger darkness.

Nexus had already expected it, and threw out the particle lightsaber. Then he began to accumulate light energy in his feet, and assumed the flying kick posture that Nexus liked most in the original work, which is to fly towards the floating body as a child. Shi De fell.

With a slap, he smashed the particle lightsaber into pieces. In a rage, Faust carried powerful dark energy and aimed his fist at Nexus' figure without dodging.

He punched and punched his feet and collided with them.

The dark energy was even worse than Nexus, but the powerful impact of the fall still took over, forcing Faust to let go and fall.

But before falling, he threw out several dark energy balls and exploded into fireworks in mid-air, covering the entire surrounding space.

Nexus canceled the flying kick and turned into a ray of light to pierce through these attacks. He penetrated the obstacles like a sharp sword until he came to Faust.

The forward posture is unreserved, and all kinds of punches are thrown out.

Faust held Nexus's hand with both hands, clasped the wrist to his chest, and locked it with his own hands.

"I really didn't expect you to run out suddenly, but you will regret doing this. Now, will you give me your light?" The distance between the two sides was already very close. Faust caught Nexus for the first time, Very proud.

He felt that the battle was over. Even though there were still some weird moves, he was restrained. What other moves could save his life?

I'm not... huh?

It didn't matter that his wrist was locked. The source directly pressed his entire body against Faust's body, hugging him tightly, and then his entire body suddenly burst into flames.

The blazing fire enveloped Nexus, and even Faust was burned because he was close to Nexus.

Faust:? ? ?

No, what are you talking about?

"If you keep thinking of me as the Nexus you faced before, then you can't defeat me." The words that resounded in Faust's ears just fell, and what followed was the blast of Qingqing of explosion.

PS: Ultra bomb is really easy to use (funny)

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