Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1681 What can I say? I personally think this picture is enough to make a special TV show.

PS: What can I say? I feel very satisfied. Of course, this chapter is still everyone’s opinion.

Welcome to leave a message, brothers

"Hey, when do you think we can go back?"

"It depends on when Teliga can defeat those guys."

"Teliga is too useless, isn't he? How long has it been and you still haven't won?"

"Yo? Why are you so dissatisfied with Triga when you say this? How about you give it a try?"


Two young men talking passed by Jianwu and Dagu, and the words of their conversation fell clearly on the ears of the three of them.

"Everyone is very tolerant of Teliga." Guangguo turned his eyes and looked at Jian Wu: "Everyone also knows that you are fighting for them."

"Because of this, I need to do better! I can't live up to this expectation! I must respond to them, me!!" Jian Wu took a step forward, and his urgent words kept telling the story of his hidden feelings. The deepest secrets in your heart.

"I never want to...see someone die in front of me!"

"Whether it is the dark giant, those golden men, or Triga, no matter who it is, they are ultimately the culprits who have caused everyone to fall into this situation." Jian Wu raised his head and stared at Da Gu Huan. Youguang Kingdom: "The dark giant does not need to exist, and Teliga... does not need to exist either!"

"Whether it's to atone for sins or to fight for everyone, Teliga should not have appeared!"

"That's not right!" But Jianwu's words were met with an angry look from a man carrying a watermelon: "What are you talking about? Teliga shouldn't exist?"

"Isn't it?" Jianwu said without thinking: "Isn't it because of Triga that you became like this?!"

"Young man, I don't know what happened to you." Putting the watermelon on his fruit stand, the boss suppressed his anger and said word by word: "It is true that what you said is true, and it is true. Wrong, but you overlooked one thing.”

"The appearance of monsters and our departure are definitely not Teliga's original intentions."

"The reason why we stay here and look forward to the day when we can go back is precisely because Teliga gave us such an expectation!" The boss said with profound eyes: "Without Teliga, this kind of expectation would not exist. Not at all!"

Jian Wu was silent...for a moment, he couldn't say anything.

"But... if Teliga can work harder... he can..."

"Boy!" After cutting the watermelon, the boss gave a piece to Dagu, Guangguo, and even Akira Yuki, but not to Kengo: "Looking at the clothes you are wearing, you are from the Elite Victory Team, right? "

"Then I, Xigua, am treating you. After all, fighting monsters and protecting humans is not easy."

"But!" As he said that, the boss changed his words and pointed at Jianwu: "You kid doesn't have it!"

"Eh?" Jianwu was stunned.

"Do you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel dissatisfied?" The boss smiled proudly: "Yes, I gave four watermelons to five of you, but I didn't give it to you, so you are dissatisfied."

"But this is my melon. I can give it to whoever I want. This is not something I will give if you want it."

"Similarly, what obligation does Teliga have to protect humans? Does he have to protect humans and fight for humans?"

"It's ridiculous if anyone thinks that."

"But isn't the current situation caused by Triga?" Jianwu said loudly: "Those who cause destruction, those who bring darkness, and those who take away everyone's smiles are all..."

"I don't know why you think that, but look around."

Following the boss's voice, Jianwu looked around, watching the children chasing and fighting over there making Zepeli Ao light gestures, and then "beating" one of the children screaming.

"Okay, okay! It's my turn to be Teliga! You want to be a monster!"

"I don't want to! I became a monster twice yesterday, and I will be a Teliga twice today!"

"You! You're a scumbag!"

The laughing children gradually ran away until they disappeared from Jian Wu's eyes.

"He is not a monster who brings darkness, he is a hero." The uncle said.

"Anyone who can be liked by children must be a hero."

"Hero..." Jian Wu murmured these two words. Unconsciously, the world he could see in front of him suddenly became blurry, covering his eyes.

"Teliga...is he a hero?" he asked expectantly.

What answered him was the action of the boss who re-cut a watermelon and handed a piece of watermelon to Jianwu.

Silent, but more than any answer.

"I'm not a monster... I'm not a monster!" Repeating these words, Jian Wu turned around and said solemnly to the four people in front of him when he arrived at the sparsely populated suburbs.

"No one has ever thought you were a monster." Akira said softly with gentle eyes, "But to me, you are just a bastard who took away my status as Teliga, that's it."

"Zhangren!" Jian Wu burst out laughing, unable to hold on to his sobbing look.

"Smile, show that proud smile of yours, you guy..." Akira turned his head away, looking very arrogant.

"That face is more beautiful when smiling than crying."

"I know!" Yuiming raised his hand high, attracting everyone's attention.


Just once was not enough. Kenwu and Yumei decorated the corners of their mouths with their hands and said in unison.


After the two of them did it together, they simultaneously set their sights on Akira.

"Hey..." Zhang Ren curled his lips, crossed his arms over his chest, and tilted his head to one side.

"I don't do such childish things."

But his will was basically useless. Yumei and Kenwu ran forward together and grabbed his hands respectively, making Akira's pretended indifference break in a second.

"Come on!" Because he was not tall enough, it was Jian Wu who lay down behind Akira Ren, suppressing Akira Ren's struggle and pressing his body down.

Yui stretched out two fingers and pulled the corners of Akirato's mouth to both sides.

"Let's go together~"

Yumi and Kengo smiled brightly, and Akito, who was forced to smile "brightly", counted together.





"Hahaha!" The cheerful smiles are filled with the sincere friendship between the partners, and the determination to face hardships and challenges together.

There was also the out-of-time "bah bah" sound that made Yu Ming and Kenwu laugh even more happily, as well as the words of disgust, and the no-way games that sounded alternately.

The laughter and laughter over there did not affect the two people watching here, but neither Guangguo nor Dagu had any intention of speaking or even intervening.

"That child...hasn't laughed like this in a long time." Guangguo sighed: "Now that he knows his identity and carries a bloodline that has been passed down for 30 million years, Yumei has never smiled like this since he knew this."

"The same goes for that kid Jian Wu. He carries everyone's expectations and takes all the blame on himself."

"And Akira..."

"I know that if they continue like this, they will definitely have mental problems." After saying that, Guangguo turned around and solemnly said to Dagu: "I have to thank senior, it is precisely because of senior's arrival..."

"No, this has nothing to do with me." Dagu shook his head: "It was the people of this world who responded to him, and the people he protected gave him the answer. I didn't do anything."

"Telika fights for humanity, and humans also believe in Telika, so Telika can stand up again and again."

"Because behind him, there are many, many people cheering for him and supporting him."

"That's enough."

Guang Guo was silent, but then he smiled and stopped worrying about it.

"Now, I really believe...Teliga is just like you..." Guangguo murmured.

"Hope, actually..." Before Dagu could finish his words, the blue demon suddenly appeared from the dark space. The moment it landed, it stirred up dust all over the sky, bringing destruction and destruction.

"Teliga!" The dagger waved, and Hitram shouted loudly: "Hand over the eternal fragments!"

"Otherwise I will kill everyone here!"

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