Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1692 At this time, it is time to test whether the security of the Kingdom is stronger than t

By the time it dawned the next day, everyone was basically exhausted both physically and mentally.

Let’s not talk about the big battle last night. Let’s just say that it started the day before yesterday. This period of time has been so busy that everyone can’t keep up.

It was as if many enemies appeared overnight, and even many big scenes that had never happened before appeared, giving everyone a feeling that the world was about to be destroyed.

For the elite victory team, it was unimaginable exhaustion.

For Jian Wu, it is a decisive battle that cannot be lost.

For Yumei, it is a clearer reflection of the responsibility of her own bloodline.

But for Akira, the feeling is not so good.

One of his two friends is Ultraman Trigga, and all the suffering and responsibilities are shouldered on his shoulders.

One is a super-ancient miko, a descendant of the miko who serves the eternal core, and shoulders a great mission.

He was the only one who had nothing in this small group and could not play any role. He could not even help in the slightest.

Even if something happens, he needs others to protect him.

This kind of thing also made him want to do something more and more, so whether it was the Nastis' eternal cannon or privately modified the firearm to turn it into a victory light rod, Akira was prepared.

Maybe not possible, but what if?

So, at the moment when Jian Wu was lying on the hospital bed, with bandages all over his body and an IV drip, and with the sound of the clock ticking, Akira Ren was sitting in front of Zhuo Zi in a white coat, staring blankly at the two people on the table. thing.

Red and white color scheme, only one copy of the Victory Light Rod, and the Nexus Key.

This was what Ignis left to him in exchange for taking away the Victory Light Rod that he had transformed.

But for Ignis, the equipment needed to liberate the power of light is necessary. Otherwise, the full power of Lithulia in his body will not be released, and it may even cause the power of giants and monsters to conflict with each other. possible.

So he took Akito's Victory Light Stick.

But why did he keep these two things?

There is no doubt that this is Ultraman Nexus's transformation device.

The identity of this Ignis has also been verified by Jianwu, and it is indeed Nexus.

So Ignis used these two things to transform into Nexus.

And after he turned into Dark Teliga, throwing these two things out, does it mean that he will never be able to transform into Nexus from now on?

He... also changed from a giant of light to a giant of darkness, and fell to the ground, unable to use this transformation.

So to him, this thing is trash, so he...

"What are you looking at?" Jie Ming walked in with two glasses of water. Many people were awake last night, including them.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Akira was quite puzzled: "Why would he give this to me? Ignis... Even if he can no longer become Ultraman, he won't hand over this power. .”

"No matter what he wants to do, if he hands over this power, aren't he afraid that I will use it against him?"

This is a question that is difficult for Zhangren to understand, and it is also a question that he has pondered for a long time without an answer.

"Could it be that...there's something wrong with this?" Jie Ming put forward a hypothesis.

"It's possible." Akira didn't deny it: "But I still don't understand why he turned into Dark Teliga."

"Is the Dark Giant more powerful than he has ever been?"

"Or...is there something that requires him to give up this power and become a dark giant?"

This idea is ridiculous, thinking that if the giant of light cannot do something, it is naturally impossible for the giant of darkness to do it. Is there a huge gap in power between the two?

"Do you want to try it? Akirato." Yuimei stood behind Akirato: "Transform into...Ultraman Nexus."

"That's impossible." Akira vetoed the matter without even thinking: "Through Sword Wu, I understood one thing, that is, even if you have a transformer, if you don't get the approval of the light, it's There’s no way to transform.”

"The transformer is not inevitable, just a condition."

"Obviously." Akira held his head with both hands and buried himself in it: "I haven't been recognized by the light yet."

"If it's Akira, it will definitely work." At this time, Kengo's voice also sounded, and attracted the attention of both Yu Ming and Akira.

Yumei was very worried about Kengo's physical condition and helped him to stand up, while Akira was very annoyed (tsundere): "If it is really that easy to transform into Ultraman, then I won't You got there first."

"No, I heard Ignis say that his power is not like that of Triga, who can be appointed." Jian Wu shook his head and explained: "Ignis said that this is a job that everyone can do. Awakening, the light that is possible for all, exists in every heart.”

"It's just that not many people can inspire this light."

"You don't think I can do it, do you?" Akira pointed at himself.

"Of course." Jian Wu smiled brightly: "If it's Akira, it will definitely work."


Although he didn't speak and even turned his head away, the red ears still exposed Akira's current situation.

"You should take good care of yourself next. With Senior Dagu here, you don't have to be in such a rush to fight." Yu Ming said gently: "Mr. Dagu is Ultraman Tiga, and he comes from the same world as his father. The hero who once saved the world.”

"Ah, I believe Senior Diga." Jianwu nodded: "But as for Carmilla, I still want to end it with my own hands."

"It's time for the story and entangled grievances between us... to come to an end."

Kingdom of Absolut.

Although they planned to be cautious before the invasion, breaking through the dimensional barrier on the periphery of the kingdom and the protective shield constructed by the kingdom's tower inevitably caused huge noise.

A silent invasion is impossible.

Therefore, the Olympians who made a huge noise dispersed after breaking into the Kingdom of Light. The moment they landed, they all waited for the sniper attack from the kingdom's strong players.

The little Taurus who stayed in front of the tower also saw the location of the intruders, and some of them were even very close to him.

If this had happened before, he would have been extremely excited and rushed over. Because if there is a fight, he is happier than anyone else.

But that's not possible now. He, who was asked by Brother Tazi to stay here, must first protect his external brain and not leave easily.

...Although he felt in his heart that the tower was very safe and no one could break into it, he was right to do whatever the external brain said.

The first ones to break through the barrier and land were Geno and Justis.

As one of several Ultra warriors sent out by the Kingdom of Light to find the location of the kingdom, neither Geno nor Justis are weak.

And after the two of them landed, the opponents who greeted them were no ordinary people.

"Are you... from Ampera?!" Geno, as a native of the Kingdom of Light, could not forget the appearance of the Dark Emperor, so after landing, he watched the man raising his black cloak and walking towards him and Justice The existence of the person suddenly made him horrified.

Dark Emperor Ampera...that guy from Tartarus, has he even summoned such an existence?

"Hmph, a junior from the Kingdom of Light, a strange Ultraman."

Raising one hand, Rezolim's light surged with terrifying pressure.

As a native of the Kingdom of Light, Geno is under great pressure for the arrival of the Emperor.

To him, Rezolim's ray was a terrifying restraint that would kill him if he touched it, or hurt him if he touched it.

This is true for any Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light.

Justis also knew this, so he immediately took a step forward and blocked Geno behind him to prevent him from facing the emperor directly and suffering huge restraint damage.

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