Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1696 Sword Enlightenment: All things are born to nourish people, and people have nothing to

As someone who has experienced it, Diga can tell what kind of situation the Eternal Core is in now almost at a glance.

Pure light was invaded by darkness at this moment, causing light and darkness to collide.

In the process of intertwining with each other, the two will form a situation where both are out of control, and eventually completely broken and completely collapsed.

Diga stretched his hands forward, transmitting part of his own light into the eternal core, and used his own strength to stabilize the node where the two were fighting.

"Do you want to completely activate the power of the eternal core and destroy this universe?" While passing on the light, Diga also conveyed his words to Ignis: "You want to reset everything in the entire universe, even if The Eternal Core can do it, but it definitely can’t be done this way!”

"My power comes from the gift of the Eternal Core, and it has a great relationship with the Eternal Core!" Ignis continued without looking back: "Tiga, you may not know, the existence of Dark Teliga , is the corresponding existence born by the dark universe in order to contain the eternal core."

"In other words, Dark Triga was born for the Eternal Core, and his duty is to prevent the Eternal Core from endangering the safety of the Dark Universe."

"So, Heite's power is necessary!"

"Are you going to risk everything for something that is so illusory and that no one can be sure of?" Diga spoke again: "Ignis, you..."

"I can't control that much anymore!" Ignis roared: "When I gave up that power, it meant I gave up my hatred for Hitram..."

"In order to fulfill my long-cherished wish, I won't be able to let him go even if it's Hitram!"

If the power born from the destruction of the tribe and the hatred for Hitram were given up by himself, it would be equivalent to giving up everything he had done to Hitram and his past self.

Between the two choices of revenge and resurrection, he chose the latter.

"After all...it's too naive..." Diga shook his head. There is no power to bring the dead back to life in this world. Even if there is, it should be extremely harsh and cannot be applied to the people of Ignis.

His dream was a delusion from the beginning.

But Ignis obviously doesn't care that much. He can even let go of his hatred for Hitram, which shows how exaggerated his obsession is.

The addition of Tiga's light greatly increased the power of the eternal core. In the process of intertwining with the darkness, Tiga's power took the lead as a vanguard to compete with the power of Heite. In the conflict between the two Down, consuming Diga's power.

This also caused Diga's power to be depleted so seriously that Diga's energy was consumed rapidly. Even in just half a minute, Diga's timer was already flashing.

"From the moment the power of Black Te enters the core of eternity, darkness is rooted in the light, and the corresponding darkness will be derived based on the power of light." Ignis sneered and said: "With your own light , how to face the darkness at the core of eternity?”

"Diga, you can't stop me!"

This is indeed the case. Diga's light is too weak in front of the shadow that has been derived from the light of the eternal core. If this continues, Diga will not be able to hold on.

But they were not the only ones who entered the temple. The dark trio who followed them also entered the temple and immediately saw the situation here.

"The Eternal Core? Is it activated again?" Hitram's eyes lit up. He originally thought there was no chance, but now he has renewed hope: "In this way, wouldn't we still be able to get the complete Eternal Core?" ?”

"Before that, let's deal with a few people who are getting in the way." Carmilla's eyes lit up. She could see that the two people were currently unable to move and couldn't free their hands.

And she entered as a third party, with the right to decide who of the two parties would be better next.

But she said that no one can win between two people, because there is only one real winner, and that is her.

The dark spell appeared again, lingering throughout the body, and the power of the eternal core was also stimulated, making Carmilla stronger.

Both hands were pushed forward, and they attacked independently. Two beams of light as bright as blood, but also with golden light, blasted out, hitting Ignis and Diga.

Ignis is ready to activate energy absorption, and Tiga is also ready to activate the powerful form.

But their ideas were completely overturned by the sudden and terrifying wave of the Eternal Core.

The entangled black shadow was born from under the eternal core, and the shadow in the light appeared instantly, as if it was independent from the interior of the eternal core, and it seemed that it was due to the darkness transformed by light. The two came from the same source, complemented each other, and co-existed. around each other.

A wave of light power from the core of eternity knocked back Tiga and Ignis, and also dispersed Carmilla's attack.

A wave of darkness from the core of eternity, the dark impact of the large round black light ball, not only swept Diga and others away, but also completely shattered the temple ruins in an instant, including the temple walls, floor tiles, and With that golden gate, everything was destroyed.

Wave after wave, the power of light and darkness intertwined with each other. The continuous waves destroyed the temple and broke apart the space door, allowing this temple riddled with holes and on the verge of destruction to appear in the real world.

Diga and Hete were knocked out and fell to the ground. The dark trio also felt uncomfortable and retreated a long distance away, thus avoiding themselves from being attacked.

"Eternal Core... went berserk?" Diga struggled to get up from the ground, opened the Aurora Shield in front of him, and supported his own world.

As for Hete, he was even more miserable. He covered his head with both hands and his mind was once again on the verge of losing control.

The sanity that was maintained on the edge of the eternal core is now about to collapse again.

Under the eyes of everyone, the golden eternal core and the black spheres juxtaposed. Although the colors of the two sides are different, their strength is completely the same, without any difference.

At this time, the two light balls slowly started to rotate around each other. From the slow rotation at the beginning, to the apparent increase in speed after one circle, the speed of the two gradually accelerated.

As the two are interdependent and entangled with each other, the impact of one wave after another, one wave higher than the other, continues to spread towards the surroundings. The waves that burst out one after another are getting faster and faster, and even the power is skyrocketing. .

"Not good!" Diga was still well-informed after all. After seeing this scene, he immediately knew in his heart that something big was going to happen.

"Light and darkness are intertwined. Once the two sides complete the overlapping merger...this universe...no...it will even be more serious than that!"

The power of the four elements, earth, water, wind and fire, is enough to open up the world.

But light and darkness are intertwined, and the power of the two concepts is enough to create the world!

The difficulty of opening up and creating is also completely different.

Standing up against such a shock wave, Diga stepped forward and walked upstream step by step towards the two light balls that were rotating at high speed.

The Aurora shield shattered.

The body was beaten repeatedly by the waves.

From the compound type to the powerful type, and then unlocking the ancient power, he elevated himself to the ultimate level. Even so, every step of Tiga's steps was very difficult.

But the power of Tiga lies in the heart. As long as Dagu makes up his mind to do it, Tiga can burst out with unlimited power.

So even though it was difficult and impossible to reach for Chaozhou, Tiga still came.

Standing in front of these two light balls, Diga took a deep breath, suddenly stretched out his hands, and blocked their paths.

Peiran's power almost made Diga lose control, but for some reason, the golden light that filled his body burst out from his body, giving him the qualification to stop.

Blocking the eternal core with one hand, Diga's whole body released golden shining light, while the other hand blocked the black ball of light, which also caused Diga's half body to be infected by darkness, and turned Diga's half body into darkness. .

If it were other arcana, under the conflict between light and darkness, they would definitely suffer an unspeakable impact and even collapse.

But for Diga, whether it is light or darkness, it is just a part of his strength and a gesture.

The terrifying energy wave disappeared, and the violent fluctuations calmed down. The last sight of Jian Wu, who had been belatedly arrived, when he fell from the sky, was to see Diga being split into two and entering two eternal cores respectively.

This scene made his mind go back to 30 million years ago in an instant.

Just like the scattered light particles of his predecessors, they disappeared in front of him.


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