Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1723 The one who has been hanging up all the time, gets out of the queue (long road to updat

Chapter 1723 The one who has been hanging up all the time, get out of the queue! (The long road to update, when will it end)

"How is Dagu doing now?"

Those words that are more likely to stimulate the eternal core, Yuanyuan have no choice to continue.

After all, this eternal core was born into consciousness because it absorbed the power of King Ao. It is unknown when it was assimilated by King Ao and turned into a piece of shit.

But even if he becomes crumbs, he doesn't want to become the persecuted Noah.

So it’s a no-brainer to accept it as soon as it’s done.

Otherwise, if this guy keeps it in mind, the future will be hard to predict.

The eternal core gave its answer, and escaped back into the dim light, causing the entire temple to sink to the bottom again in a very short period of time.

The Eternal Core is still in its final position inside the temple. The broken stone slabs and floor tiles that turned into pieces have all been restored to their original state under the terrifying power of time reversal, allowing the Eternal Core to return to its own "home" once again. "middle.

The ringing voice in my mind represents every answer from the Eternal Core, and also represents those things that cannot be known by the Dark Core.

"You and the Dark Core are of one mind now. He will know everything you said?" Yuanquan repeated the words of the Eternal Core on one side, but then he glanced at the evil god over there with disbelief.

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"If what you said is true, doesn't it mean that the Dark Core already knows that I'm coming?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuanquan saw from the corner of his eyes that the dark core that should have been in front of the evil god appeared behind the evil god and still existed on the evil god's body.

But the black spherical core looked even weirder.

Only when something like this happens can Source really believe that what the Eternal Core says is true.

Although the core of darkness did not show a human face, just the appearance of this round sphere was enough for the source to feel his gaze.

This is different from the humanoid appearance. Even if it is just a ball, the Dark Core is not impossible.

"I'm not interested in getting entangled with this guy." Yuanquan retracted his gaze, turned around and walked outside calmly: "But if things don't work out, I will take action at all costs, and even you won't be able to stop me. "

"Even if this is a performance that will send your dark side back to the dark universe, when it comes to Dagu's safety, I will not hold anything back." The forward steps stopped slightly, and the source turned slightly and said this : "You'd better not be playing with fire and burning yourself."

"You have to be lucky that Dagu is on your side."

After saying this sentence, it represents the real reason why Yuanquan did not take action after landing.

The direction of a world naturally has its own direction. If outsiders interfere, it is likely to lead to a worse situation.

This is recognized by Source, which is why he still wants to spread the light of salvation even though he has become the savior.

Because he can't save everyone, all he can do is give everyone the possibility of saving themselves.

After saying this, Yuanquan walked away, leaving here and going straight to the shelter.

The Dark Core has once again returned to its original position, allowing itself to relax a little more about the first-generation savior.

There is no way, maybe the second-generation savior is not yet skilled in controlling his own power, so it doesn't seem to be a worry for the time being.

But if it is the first-generation savior, then the one who is not unworthy of worry becomes Him.

This is not a half-bucket of water like Yaohui who failed to control his own power, but the real first-generation savior, the first person who brought the light of salvation and responded to the legend,

No one will underestimate this guy if the Dark Core underestimates him.

But fortunately, since he personally admitted that he would not take action, out of understanding of him, the Dark Core also felt that this time he should abide by the rules and not really confront him.

As for Tiga?

It is absolutely impossible that there is no release.

Although the words of the savior are powerful, it is not impossible for the Dark Core itself to fight against it.

But if Diga is released and Gujia appears, the Dark Core will be completely paralyzed.

And that bastard at the core of eternity...

The Dark Core despises this guy from the bottom of his heart!

"Ignis... there is no time for you to continue falling asleep."

Jie Ming looked at Ignis who was still lying dead over there. After knowing that Carmilla had lost her ability to transform, he was his only hope.

Hat's power has also become a must-have power.

Kenwu and Yumei both had some headaches. On the one hand, they really needed it, but on the other hand, they also had to bear the consequences of Ignis' possible loss of control.

No one knows what the consequences will be.

"It would be great if someone with the power of darkness similar to the evil god can appear at this time." Yu Ming sighed: "But a guy with such darkness will definitely not cooperate with us."

"If nothing can be done, I will rush in front of the eternal core, absorb it into my body, and then hold the evil god and die with him." Jianwu clenched his fists, this was the best way he could think of.

Immune to light and dark? So what about the power of the Eternal Core?

Not fragments, but the power of the true eternal core.

"Don't have such thoughts!" Jie Ming turned his head: "You have to know that since a correct strategy has appeared, then don't risk trying a second one."

"Because we can't afford the second time."

If Teliga went up to die together, but the evil god was fine and exploded himself, then the situation would only become more chaotic.

Although it might succeed, they can't afford to gamble now.

Any strength now is just needed.

"Kengo-san!" But at this moment, Yaohui suddenly opened the door of the ward with a smile on his face.

Although he was a little out of breath, he still brought good news to Jianwu with a confident and energetic face.

"Kengo-san, let's go quickly, the first savior has arrived!"

"The first... savior?" This is a name that I have never heard of before, but what Haruki said cannot be false, so Kengo and Yumei looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of confusion in each other's eyes. .

After notifying Yaohui, Yuanquan chose to leave here and no longer exist within the scope of the evil god's ability.

Although there are few people here, everyone's every move is under the attention of the evil god. This kind of thing must be absolutely avoided.

Because the evil god stands here, the shelter where he originally lived is also being relocated urgently, and he must stay away from this battlefield no matter what.

After finally escaping from the city and finally settling down here, a new monster found the place again and forced everyone to abandon the home they had finally rebuilt and wander away from here again, heading towards their new home. Go ahead.

The tents and houses set up in these abandoned shelters have lost the bustle and bustle of the night at this moment, leaving only the silence of the plastic bags picked up by the breeze, swinging in the air, sucking away the last trace of popularity.

The source stepped on the ground and entered this deserted shelter.

"They're all gone..."

The divergent power of thought found people who moved to farther places in a very short period of time, and even rebuilt houses in an environment with nothing, made fires for cooking, and chose to settle down again.

No matter what happens, life has to be lived.

Since you can't stop it, give the responsibility to the person who should bear it.

As for you, you just need to live your own life.

Opening his eyes with satisfaction, he gathered back the divergent thought power. Four rays of light suddenly separated from Yuanquan's body and dispersed in four directions.

Bury your own light in the four directions of east, south, west, and north, and use it as an anchor point to connect and connect with each other to form an independent world like a pyramid, which isolates this place so that even the evil gods cannot spy.

Yuanquan sat cross-legged, waiting for the arrival of Jianwu and others.

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