Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1738 1730: I know what you want to see, but I just won’t show it to you. I’ll have to wait u

Waging a war is not an easy task for ordinary ethnic groups, even for cosmic-level civilizations.

Although the Kingdom of Light is very powerful, if you want to launch a war across the universe, the preparations required in the early stage are very complicated.

And since it is an expedition, things in this universe must be arranged.

And it is not an easy task to make those guys who have never been restless settle down.

This is also a huge test for Zoffie. After all, this is the first time he has carried out a war of such a scale since he became the captain of the Space Guard.

As the only one of the Ultra brothers to participate in the Ultra War, Zofi was an elite warrior who came from the time when the Ampera invaded the Kingdom of Light.

Times have changed, and even in today's era, Zuo Fei is absolutely at the top in terms of qualifications and strength.

Even Taro couldn't surpass Zoffie in this aspect.

And Zoffie is also the captain of the Space Guard appointed by Ultra's father. He is also gradually passing on his rights to Zoffie, allowing him to slowly take over the right to speak.

The greatest wish of Ultra's father in the past was to revive the Kingdom of Light and recreate the grandeur of the Kingdom of Light in the past.

He once thought it would take him a lifetime to achieve this goal.

But he really never thought that things in the future would be so colorful.

This wish came true during his lifetime.

"Have you found Zero's current location?" As Zero left early to find trouble in the kingdom alone, his safety was concerned by everyone in the Kingdom of Light.

However, the Paraji Armed Forces have the ability to travel between different dimensions, and even the Kingdom of Light cannot locate him immediately.

"Where's Libut?" Hikari activated the emergency communication to contact the Galaxy Rescue Team, which was Sora who he temporarily sent out as a liaison officer.

This is an Ultra warrior from the Blue tribe. He is a little weak in frontal combat, but his ability in protection cannot be underestimated.

She is also a member of the escort guarding Princess Julian.

"Still fighting with the Absolutes." Sola's voice unconsciously contained a nervous look: "Aix and Libut are fighting inextricably with the Absolutes. At present, The winner has not been decided yet.”

"What are the characteristics of the enemy?" Hikali asked.

"The screenshot has been taken and will be uploaded to the database immediately. Please accept it, Chief Hikari." Sora kept pressing buttons on the computer in front of him to upload the specific image of the Titan to the Ultra database. Hikali successfully to call out.

"This shape is completely different from Tartarus and Diavolo." Hikari retrieved the information about Tartarus and Diavolo that he had collected in the past, and combined the three After comparing them together, I noticed some differences.

But judging from the data he collected, Diavolo was the one with the highest energy level and physical fitness.

But during the several battles between Source and these guys, plus the battle with Zero, they all said that Tartarus was more difficult to deal with than Diavolo.

Data doesn't lie, but there must be something you haven't noticed.

"Hikali, don't forget, I'll leave Membius to you." As if he was a little worried about his apprentice's safety, Taylor connected to Hikali's communication and asked Hikali again and again.

"I know, Taylor, this is the eighth time you have connected to my communication today, and the eighth time you have said the same thing." Hikari sighed helplessly: "Don't worry, I will definitely make a plan to eliminate The device of Absolute's power brings Mebius back."

"After all, he is also a very important friend of mine."

"It must succeed!"

After Taylor's communication disappeared, another communication came in within a moment.

"Hikali! Is there any equipment suitable for me?!" Ace's carefree voice sounded. Even through the communication device, Hikali could completely feel Ace's aura.

"Didn't you say you didn't want it before?" Hikari raised his forehead and said, "You said it's enough for you, but you also said that the extra armor will only hinder my posture to release the light."

"You also said that was before, but it's different now." Ace smiled "hehe": "I have seen the armor on Brother Man. It turns out that you have been upgrading him, but I have never I saw Brother Man using it."

"You just said it was a set of armor before, but I thought it was a golden heavy armor like Zero." Ace couldn't hide his excitement in his tone: "Quick, quick, quick! Is there any light armor suitable for me?"

"Yes, there is a set. You can get it yourself later."

"Okay, I'll be there soon!" Ace hung up the communication. It was foreseeable that he would run over in a hurry later, and then kick his own door open.

Hikari has long been used to this kind of thing.

Not even two seconds after Ace's communication hung up, the next communication was seamlessly connected and sounded immediately.

Hikari covered his face.

Why don't you go find Zoffie and come to me one by one? I'm not the captain of the Space Guard!

The stone statue of Nexus, which was juxtaposed with the stone statue of Teliga, began to move. The energy core on the chest lit up again, and the milky white eyes also returned to light. The petrified body returned to its full posture in an instant. Ultraman Xexus once again stands tall on the earth.

But that's not the most important thing. After using the key to transform, Nexus's body emitted a strong light. After wrapping his whole body, enough light transformed Nexus's figure. .

After a burst of light, what appeared before everyone's eyes was no longer a red youth or a blue youth, but a brand new warrior intertwined with white and gold.

The energy core on the chest turned into a pattern and was engraved on the chest. A timer exactly like that of ordinary Ultraman appeared on the chest and lit up fully, showing that the energy was sufficient.

The Nexus weapons on both arms had lost their arm blades and were just a pair of wrist guards, but the removed arm blades were embedded in the heels, like a barb.

The right foot is covered in layers of armor from the thigh to the foot, while the other foot has nothing.

If you just look at the appearance of this new Ultra Warrior, you can see that this is the original posture when the source blue was sublimated.

It's just that at that time, it was a mixture of blue and gold, but now it is a mixture of silvery white and gold, which is slightly different.

"I feel that the power is coming up continuously, and it is different from before." Feeling the power flowing in his body at this moment, Akira Ren's eyes gradually lit up. After using this key to transform, he felt better than before. Become stronger every time.

"Does this kind of light reach what Mr. Source said and exceed the limit that evil gods can be immune to?" With his mind set, Zhangren put his hands together and pulled out a long sword composed of light particles in front of his chest. With one hand, he popped out Bare bow.

Mounting the particle lightsaber on the light bow, while the Emperor of Hope and Heite were flying up and down and shuttled around the evil god, Akira noticed the gap between the movement of the Emperor of Hope, loosened his fingers, and let the lightsaber in his hand The transformed arrow flew out, like a meteor, passing by the side of Emperor Hope and accurately hitting the evil god.

This sudden attack attracted the attention of Heit and Emperor Hope, but after they slightly diverted their attention to see who it was, they turned to focus all their attention on the evil god.

Is this attack possible?

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, red spells emerged from the smoke, spiraled into the sky, and gradually gathered on top of the evil god's head, forming a cluster.

The appearance of the dark spell gradually made Ignis' expression become distorted.

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