Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1743 The dark giant stands on the earth (now the dark giant also gets the same treatment)

In fact, from the subconscious, or rather from the moment he knew his identity, Kenwu has been rejecting the person he once was as Heite.

Heite seemed to be his reflection.

If we use the term reincarnation, then Heite is Kenwu's previous life. As a reincarnation, he cannot empathize with Heite's life and can only look at everything from the perspective of a third party observer.

He couldn't think about him in the same way he thought as Heite 30 million years ago.

He was just judging him at that time based on his way of thinking thirty million years later.

So the conclusion he came to was the one before.

The Dark Trio deserved to die, the spacemen deserved to die, the monsters also deserved to die, and Trigga deserved to die even more.

He wanted to destroy Kengo along with Triga. This was his true psychology. Even after being enlightened by several companions, he still felt this way.

So there are many times when Kenwu understands certain things that are unreasonable from the beginning.

For example, when he returned from 30 million years ago, after destroying Heite, all the scattered particles belonging to Heite were supposed to return to Jianwu's body.

Because he is Teliga, even if Heite is divided or even killed, all of Heite will return to Kenwu's body.

But only a few of those dark particles entered Jian Wu's body, and most of the rest were rejected by him, and became an abandoned force, floating into the vast dark universe.

Even the power abandoned by him can still have its own place of survival in the infinite darkness.

Therefore, his memories of his past life were remembered from time to time along with the power he had abandoned, and some of them could only appear in dreams, unable to connect everything intermittently.

Perhaps, this is also the fundamental reason why Dagon, Hitram, and Carmila can sense that he is Teliga, but cannot cognitively think that he is Teliga.

Because everything from 30 million years ago, whether it is posture or memory, is no longer the person they knew.

But now, this power that he had abandoned and was not even recognized by him came into his hands again.

Going around in circles, after losing the power of the Giant of Light, he returned to his side.

The power he still possesses is still this darkness, and this is still his original power.

His true colors.

Dark Teliga.

"No matter how much I deceive myself and others, in the end everything will be like this, is it already destined?" Jian Wu took a deep breath, slowly stood up from the ground, took out the Victory Light Stick from his waist, opened it, and held it. Look carefully in your hand.

"I didn't expect that in the end, I would rely on this power in the end." Holding Heite's key tightly, Jian Wu listened to the roar of the evil god in his ears. His expression was no longer hesitant, replaced by incomparable perseverance. look.

Break the Victory Light Rod apart and insert the Black Key into the end.

"But I am no longer the same person I was 30 million years ago! Even with this darkness, I will not bring suffering to people and deprive everyone of their smiles like I did back then." The flashing divine light stick After making a circle in front of him, Kenwu raised it above his head and pulled the trigger.

"This power now exists to protect everyone's smile!!!"


A sudden black-red storm rose from the ground, and a dark aura that far surpassed Ignis' previous transformation suddenly appeared. This dark power, even if the evil god occupied everyone's minds, also attracted everyone's attention at this moment. attention.

The scarlet blood color in the dark storm faded away, and the dark figure of Dark Teliga once again stood on the earth, and was once again revealed to the world.

"Sword Wu." As if he had a clear understanding, Yui covered the ring and stared blankly at the dark giant.

At this moment, he was synchronized with Youshalei's memory. At this moment, he could even feel Youshalei's complicated emotions towards this giant 30 million years ago.

Grateful yet resentful.

Resentful and longing.

"I know." Ji Ming raised his head stubbornly, forcing himself to look at Jian Wu's current figure. He showed his true appearance at this moment, not the appearance of the radiant giant.

"I know this is the real you."

"But Kenwu, you didn't appear just to destroy us. You came here to protect us and protect this world." Yousalei's bloodline resonated, making Yu Ming's hair become a little... Gray and white, it was obvious that at this moment, her and Youshalei's powers had reached a very high level of compatibility.

"Dark Teliga, please protect this world!"

"That is."

Heit lowered his body, taking the place where the giants of light had stood before, and stood in front of the evil god to block the evil god, as if he was going to carry the future of this world on his back.

This scene was indescribably shocking to Carmilla.

If before that, she was still dubious about Carmilla and Xiaoyi's theory of reincarnation, then when the Heite transformed by Kenwu stood on the earth, in front of Carmilla In the induction, this is the undisputed Ultraman Teliga.

It was exactly the same as the one she knew, no different.

"Telika, are you finally back?" This is the only Teliga that Carmila knows.

That person who was reincarnated as a human being, has he recovered his memories from 30 million years ago?

Has he finally fully recovered from all this?

"So, what about you?" Carmilla also spoke at this time: "You who fought side by side with the original Dark Teliga, now you just want to watch here?"


"What, do you want to say that you have lost your power and can't transform at all?" Carmilla crossed her arms and looked at Carmilla with a scrutinizing gaze: "Is this what you think? Or do you really mean it? Do you think so?"

"Carmilla?" Lina spoke nervously, obviously she didn't want to stimulate Carmilla here.

But Carmilla waved her hand and continued: "It's time to make a choice."

"Are you going to keep deceiving yourself and others like this, or..."

Before she finished speaking, Carmilla turned around and bent down directly to where Carmilla was. In a begging tone, she put down her former arrogance and chose to be humble.

"Lend me your power!"

"I must be by his side!"

If Dagon or Hitram were still there, they would definitely not be able to recognize Carmilla, who chose to bow and beg for help, as the arrogant dark giantess. Because in their impression, Carmilla had never been like this.

There have always been people begging her to do whatever they want, but no one has ever made her beg for help.

"Okay." Carmilla stretched out her hand, handed over the dark divine light rod she had prepared long ago, and gave it to Carmilla.

Because they are parallel world beings, Carmilla's power is completely applicable to Carmilla, and there will be no side effects even if Carmilla is used directly to transform.

Taking the Dark Divine Light Rod from Carmilla's hand, Carmilla thanked her again, then turned around and rushed towards Heite's location.

"Why do you have to ask her to beg you?" After Carmilla walked away, Lina came to Carmilla's side.

"She is so proud." Carmilla stared at Carmilla's retreating back and said with nostalgia: "She looks so much like me before."

"But this kind of arrogance will make her unable to see the future clearly."

“If you are too self-centered, you won’t consider the feelings of others.”

"I asked her to bow her head because I was not willing to bow her head in the past, so I knew that if no one suppressed her, her future would definitely not be any better."

After saying that, Carmilla shook her head, feeling really helpless.

But it's hard for her to say anything. After all, it's her counterpart in the parallel world. To a certain extent, that's her.

In fact, Carmilla also knew that if her meeting wasn't because of someone, it would not have ended well.

"Her character is indeed a bit difficult to regulate." Lina laughed and shook her head: "But I'm afraid she will be even more dissatisfied."

"No, if she can't control herself, the final outcome will be lying in the arms of her lover." Carmilla shook her head.

"You can't tell your true feelings until you're on your deathbed."

"Only then can you let go of that arrogance."

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