Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1748 It’s bad. According to the uncles and aunties in the factory, I turned into a scumbag w

A long, long time ago, before life was born on the earth, and even before the dark giants came to the earth, the eternal core was already bred here and began to emit its own light.

Although at that time, the warriors of light had not yet begun to shine their brilliance, and even the first generation of glory had not yet reached the earth and merged with the person he was destined to be.

But the responsibilities of Eternal Core at that time were completely different from those now.

The eternal core at that time was a huge energy body, equivalent to a huge energy aggregate that was enough to open up the universe, or even recreate the universe.

After the chaos of the past first opened, some of the remaining light was entangled together and condensed into a ball of light. Over the long years, it turned into an eternal core.

But at that time, the eternal core was just an energy body, nothing more.

It was not until later that the first generation of Glory and the Hayata team became one and the same, and Ultraman's chronicle began to turn, and the Eternal Core was given the responsibility to become the warriors who carry these lights, the afterglow and their bonds formed with human beings. The final battle appearance.

Later, under the influence of King Ao, he forced the eternal core to give birth to his own consciousness.

After that, the Dark Universe became aware of the existence of the Eternal Core and was quite wary of the Eternal Core. It believed that it was a huge unstable factor and needed to develop corresponding countermeasures to deal with it.

Therefore, the Dark Four, or Teliga, came into being.

Dark Teliga is a character bred by the Dark Universe to control the Eternal Core and even control its power.

Therefore, Hete's responsibility has been given the key to it, and only he can truly hurt the eternal core.

He was born to do this.

Even though he later became a giant of light, Triga still possessed such characteristics.

Even if the eternal core riots, he can suppress it.

Because Telika was born to do this.

Therefore, the dark core bred from the body of the eternal core ultimately belongs to the core and is an equal existence to the eternal core.

And to a certain extent, the Dark Core can also be harmed by Teliga.

Therefore, it is impossible for Carmilla to succeed in replicating Telika's behavior.

Teliga himself could do this, but no one else could.

Although this somewhat feels like an imperial decree, is this the reason why Dark Universe gave birth to Hater?

[Only you can push the core of darkness back to where it belongs. 】

This voice reappeared and resounded in Jianwu's mind again.

[You have already obtained the speed of Hitram and the power of Dagon. What you want to get next is what will completely turn you into a giant of light]

[That thing is on Carmila's body, she...]

Before the next words could be finished, the voice suddenly went offline again.

But Jian Wu has long been used to this.

However, before disconnecting this time, he finally revealed who the last person he was looking for was, but Carmilla...

Why do I have to find the power to become a giant of light in Carmilla?

At this moment, Triga still had a black appearance, but the red and purple composite posture on his body had been finalized. Only his chest and entire face were still black, which made him look a little out of place.

On the other side, the Evil God collided with Carmilla. Carmilla could not withstand the power of the Evil God and was pushed back one after another by the backlash.

But the movement of her hand was not slow. The materialized light rod turned into a light whip, and she waved it out, wrapping it around the hilt of the Brilliant Sword, and took it away forcefully.

The evil god's big hand missed the target, which made him extremely angry. The dark flash exploded directly on Carmilla's body regardless of the distance, blowing Carmilla away again, and forcing the Brilliant Sword to fall to the ground again.

The evil god won with one blow and took another step forward.

But there was someone faster than Him.

Saori suddenly appeared next to the Glory Sword, activated his space movement ability, and moved the huge Glory Sword with him. In several consecutive jumps, he was far away from the evil god's body and was transferred into the pyramid.

Then, Saori held a huge fireball in both hands, which she raised high above her head. She kept jumping and flashing around the evil god, throwing fireballs continuously.

"Carmilla!" Jian Wu helped Carmilla up: "Are you okay?"

"Can that sword... really kill the evil god?" Although Carmilla didn't believe it, now that the matter was over, she had to believe it.

"Just now, I was told that there is something hidden in you that can turn me into a giant of light." After a moment of hesitation, Jianwu chose to tell the truth: "But... I don't know what it is."

"Me?" Carmilla was a little surprised. As a dark giant, what kind of light power could she provide to Triga?

"I don't know either, it's just..."

Before he could finish his subsequent words, the black curtain poured down from the sky again, pressing down suddenly. In an instant, Saori, who was constantly jumping in space, was pressed to the ground, unable to activate his abilities.

The evil god ignored the monster girl. He was already very impatient and chose to turn on the power.

It is no longer the power of darkness, but the power of transcendence. Finally, at this moment, the evil god used his true ability to show a certain ability that was different from before. The black curtain hanging from the sky suddenly descended, pressing down and spreading across the entire earth. They were all covered, so that everyone was once again shrouded in darkness, unable to see the light of day.

Then, both Carmila and Saori could feel their power leaking out in a very short period of time, like turning on a faucet, being drawn out in the darkness, forming a drifting stream of light. Submerged into the deepest darkness.

The earth was deprived of its vitality and turned into a desert. The sand and gravel appeared desolate among the flying layers, and there was no longer any vitality.

The life of trees was deprived, the vitality of grass and trees was cut off, the pulse of the earth was also swallowed up, and those lives that were born on the ground also fell one after another and were completely swallowed up, leaving no life left.

Lina and Carmilla saw that the situation was not good and immediately hid in the pyramid.

At this moment, in this dark world, this shining pyramid has become the safest place.

"My power." Signs of petrification appeared again from her feet. Carmilla was slightly shocked. Unlike the last time when all her power was taken away, this time she could feel that her life source was also there. plundered.

"Teliga, you"

Carmila's body began to turn to stone, but Trigga's body remained the same without any changes.

This discovery made Carmilla understand something in a daze. She looked blankly at the side face of Teliga who was anxiously carrying her to leave the shady scene. After all, she still had some things in her heart that she was unwilling to take seriously. Being presented at this moment.

"Put me down." Carmilla said: "Teliga, I am very lucky to see you again."

"Thirty million years ago, you transformed into that posture, fought with me without any reason, and then sealed us." Carmilla said softly: "At that time, I wanted a reason, a reason why you were so Reasons to do it.”

"But thirty million years later, even if I wake up, you are still silent."

"The person fighting on your behalf is a human being I don't know."

"But now I understand what you really want to do, the reason why you became a warrior of light."

"Carmila?" Jianwu gritted his teeth and suppressed himself: "Stop talking, I will take you out of here right away."

"It's just that I still have a question I want to know the answer to." Carmilla said to herself: "You have always hated your dark self, so you should also hate me very much."

"But why did you choose to accept me?"

"Thirty million years ago, I didn't give you any answers. Thirty million years later, I told you everything." Jian Wu said: "If you insist on giving a reason, then whether it is Carmi Neither La nor Hat should exist.”

"So, only you who are not Carmilla and me who are not Teliga can live in this world."


"Then, as you wish." After saying that, Carmila immediately flew up from Jian Wu's shoulders before she was completely petrified, and then landed in front of Triga again, stopping his attack. pace.

"Carmila, you." Before she could finish her next words, Carmila had already leaned forward and gave her a kiss goodbye.

In this dark and sinking world.

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