Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1757 Eryuan: Do you really think I am worthy of being exhausted every day? Today I will show

Chapter 1757 Eryuan: Do you really think I am worthy of being exhausted every day? Today I will show you my invincibility!

The moment the rainbow knife cut into the clone, the entire knife disappeared in an instant, and was broken down into colorful light particles, which entered the clone's body and were then transmitted to the second source as the main body.

But after the colorful light entered the body, the Rainbow Sword could not violate the power of the mysterious second source, so it was forced to become part of the power of the second source.

But the power of the Rainbow Knife still works.

Just when the light of the kingdom's core device dropped to its lowest level, Eryuan was forced to stop absorbing.

This was not his choice, but after the rainbow knife entered his body, something strange came into conflict with himself, forcing him to let go.

Because even if you absorb it again, you can't absorb anything anymore, it's like a blank.

"Hmph, are you using the existence of the Rainbow Knife in exchange for a glimmer of hope for the kingdom?" Er Yuan didn't care, casually letting go of his hand and turning around slowly, looking at Aix who fell from the sky.

After losing the Rainbow Knife, Aikes maintained his transcendent form and stood beside Brother Tazi, helping him up.

"Er Yuan..." Akers' eyes were full of solemnity. The person standing in front of him clearly existed, but Akers could only see him with his naked eyes.

In his perception and cognition, the second source does not exist.

"What's wrong, are you so surprised to see me?" As he spoke, Er Yuan raised his hand and the power of seven rainbow lights suddenly appeared in Er Yuan's hand, becoming a force driven by him.

"I will accept your transcendent power."

Possessing the ability to unite all people, Eryuan possesses some incredible abilities innately. Even though the Rainbow Knife brought the final vitality to the kingdom, the price was that Aix lost the Rainbow Knife forever. his transcendent power.

This is not the kind where the Rainbow Knife is absorbed by Gliza. Even if the Rainbow Knife is no longer available, it will be difficult to build another one.

What was taken away this time was the real Rainbow Knife, which was conceptually possessed by Er Yuan and even used by him.


Brother Tazi never expected that he originally wanted to bring Aix to the kingdom to torture him, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be the last chance to save the kingdom.

In front of Er Yuan, even though he had been strengthened, he looked extremely fragile.

"We can join forces now." Aix looked at Tartarus: "Although you were once the opponent of the Ultra Warriors and our opponent, but now, whether it is to fight against this demon or to protect Your country, we should all unite!"

"...Only for you." Brother Tazi was silent for a moment, and then said softly: "Rainbow Knife... No matter what, the kingdom accepts your affection."

"Then let's go together!" Aix raised his hand in front of his face: "For our world, and for your country!"

"That's right, I have more important things to do now." He also touched Ax with his hands sideways. This was the first time that Brother Tazi put aside his grudge with the Ultra Warriors and chose to work together to fight against a powerful enemy. .

The kingdom's power was plundered, and it was even almost wiped out because of this, but it still retained a part of the fire, so that it would not be covered by ice and snow.

There is still a chance for the kingdom to rise.

Brother Tazi stood on the left, pressing down with his hands, and Aix stood on the right, inserting the first-generation card and the Tiga card in an instant, activating his final posture (the final one in the theatrical version): Beta Spark Armor.

Holding the Beta Spark Sword, Aix and Brother Tazi stood side by side.

When the two sides were about to rush forward to fight, Er Yuan held his hand empty, and the seven-colored light entrenched in his palm suddenly condensed together and turned into a brand new rainbow knife.

"Feel your own transcendence."

He sneered and swung his rainbow sword, and the colorful sword light fell instantly, passing over Aix and Brother Tazi.

The Beta Spark Armor instantly collapsed and disappeared, and Aix returned to his transcendent posture of a blank slate.

Tartarus, on the other hand, felt a little dizzy in front of his eyes. The parallel worlds he had been to, and even the parallel worlds he had maintained with his own transcendent power, collapsed in an instant, and were all destroyed by unknown forces.

Everything, those worlds that were destined to be destroyed, all came to an end at this moment.

Not only that, the emperor Ampera, who was looking at Seven 21 and Geno in the kingdom prison, was telling the story of the Ultra War, but before he could finish speaking, the emperor disappeared in an instant.

The dark emperor's aura dissipated into nothingness, and in the blink of an eye he returned to a parallel world that should never have appeared, and was subsequently destroyed.

Tartarus spread his hands unbelievingly, but the red gem did not give him any reaction this time, and the door that was supposed to be opened did not move.

Not only that, Brother Tazi's ability to activate the power of transcendence, create a parallel world timeline with his own portal, or pull teammates out of it also failed. No matter how he urged it, there was no response. .

"My transcendent power...why he..." Of course, Ax himself is very clear about his transcendent power, which is the level that Ax will reach in the future.

But because of this, he found it difficult to accept the fact that Er Yuan used the Rainbow Knife so easily.

Even if the Rainbow Knife was taken away, it shouldn't be grasped by Er Yuan so easily.

What is this guy's ability... exactly?

Why can…

But Eryuan didn't give them much time to think. He stretched out a finger in the air and pointed at the space in front of him. In an instant, Brother Aixertazi flew out upside down, and they both fell off the bridge and fell into the underground of the kingdom.

"Sa, then..." After dealing with the two people who came to send warmth, Eryuan turned around, preparing to take away the last bit of light in the kingdom.

It feels like...as long as it is completely absorbed, it can be restored to nearly 90% of its strength.

Regardless of the status in all aspects, it is extremely close to the peak state.

Er Yuan stretched out his hand, and just as he was about to touch it, a dimensional tunnel suddenly opened in the sky of the kingdom. Immediately, the arrogant figure rushed out of the tunnel and suddenly landed on the bridge.

"Sa! Tartarus! Let's continue our unfinished battle..." Before the word war could be said, Zero just raised his head and saw Er Yuan standing at the end of the bridge, taking the time to watch his performance... Er Yuan.

"You are!!" Seeing Er Yuan in the kingdom was definitely a shock to Zero.

What is this guy planning?

"Sai~Luo~" The protracted tone was full of yin and yang. When he saw Sai Luo, Er Yuan thought of the countless cycles of annihilating the future, the victories that were close at hand but could never be close. Horrible cycle.

"Er Yuan! What are you doing here!" Zero stood up, raised the Ultimate Sword and pointed at the opposite side: "You guy...are you cooperating with them?"

"Yes, it is indeed a cooperation." Er Yuan nodded. After absorbing the last ray of light from the kingdom into his body, he turned around and faced Zero.

“Perfect collaboration!”

"Huh, that's all you have." Zero wiped his nose and said with extraordinary aura, "But I'm not afraid of you!"

"The current me..." took out the Chonghuang dial, gathered the ultimate weapon and transformed it into a Paraji bracelet. Sero stuck the dial on the bracelet and raised it high: "But I am invincible!"

Along with the exciting BGM, the Chonghuang Dial began to unfold, and the Heisei era also began...

Oh, it didn’t start, because under Er Yuan’s casual swing of the rainbow knife, the exciting BGM only started to mute, and the originally radiant dial that was about to unfold returned to calm.

Nothing happened.

Zero, who held his hands high in the air, waited for a long time, but not only did he not show his respect for the emperor, but even the BGM was gone.

"Eh?" Zero's face was a little confused. He put his hand down and patted the dial, checking it carefully.

"Something went wrong?"

"Hikari didn't fix it for me?"

At this moment when Zero was confused, the temperature of the Kingdom Star lost its light dropped sharply, and the terrifying ice wave began to spread.

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