Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1783 Sea of ​​Stars

The existence belonging to the source has been devoured in the previous battle, and only the remaining part remains in the body of the source, which is no longer even able to support him in the next battle.

The intervention of Chao Bayuan, and his willingness to give up his own existence, merged his one third of the existence belonging to [Source] with the origin, filling the existence of the source that was absorbed and swallowed by the two sources, and with this, let The source becomes more powerful than Zhiqiang.

But at this moment, this power was obtained by Super Eight Sources with their own existence, but it was still not as strong as Second Source.

If the original fusion of the eight super sources is the remaining power plus the whole, it has an existence of about 1.3, then the second source itself plus the existence of absorbing and devouring the original source can have about 1.7 strength.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Eryuan still has the advantage.

Not to mention that he now has additional help from the Dark Universe and can become more powerful based on the original.

Chao Bayuan's self-dedication and sacrificing himself to enter Yuanquan's body gave Yuanquan a chance to fight again.

But there is only this one chance.

Whether he can grasp it or not depends on him.

"Damn woman! Am I not... fulfilling your wish?" Smashing his head with his fist, Er Yuan roared: "As long as I become a mystery, I can list you and Yuan Yuan separately. You can do whatever you want at that time, it has nothing to do with me anymore!”

"Now is the last step! Just a little bit away! Just calm down!"

Suddenly he put a palm on his Heavenly Spirit Cap. The image of the World Destroyer did not change, but the source of the inner essence could be clearly seen through the appearance. The blood gurgling from Er Yuan's head was flowing down his cheeks. It slipped down and gathered all the way to the chin, dripping down.


Panting heavily, Er Yuan raised his head. His blood-eroded eyes had turned red, and blood was flowing down his cheeks.

But in his eyes, the previous frenzy of the two wills struggling with each other was gone.

"That's good. If he comes, it will save me the trouble of looking for him!" Standing up straight again, Eryuan clenched his fist fiercely: "I can just swallow you all together, right here... directly ascend to the gods!"

"This is the opportunity he gave me, and I will never let him down." Yuanquan took a deep breath: "There is still someone waiting for him to go back! Even for that person, I can't let him be swallowed up by you!"

"It's not up to you to make the decision!" Er Yuan snorted coldly. This time he did not choose to use absorption, but directly carried out the maximum output attack.

Just like the final vs. final situation before, once one side chooses to go all out, the other side will inevitably use the same tricks to fight.

There is no possibility of dodging or escaping. The final move will hit the opponent no matter what, and he will definitely be hit.

This cause and effect is irreversible.

"Since that woman can't wait any longer, then... let's decide the outcome with one move right here!"

He crossed his hands in front of his chest and spread them out to both sides. The timer flash brewing in his chest condensed again, and was directly shot out amidst Er Yuan's roar, bombarding the source.

But knowing that Er Yuan can turn this move into a source of absorption at any time, I will definitely not be fooled again this time.

The special move can turn the maximum power output into the ultimate absorption in an instant. Er Yuan has hidden this ability for so long that he almost took him away in one wave.

Therefore, Yuanquan did not choose to fight the wave this time, at least he did not intend to use his existence to gamble again.

Even if Er Yuan is using his own existence to pressure you, he will force you to confront him.

"call out!"

Penetrating the membrane of the dark world, carrying the tail wings of seven rainbow lights, the catastrophic sword came quickly, hovering above the head of the source, emitting an uncertain light.

It seems to be joy, and it seems to be expressing something.

Yuanquan raised his hand, and the Yaoban Sword swooped down, and was caught by Yuanquan in his hand.

The sword was placed horizontally in front of him, resisting Er Yuan's attack with the power of catastrophe. The running black and red light flow was like a streamer, dancing and swaying in the wind.

Particles that are constantly broken by the sword edge wash away the entire sword body on both sides, and the sword body is like the most stubborn rock, insisting on blocking the rushing river, forcibly dividing this rushing river into two halves .

"Die! Die!" He increased his energy output and became more powerful. Eryuan's eyes widened and he roared with joy: "You think you can stop it with just that sword?" ?"

"Look, you and that sword have the only path to destruction!"

The Yaoban Sword trembled, and the sword body was under great pressure during the confrontation. It seemed that it might be dismembered and broken at any time.

The source remained silent, and a crack appeared in the flaring sword as it trembled. Although it was weak, it did exist.

"Hmph!!" The sound of the sword breaking due to being overwhelmed could be heard clearly in his ears. Er Yuan laughed and maintained his power output at the peak moment.

"Yuanquan, you can't stop me!"

Are you going to... lose to him here?

One's own power is passively improved, and the person who has truly absorbed the existence of countless [sources] is the second source.

Different from his own passive improvement, Eryuan's power of existence and his own subjectivity far surpassed his.

But this...is this an excuse for failure?

In this way...can I fail with peace of mind?

[Unknown God... I hope you can hear my call and let the source go to the person he wants to go to. 】

This voice is... Xiaohui's voice?

A scene like this suddenly appeared in Yuanquan's mind. In an empty laboratory, she held her hands together and kept praying.

That is...the only remaining...last favor...

[I hope everything goes well during this time travel]

[I hope he can come back, I hope he can accomplish everything he wants to do]

【Whoever you are, please listen to my wish】

[I will wait for him here, please let him wait for me for a while]

The sound of these recited prayers was split into two along with the picture in my mind.

Part of it is the only remaining Xiao Hui, praying to an unknown existence for the safety of his lover.

Part of it is the scene where Xiaohui's wish was obtained by Zhaji in a world covered by clouds, and she lost her life.

Two different wishes also created completely different endings.

In two different stories, what is shown is completely different...the future.

Beyond the Dark World.

The earth, which suddenly shone brightly, showed a power that did not belong to a planet at this moment, and the entire earth emitted faint fluctuations.

The sky was illuminated in an instant.

The earth carries the pulse of life.

The ocean is giving birth to new hope.

The earth...the place where everything begins, the place where fate meets, the earth that was once destroyed and then resurrected, the hometown of the savior, at this moment, shows a mother's love for her child.

The vibrations and impacts over and over again caused the warriors still fighting on the earth to stop.

Everything in the world, everything on the earth, emits a glimmer of light, gathering into an ocean of light composed of particles, and converging into a river in the surge.

"That's..." Yinhe raised his head and stared at the stream of light hanging above the sky, as brilliant as the Milky Way.

"The Sea of ​​Stars..." Ultra's father answered in the affirmative: "The Sea of ​​Stars of the Earth."

"Source..." Diga also raised his head and stared at the sea of ​​stars flowing in the sky. It seemed that at this moment, through this sea of ​​stars that was reconnected, he could see the story of the previous world.

Raising his hand, a flash of light suddenly appeared on Diga's fingertips. It was the light particles floating out of his body. After circling around Diga's body, it followed the endless light and merged into the sea of ​​stars. .

If Tiga has some enlightenment.

"Earth, is it your will..."

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