Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1786 There are some unique ones, above all others [give to all, all are mine]

"You bunch of troublesome guys!"

Seeing this group of Ultra Warriors that he looked down upon appeared one after another and launched attacks on him in the Sea of ​​Stars, Er Yuan was filled with resentment and felt that these guys were doing useless work.

Even the savior can't break through the protection, what can you bunch of stinky beggars do? You can.


But what Er Yuan didn't expect was that the shield he maintained actually had cracks, and the cracks became larger and larger under the continuous bombardment of light, becoming more and more conspicuous. .

"You guys! You..." Eryuan suddenly raised his head, and after scanning the golden Ultra Warriors one by one, he finally set his sights on Diga.

"It's you!!"

"This is not my power, it is the power of all of us." With considerable awareness, he inspired Tiga's shining posture, and guided all the Ultra Warriors to become this appearance, and at this moment, for The source brought final help.

"It's time for Yuan to wake up from his dream."

"The me in that world is already waiting for you."

Diga once fought side by side with the long-dead Dagu of the Shadow Universe, but in the end he was unable to turn the tide. In the end, he could only watch helplessly as everything was swallowed up by darkness.

Even Da Gu in that world died helplessly in the end.

But things are different now, now is not the time to be powerless.

"Diga! I will kill you!!"

After saying these harsh words, Eryuan increased his energy output, trying to make up for the cracks in the shield.

But no matter how powerful he applied, he was still unable to repair the crack. Instead, the holy sword squeezed in bit by bit and entered the interior.

At this moment, Yuanquan received everyone's help. The sword edge penetrated the outer protection and entered the inside bit by bit until most of the sword body was not inside.

Er Yuan looked at the Holy Sword getting closer and closer, gritted his teeth and changed his mind. He no longer continued to maintain the shield, but moved his hands in front of him, using the concept of severance in both palms, and used the Holy Sword's The sword's edge was locked in both palms, making it impossible for him to break out and could only be locked here.

The source and the holy sword successfully borrowed the path that everyone opened for him to enter the interior, getting closer to the second source.

It was at this time that Er Yuan's figure changed dramatically in Yuan Quan's eyes.

It is no longer Er Yuan himself, but in Er Yuan's body. In his timer, a certain figure that exists here opens his hands, fully unfolds his chest, and aims at the edge of the holy sword. .

The figure that exists in Eryuan's body, although weak, does exist.

"That's..." At this time, Yuanquan remembered what he had said when Eryuan was absorbed again.

Since Zaki has done such a thing, no matter what, I will ask him to repay it a thousand times!

Is he telling me that he is already prepared that Eryuan and Zhaji's final Achilles' heel is where he is now?

But that guy's life was saved only after Zhaji became one with him. With this sword blow, Zhaji may not necessarily die, but Eryuan will definitely die.

As if aware of Yuanquan's thoughts, Eryuan inside Zhaji smiled and shook his head, opening and closing his mouth as if he was telling something.

Even though he couldn't hear his voice, Source could still understand the meaning of his words.


Holding the holy sword tightly, Yuanquan roared angrily, gathered strength in his arms, and tried his best to release his attack, pouring everything he had into this final sword.

"Don't even think about it!" Zaki, who still didn't know what had happened in his body, blocked the holy sword, making it impossible for the sword to go any further.

"That's it, you guy! You actually...are fighting between us."

"Yes, this is the battle between us." Yuanquan nodded and said in response to Eryuan's doubts: "My red youth is different from the red youth you think."

"It's different? It's just like Nexus's appearance when he advanced for the first time. What's the difference?" Er Yuan said indifferently: "If you maintain the attitude of the savior now, maybe I really can't stop you. is you."

"What a pity. You are always just a little bit short of victory."

But compared to Er Yuan's teasing, Yuan Quan had a different answer.

"No, this is the end."

The source shook his head.

"The power of all is not due to you and me awakening that all are me and all are unified. It is not the power of the savior and the destroyer of the world, but because of the power of everyone."

"Your power of all things is born of me, but it is also formed because of the most important one in your heart. Because that one is above all things to you, so it is the unity of all things."

"But for me, the power of all people starts from this posture."


"Because everyone believes in me, they believe that I can win, they believe that I will win!" The milky white eyes released a strong light, and at the same time, the dark universe also trembled. The entire dark universe seemed to have encountered something. The unimaginable thing changed from being completely indifferent to being extremely surprised.


Endless light gathered together, and the extremely weak light of individual existences gathered together to form a huge amount of light.

That is not the light of the bright world, but the light that comes from all the worlds, from all living things, and from all existences, given at this moment.

Just as the source became the savior at the beginning, spreading the light of salvation without any hesitation and bringing hope to all living beings, today all living things and all people in the world have also responded to the source at this moment, and at this moment, will belong to them. The light is given back to the source.

"I have been fighting under everyone's gaze from the beginning. This light was very weak at the beginning." At that time, everything revealed in the past battles emerged one by one in front of Yuanquan's eyes.

"It's everyone who gives me strength."

"Whether it's everyone in my hometown, everyone in the Tiga world, and later... everyone in the universe."

"This is the true meaning of being a savior."

Endless light is still gathering, and those beings from the world of light are giving back to this savior.

Those who live in the dark world repay the fraternity of the Savior.

Everything has a cause and effect. If any of the previous links had not appeared, there would be no way to help the source at this moment.

But it is precisely because all that has been accomplished that this moment has come.

"This is the true self of all people!"

The surging light converged on everyone's heads at the source, and then crashed down, directly instilling into the source's body and wrapping it.

At this moment, thousands of voices were heard by the source.

"I don't know why, but I always feel like someone needs my help."

"Is there anyone who needs my power?"

"Is this feeling like someone is fighting? Needing my power?"

"The light of the savior has helped me, so now, let me help you."

"O light of the dark world, O great savior, if you need our strength."

“The conception of life requires the birth of the light, the savior, who brings life to us.”

All kinds of wishes and all the narrations were concentrated on the source at this moment. The second source regarded it as stupid, and his behavior of spreading the light of salvation, which caused him to become incomplete, received feedback from everyone at this moment.

It is precisely because of your help that I can get everyone's feedback at this moment.

All causes and effects are predestined.

"At this moment, the ideals of all people converge into the only source of greatness." At the junction of the worlds, Grimmd closed his eyes and felt with his heart the huge changes in the two worlds at this moment.

"The forgotten one, he."

Grimmd did not say any more, because at this moment, the huge amount of light on Yuanyuan's body not only enveloped the source itself, but also turned the red youth posture of the source into a pure person of light, and was also gradually changing. In the outline, the appearance of another existence is revealed.

That is the forgotten person in this time, but he is also the most important person.

Especially for Eryuan.

Staring at this illusion made of light, Er Yuan's eyes revealed strong hatred.

"Wei! Come! Nai!"

Every word contained murderous intent but was also filled with hatred.

If it weren't for the fact that Mirai Nai had long since disappeared, Er Yuan's hatred for him would probably still be greater than that of the original one.

But Mirai has died long ago, and the illusion is just an illusion, and can never become a real person.

Even though Er Yuan was filled with hatred, it was of no use to a guy who was already dead.

The holy sword moved forward again, piercing the skin of Eryuan's chest, but only the tip of the sword penetrated a little.

Even if everyone's ideals are transformed into this moment, they can only push the holy sword to this point, and there is no way to completely end it.

"What? Is this the Hongyuan that comes from the convergence of everyone's ideals?" Eryuan raised his head. Although his harsh words remained the same, he felt relieved in his heart.

Fortunately, the power of everyone can only go so far. After the burst of light dissipates, darkness will still be darkness, and I can still do it.

Just when Er Yuan felt lucky, a pair of different hands grabbed the hilt of the holy sword, revealing his own figure at this moment.


Looking up at the movement of the sword-like white clouds in the sky of the Sea of ​​Stars, Yuanquan raised his head. Around him, the originally surging light had turned into nothingness at this moment and no longer existed, so that Yuanquan His whole body was once again shrouded in darkness.

After all, the light shines only for a moment.

I still have two more chapters left to finish the ten updates of V Gill.

Totally OK, guys.

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