Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1789 The happiness that only one person cannot obtain (two chapters in one) (the next two ch

PS: Hey, I just want to save the last chapter until tomorrow, just for fun~

The existence called Source has never been obsessed with power.

Even though he is now at the level that Zaki desires no more, for him, this power is far less important, and he does not need to become a god to prove himself.

His wish has never changed.

But he also clearly understands that there is a price to pay for that kind of thing.

"I use my own identity to launch another annihilation of the future."

"This time, I offer myself in exchange for a miracle that belongs exclusively to [Source]."

"The ideals of all people converged into a single ambition, and at this moment, it became eternity."

What this ambition is, everyone present knows very well, because this man has never changed at all, just like always.

At this moment, the dark universe and the world of light, two opposing but interdependent world wills, meet each other. In the collision, the collection of all wills originating from the beginning completes the multiverse in the new generation. The will is unified, and the highest will hangs down here, descending impressively.

That is a past that is even more distant than the beginning of time, and its existence is so long that it is incalculable.

[Savior, is this your choice? 】

The great will that had always been driven by instinct showed its human side at this moment, which was unimaginable before.

But because the will of the multiverse is unified into one, the Great Will already has this emotion that can be talked about.

"Yes, it is the will of the universe. I will give up my identity and be willing to become ordinary. I will use this as a sacrifice in exchange for a future that belongs to the source."

"I wish happiness from all sources."

Yuanquan nodded and stated his plan straightforwardly.

"In addition, what that guy said is right. Where there is light, there is shadow, and where there is good there is evil. As long as the savior still exists, the destroyer will never die and will fight with the savior forever."

The source took a deep breath.

"So, I choose the future of annihilation, the future of annihilation that only affects me."

"As long as I am no longer a mystery, then he will not be able to exist as a shadow that opposes me."

[He is so persistent in wanting to reach the realm of God, but for you, there are often more important things to do]

The Great Will fell down, and the words of the conversation between Him and the source also fell on everyone's ears.

"Yes, I once gave up the power of the planet's birth in exchange for the recovery of my hometown and the peace of everyone entering the Sea of ​​Stars." Yuanquan smiled: "So this time, I want to make the same choice .”

“But not for others, but for myself.”

Maybe it seems selfish to use the power of the savior on oneself, but neither the Great Will nor many of his colleagues have any opinions on the choice of the source.

[Even if you are not in the source of the eternal future, can you still accept it? 】

The Great Will spoke again.

[As the initiator, you will not have the possibility of a future of annihilation and another time. You will become the anchor of certain existence, supporting this future of annihilation. You cannot go back to the beginning to be with your original happiness. Go on]

[Abandoning the power and identity of God, you cannot let yourself get what you dream of. Among all the sources, you are the only one who cannot. 】

[Are you willing to pay such a price? 】

"I am willing." Yuanquan answered resolutely, without any hesitation: "Even if you only abandon me, I am willing to sacrifice myself in exchange for a happy ending for everyone."

"Even if I don't get what I want, I have found someone who can go on with me in the future."

"Although I have regrets, I..." Yuanquan shook his head: "I can bear it."

[Second, you who activated the Nirvana of the Future will disappear forever from everyone’s memory. Except for some specific people, no one in the entire universe will know you anymore, just like Mirai who activated Nirvana. Like destroying the future]

[Even if they are the source of a different world, they will forget everything about you and will never think of you. 】

"Mirai is willing to do this, and so am I." Yuanquan nodded slightly, not dissatisfied at all with the result.

"Even if I am forgotten, I have done what I can do."

"Forgetting is not a regret, and leaving after you get what you want is not a kind of satisfaction."

[Third, when the future of Nirvana is activated, you will no longer be a warrior from now on, and as the price of activating the future of Nirvana, you will never be able to enter the mystery and lose all your power]

[Mortal birth, old age, illness and death, a hundred years of life, will also affect you]

"In the words of the savior, I have already opened up this path. For the rest, I believe in Yaohui and Jianwu." Yuanquan nodded and agreed to the price that needed to be paid.

Because the future of annihilation was launched by abandoning the identity and power of God, the source can never enter the mystery again.

There is no need to say more about what will happen if he becomes a god again.

As for birth, old age, sickness and death...the end of mortal nature...

Maybe that is indeed a hurdle that cannot be overcome, but there are still a hundred years to go, so can we trust Hikali?

[Since you have no objections, under the witness of the first god of darkness, the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth god of light, everything you have will be sacrificed, as you wish and think, as a result The price opens...the future of annihilation]

After saying this, the universe stopped talking. Correspondingly, the body of the source suddenly emitted a rainbow-like light. Under the witness of Noah and others, starting from his feet, the figure of the source gradually collapsed. Those scattered light particles are integrating into the world.

In an instant, a strange wave swept through countless universes again.

The imprints of countless scattered clocks are falling down like rain, in the universe and on the planet, spreading all over the entire universe.

Whether it is the land of cause and effect or the quantum sea, even the long river of time is covered by clocks falling like rain at this moment.

The time that belongs to the source begins to roll back.

Cause and effect disappear and write from scratch.

Deny fate and write the future.

Time bows its head, now.

The future of annihilation belonging to the source has begun.

"Even if all the existences in the world will forget you, no matter what, we will always remember you." Lingjia took a step forward, opened his heart, and told his desire to the source: "If you are the proof of their existence, then We will also be the proof of your existence.”

"Although it is not death, I also believe that this is a decision you made after careful consideration, but I still want to say that I feel honored because you have inherited my light." Noah nodded heavily: "Even if you are alone, , it’s just reappearing my form, and you, with me, have pushed the light of Nexus beyond the limit.”

"I think from now on, no one will be able to surpass you at the pinnacle of this light."

"Thank you, Noah." Yuanquan smiled and shook his head: "I haven't thanked you for the light you cast on me."

"The power is given by me, but the source, where this road will go, is all your choice." Noah sighed: "Go, the road you choose, and entrust all happiness to you." .”

Yuanquan was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled from the bottom of his heart.


His whole body turned into clocks scattered in all directions. This rain of time, dominated by the universe, rolled back everything that had already happened, but it was no longer the one that interfered with the entire universe. The future of the universe's death is limited to the source itself.

And this price.

"Gu Jia, are you just looking at it like this?" Reggio raised his head and stared at the only being who had not come here.

"Are you going to be indifferent?"

Destiny is being rewritten, cause and effect are being reset, time is being turned back, and everything is moving towards a certain time period with the Savior's promise.

But having lost all its power, the source of this annihilated future now appeared in a strange space.

And this space is the space where Er Yuan took the lead and summoned him and Chao Ba Yuan together. It is the destined place of the existence of Source.

The source appeared here, and suddenly a life belonging to the source appeared in the originally empty space around it.

Starting from that orphanage.

It started when I met Xiaohui.

It started after the two parties separated and reunited again.

This future of annihilation will sort out the cause-and-effect relationships that were in an endless cycle before, with no beginning and no end, determine all the sources, and finally turn them into accurate history, which can no longer be changed from now on.

Therefore, Yuanquan took a step forward. After taking one step, an illusory figure walked out of his body and merged into the picture that appeared on the space wall after he took one step.

The steps are non-stop, steady and determined. Every time you step out, it means releasing the existence of a source belonging to the body. The uniqueness is no longer the most important thing, but is shared like this, letting all the sources, It all goes back to the original moment, when the red ball never appeared and the alien beast never appeared.

That is the source of ordinary life, and the future that will eventually lead to it is to end one's life like ordinary people.

Instead of becoming what you are now.

Greatness and ordinaryness, he made up his mind from the beginning.

As he moves forward, the sources that come out of his body enter different pictures one after another, return to the universe, and return to the world where they should exist.

On this road, Yuanquan never looked back, nor did he need to look back. He walked firmly forward, without stopping, and without needing to stop.

One by one, the sources leave, and each source embraces its own happiness. In the scene missed after the source steps out, what appears is the source of happiness that belongs to other worlds.

Those sources that were separated from his body really got the chance to embrace their own happiness at this moment.

What a beautiful picture that was, it was the picture that the source prayed for in his dream.

But now, he was the one who created this picture, not the person in the painting. He didn't look back or look. It seemed that he was afraid that he would show weakness in the future. He stared straight ahead.

Firm and decisive.

Hope that all sources of happiness will be fulfilled by him at this moment!

It wasn't until the last step was taken, and the next step was taken, but no corresponding picture appeared, that Yuanquan subconsciously stopped and looked sideways.

But this time, he did not see the scene that should appear. It seemed that all the individuals belonging to the "source" in his body had been dispersed.

This blank space left alone belongs to him.

Unlike other sources of happiness, the picture of the source is blank.

"Is everything completed?" He murmured in a low voice, with long-lost fatigue and deep hardship along the way: "It was successful."

"Very good"

Raising his head, Yuanquan took another step. This time, the concept of Super Eight Sources separated from his body and entered the images that reappeared around him.

That was the scene of Chao Bayuan returning to his own world, walking out of the particle shuttle, and hugging Xiao Hui.

Seeing the scene of Chao Bayuan and his Xiaohui reunited, Yuanquan was very pleased with a smile on his lips.


But the sudden call in his ears made him turn around and see Xiao Hui standing next to him in the empty space he was about to walk out of next.

"You" Yuanquan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized something: "You are Xiaohui who belongs to Eryuan, right?"

"Yes." Xiaohui, who belonged to Eryuan, nodded and admitted his identity: "I'll take him back."

"I hope you won't be resentful towards him." Xiao Hui lowered his head and bowed deeply towards the source: "None of this has anything to do with him. In the final analysis, it was all I did and the wish I made. In the end, "

"No, I didn't blame him." Source shook his head: "He finally concentrated all the uniqueness of Zaki in front of me, and was shattered by my sword, killing all except Zaki who was the opposite of Noah. of Zaki.”

“He’s far better at what I do, and his determination is far greater than mine.”

Yuanquan stepped forward and walked to Er Hui's side. Similarly, Er Yuan, who was separated from his body, also instantly entered this blank world.

"I hope you can take good care of yourself." Erhui lowered his head gratefully and ashamedly: "You have to make you bear all this. It is obviously my wish and his actions, but in the end..."

"There is no need to say sorry to me." Yuanquan shook his head: "If you really feel sorry for me, then...just live happily with Eryuan."

"Even if it doesn't last a hundred years, your life must continue to be wonderful."

"If you feel guilty towards me, then go and fulfill my only wish."

Er Hui lowered his head deeply. After all, he couldn't say anything. He could only put it together with Er Yuan's concept and plunge into this blank world.

And this blank world became vivid after their entry.

Staring at the scene of Er Yuan and Er Hui walking hand in hand on the street, Yuan Quan chuckled, turned away, and stopped looking.

What belongs to the myriad sources does not belong to him.

The price is such, but he is willing to do so.

Taking one step forward, the space is still pure white, as pure white as nothingness.

Take another step, the space is still the same, the wonderful pictures and life have been far away from the source, even if you look back, there will be no chance to look back.

Clenching his fist slightly, Yuanquan took another step, but there was still no change.

This also made him understand that his future of annihilation had been successfully launched, and his persistent wish to make everyone happy was realized at this moment.

".so good."

With a low sigh, Yuanquan's straight back bent down. It no longer looked like it had before with its head held high and its chest striding like a meteor. Instead, some kind of burden had finally been lifted, and it could finally be revealed that it was bent under the heavy burden. The backbone.

But even so, his eyes were still clear and he was still looking straight ahead.

He stooped and walked slowly towards the empty future.

It was a blank space that he could not return to.

He who initiated the future of annihilation must bear the price.

The world has forgotten him, and he no longer has any past or present, and his future is only blank and nothingness.

No matter how it is, no matter how it is, no matter how empty the future is, he has finally achieved his wish for everyone to be happy, and all sources can eventually...

"No, not all sources receive happiness."

In a world of nothingness, in the ears of a walking dead, such a sound that resounded throughout the space suddenly resounded, reawakening and rekindling someone's originally chaotic consciousness.

"Who else?" Stopping his unconscious progress, Yuanquan stayed where he was and asked in a low voice.

"Me." The words fell softly, and in the void world, in a pure white void, a silver-gray figure suddenly appeared.

With an attitude similar to that of a young Nexus, maintaining the same height and size as the source, he walked step by step and stood in front of the source.

"And me." He said.

The eyes that had lost focus regained their own awareness, and the eyes that gradually became clearer saw clearly the appearance of the man in front of them, but precisely because they could see clearly, Yuanquan was a little enlightened.

Among all his sources, is there such a source?

"It seems you don't remember me anymore." The silver-gray Nexus shrugged, not caring at all about Source's confusion at the moment: "Then, you should always remember the future of Nirvana."

"Nirvana. Future" repeated these four words, and the memory of Yuanyuan that was swallowed up by nothingness gradually recovered, and he gradually recalled everything.

And the identity of Nexus in front of him is...

"You are!" Yuanquan suddenly raised his head and looked at him in disbelief.

"Yes, it's me." He said easily.

"I'm Mirai."

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