Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 1791 1783: The eternal farewell of Yuan and Hui, the love that they love even if they don’t

PS: Remember to turn on the BGM "Never Change in This Life" for better results.

"Yuan" hugged Saori and raised his head, looking at the giant who lived between heaven and earth, standing tall and tall.

"Gu Jia, have you always been here?" Looking at this familiar giant, Yuanquan greeted him happily as if he were seeing his old friend.

"You have completed your story, and I don't have to hide myself and suppress my consciousness all the time." This was the first time Gu Jia communicated with the source, revealing his completely different appearance from before: "I'm sorry. In order to prevent the dark universe from noticing my birth, I must not suppress my consciousness and hand over my body to you."

"In fact, you have already given birth to your own consciousness." Yuanquan held Shazhi's hand, touched her head and said with a smile: "Did you also construct this world?"

"No, this world belongs to you." Gu Jia shook his head: "Before you became a mystery, I couldn't show up, because a mystery can't merge with others and become a mystery."

"Similarly, I can also kill Eryuan."

"But my killing is different from your killing."

"This ending is an ending that only you can achieve. No one can achieve this."

Yuanquan was speechless. He had some doubts as early as when Ling Jia was able to kill Eryuan's future body.

But now, it's just a matter of turning this suspicion into a real answer.

"The shining light of you and Da Gu united me. Maybe at the beginning, I did exist as a combination of you, but as this road continued, I finally became the existence I have today." Gu Jia He lowered his head and stared at the source: "Source, even though you can no longer access the mystery, you will always retain this power."

"No matter where you and Dagu are, you can call out my presence, and I will definitely respond to you."

"Gu Jia." Yuanquan gave a thumbs up with a smile, and Gu Jia also gave a thumbs up in return, and both parties laughed in tacit understanding.

"Every mystery has its own things that need to be done. Gujia, why were you born?" Source asked.

"My mission is not now, but in the future." Gu Jia explained: "One day, Ling Jia's era will pass, and at that time, existences similar to the beast of the end will also appear."

"If the world returns to chaos, I will hold the sword to open up the world of chaos and form a new era again."

"This is my mission."

Yuanquan was stunned, he really didn't expect that Gu Jia's mission was actually this.

When everything is destroyed and returns to chaos, Gujia will open up the world and recreate the world.

No wonder his fighting ability seems strange. He is not restricted no matter what era he is in. It is completely different from Ou and the others.

"At this moment, you who gave up the mystery have once again become a being who can summon me." Gu Jia looked at the source: "Do you want to come? Go and complete the last thing for you and me."

"They're all waiting for us."

"They..." Yuanquan said silently, then suddenly laughed: "Sure enough, they don't think I will die, right?"

"Whose plan did Peter have?" He originally wanted to name someone, but when Gu Jia thought about it, he couldn't name him.

I obviously knew there was such a person in my mind, but whether it was his identity or his name, I couldn't recall it at all, and I didn't have the slightest impression of him.

"You go first, Gu Jia." Yuanquan said to Gu Jia without comment, "I still have one thing to do."

"I'll come find you after I finish taking care of things here."

".Sea of ​​Stars." Gu Jia stared into the distance, the future land embraced by the source, and finally chose to hand it over to him: "Then I will wait for you outside."

"Yes." Holding Saori's hand tightly, Yuanquan nodded and said goodbye to Gu Jia.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Raising her head and asking the man next to her, Saori expressed her desire to him.

Although both she and Yuanquan knew what would happen next, Saori also wanted to leave this last chance to Yuanquan himself.

"Let's go together." Yuanquan did not let go of Saori's hand, but held it tightly, not wanting to let go no matter what: "Don't you want to see your sister Hui?"

"Eh? But... you are obviously..." Saori was stunned. She originally planned to let Yuanquan go meet Xiaohui by herself, because no matter what, she should not be involved in the story between them, and she was not qualified to participate. Go in.

"Don't make trouble!" Struggling to get out of Yuanquan's palm, Saori stayed at Yuanquan, pushed Yuanquan's back, and pushed him forward: "The person Hui-sister really wants to see is you. "

"And moreover," Saori said, his voice became lower unconsciously: "And for Sister Hui and you, this is all."

"It is indeed the last time." Yuanquan nodded and admitted: "But Saori, I still think that Xiaohui might want to see you."

"Huh, I'm different from you. I can see Sister Hui anytime I want." Saori raised his head and said confidently: "You guy, the guy who was refused entry to the Sea of ​​Stars, has only one chance. .”

"Go!" Pushing Yuanquan's back, pushing him to the boundary between the Sea of ​​Stars and the outside world, Saori used both arms to push Yuanquan in.

The originally insurmountable limit, but at this moment there was no rejection of the source, allowing him to truly stand in the inner sea of ​​stars, in the world that had always refused him entry.

But Yuanquan did not choose to move forward. Instead, he turned his head here and stayed here, looking at Saori who was still outside the boundary.

He slowly raised his hand, as if to welcome Saori's arrival, but Saori shook his head, rejected the source, and took a few steps back, away from the border and standing outside.

"Sister Hui, I'm waiting for you."

Yuanquan stared at Saori for a long time, looking at her smiling face all the time, and then slowly turned around.

But he had just turned around and was about to walk towards the interior of the Sea of ​​Stars, but when he turned around, he saw the girl wearing a red coat and a linen knitted sweater.

Her hair was fluttering in the breeze, and while her short hair was fluttering, the sparkle in her eyes was like running water, as she looked at the source softly.

"Hui" reunited after everything came to an end. Looking at Xiao Hui standing in front of him at this moment, Yuanquan suddenly thought of the past, when he was forced to split before he set foot on the level of a transcendent.

Kuronai, also known as Izumi, was always the manifestation of one of the wishes he had buried deeply in his heart at that time, and it was also his willfulness.

I want to return to the Sea of ​​Stars, pass on the light of Nexus, and then reunite with Xiao Hui.

At that time, my own wishes that conflicted with my responsibility as a savior seemed to have been abandoned after the split sources and springs reunited.

"The road ahead of you is not over yet." Xiao Hui said softly: "So, you can't stop here, and you can't look back."

"Are you going to say something like this as soon as we meet?" Yuanquan relaxed a little: "Are you so eager to drive me away?"

"Because I know that you are going to die without me, so it's best for me not to see you." Xiao Hui smoothed the hair on her forehead: "My appearance will only make you less interested in me." The nostalgia for the past is getting worse.”

"So I prohibit you from entering the Sea of ​​Stars, and you are not allowed to come under any circumstances."

"I won't see you either."

"But now, we meet each other." Yuanquan took a step to get closer to Xiaohui, but as soon as he took a step, Xiaohui took a step back. The distance between the two parties did not change at all.

"But... you should go." Xiao Hui had tears in her eyes: "From the moment you activated Future Annihilation, you should understand that it's not me who refuses you to enter the Sea of ​​Stars, but"

But Yuanquan will never be able to meet Xiaohui, or even reunite.

There is an extremely long distance between the two sides, so far that even if they are face to face, if Yuanquan takes a step, Xiaohui must take a step back.

This is the price of a dead future.

Even if the two sides meet, they cannot hug each other.

It's obviously just the distance between the two of them looking at each other, but it's so far away that they can't bridge it at all.

"Ah, I forgot." Yuanquan seemed to suddenly remember something, touched his head and laughed: "I activated the future of Nirvana, it belongs to me alone, not with you."

Yuanquan didn't say any more words after that, because the face that was touching his head and smiling was already full of tears. The silent tears just fell down his cheeks, making Yuanquan's usually resolute face become particularly fragile.

"You are not a crybaby~" Xiao Hui lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Yuan Yuan's appearance at this moment.

"Because I can see you again, I feel very happy." Wiping away the tears on his face, Yuanquan wiped them on his body and said in an indifferent tone: "At least. After doing such a thing, I can still see you, and that’s enough.”

"I also think it's great that we can see each other again." Xiaohui still didn't look up, keeping her head lowered: "So... how long do you want to stay here?"

"So." Yuanquan pursed his lips, slowly raised his hand, and across this seemingly short but actually extremely long distance, he bent his little finger and pointed it at Xiao Hui.

He didn't say anything, he just looked at Xiaohui expectantly. The longing in his eyes was like a puppy that was about to be abandoned by its owner, full of nostalgia and hope.

But Xiao Hui looked at the raised hand and the action made by Yuanquan, and understood the meaning of this action in an instant.

Before anything happened, when everything was still happy, in the back mountains of summer, I fell into a deep pit of dead grass covered with fallen leaves, wiping my tears and crying. I was so helpless in the darkness.

At that time, he appeared like a savior, and in a frivolous, even disgusting voice, he issued a call to find himself.

At that time, he was like a ray of light, appearing in front of her who was dark and helpless, lighting up her life and bringing her hope.

That unforgettable conversation at that time can still be recalled by Xiao Hui at this moment.

"Don't come to a place like this in the future. Uncle Xiang will go crazy."

"But. But you still found me."

"That means, no matter where you go, even if it's the end of the world, I will definitely be able to find you."

"Then pull the hook! No matter where I go in the future, you will definitely find me and you will definitely appear in front of me!"

"Just pull the hook~ Can I still lie to you?"

At that time, the two ignorant people reflected each other, and their linked fingers were entangled with each other. They never let go, and they never let go until they grew up.

And that little hand, the two hands that were hooked together, now only one was left, and it was right in front of him, revealing his incomplete side to him.

Xiao Hui took a deep breath and suppressed all the thoughts that were rising in her heart.

"The hand you should hold now is no longer mine."

The decisive and ruthless words represent the farewell of both parties and the future of never seeing each other again. Everything is turned into eternal regret in the unavailable attachment.

Those two hands that were supposed to be hooked together will never be able to touch again.

The boundary of the Sea of ​​Stars came back to the source, and Xiao Hui's figure suddenly disappeared in front of the Sea of ​​Stars. The Source was once again rejected by the Sea of ​​Stars, and still stood outside the Sea of ​​Stars, staring blankly at the emptiness in the Sea of ​​Stars. Everything in one thing.

The raised hand did not receive any response.

As early as the moment he destroyed the future, he should have understood such a result.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The raised hand turned into covering his head, and Yuanquan burst into wild laughter. Amidst the increasingly wild laughter, there were tears that could not be stopped.

Does he feel any regret at this moment?

"Okay! Okay, okay!!" After laughing wildly, Yuanquan's expression immediately changed, and he jumped on his feet before the limit without grace and roared: "You heartless woman, you'd better remember this day for me!"

"It was you who let go of my hand! You were the one who left first! Remember this! Don't regret it!"

"You think I can't do anything without you? Let me tell you! You are not that important! You are not as important as you think!"

"Just watch! I remember today, and even if you regret it, I won't come again! It's useless for you to regret it!"

"I won't come again!"

"I won't! Come again! Come!"

Cursing angrily and jumping around, Yuanquan turned around angrily and walked away angrily. He found Saori's location outside the Sea of ​​Stars. After catching up, he grabbed Saori's hand and spoke to him without looking back. She walked forward together.

"Source" Saori also had tears on her face, looking at her bitterly at the source. At this moment, the human emotion reached its peak, completely filling the chest of her, a monster girl with three nothings.

"That woman has nothing to say, Saori, let's go." Yuanquan didn't look back, just leaned over and held Saori's face, wiping away her tears: "Gu Jia is still waiting for us outside, let's get out quickly."

"That bad old man, I've wanted to beat him up for a long time!"

"Noah must be waiting for me, and Saka and the others."

"Saori, you too"

The receding figure and the departing voice gradually disappeared in this world.

In the Sea of ​​Stars, Xiaohui stood just before the limit, staring at the retreating figures of Yuanquan and Saori. She had been lowering her head. After Yuanquan left, she finally had the courage to raise her head.

Tears stained the whole face, which had already turned Xiao Hui's face into a mess.

It's not that she doesn't love him, she just knows that because she loves him, she needs to let him go at this time.

She could no longer go on with him, no matter what.

"Source. I will always look at you, please."

Tears were stained on the green grass under the feet. The burden of falling tears was not something that a single plant could bear. The curved thin waist guided this heavy emotion into the earth and dispersed it into the sea of ​​stars.

This attachment may remain in the sea of ​​​​stars, and the sky and the earth can learn from it, and the sun and the moon can shine.

But love and not love, letting go and choosing, the farewell between the two is also engraved between the water and the sky.

The hand that had never been raised kept hanging down, maintaining the action of pulling the hook. It had not responded before, but it was only at this time that it could be raised, and it could respond to the source's previous movements like a self-deception.

It belongs to Xiao Hui and cannot be given an answer that he can see.

When he can't see it.

When he lets go.

PS: It must be paired with the BGM "Never Change in This Life". The lyrics of this song are really suitable for them.

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