Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 195 Now that you understand everything, what else can I say?

"You have been missing for so long. Are you really going back to your hometown for a blind date?" Lina sat where Kirino was sitting before and looked at the source with doubt.

Although Dagu said so, Lina knew that according to the information about the source investigation within TPC, he had no hometown and was simply an orphan.

Going back to my hometown to get married or something like that always feels like nonsense.


Don't talk nonsense, okay? I did go home for a blind date. "Yuanquan's face is not red, his heart is not beating, and he shows a thick skin.

Anyway, as long as I'm thick-skinned and don't feel embarrassed, no one will really take it seriously.

"Then tell me, what's the name of the girl you're dating on a blind date?" Lina was angry, very directed at the source.

This kind of targeting came out of nowhere, but it has to be said that Lina is still worried about the oolong that Yuanquan and Dagu made last time.

Now she was not wary of Lucia, the alien girl who was always clinging to Dagu, and her main attention was almost entirely focused on Yuanquan.

For example, today, Dagu sneaked out just to meet Yuanquan?

Or is this the so-called blind date back home?

"The girl's name... uh... let me think about it..." Yuanquan deliberately looked distressed, pretending that he had gone on many blind dates and met many girls.

"What are the girls' names? Miss Jetton, Miss Ren, Miss Ai, Miss Brother, who else is there?"

"There are so many, I couldn't remember anyone else for a while."

"You've been dating so many girls?" Dagu's mouth opened slightly. Looking at the way you said it, could it be that you really went on a blind date?

These girls, you won’t all...

As soon as Dagu said this, Yuanquan couldn't say any more.

Damn it, don’t you know better than me whether it’s true or not?

It was you, not me, who told me to go back to my hometown for a blind date!

"You're not interested in any of them, are you?" Lina shook the coffee in the cup with a spoon, temporarily letting go of her vigilance.

If Yuan really found a girlfriend, there would really be no possibility for Dagu and him.

As long as he finds a girlfriend, Yuan is no threat.

Lina is actually looking forward to it now, and even really wants Yuan to find a girlfriend.

I have to say that this is simply a trick of fate.

"No, they don't like me." Yuanquan pretended to sigh. Anyway, there are no girls he talked about in this world, so this is just nonsense.

What? You said there won’t be a Ren girl, but there will be a Ren dragon?

That's none of my business. I'm not going to Gaia's time and space. Even if it really has Renlong, it has nothing to do with me. Thank you.

"It's too real to look down on you." Lina couldn't help but laugh out loud, shaking her hands and spilling a lot of coffee: "It's a pity that you don't have the face of a handsome guy from the new city, otherwise Maybe it will make people fall in love at first sight.”

"If I were like Xincheng, I wouldn't expect to get a wife in this life." Yuanquan rolled his eyes, and for a moment he didn't know whether Lina was praising him or scolding him.

The ones in Xincheng who are on the streets are still single in Dyna.

Wait for a while and see if he has found his wife in the new city of Teligali. If he hasn't found her yet, it will be 20,000 years later.

"Stop talking about it. I just came back and I have to report to the team. It's rare that I have time. You two don't have to go back to carry out the mission all the time." Yuanquan looked at the clock hanging on the coffee shop. Time, although it was still early, he couldn't stay here and act as a light bulb.

As a member of the Victory Team, it is rare to be able to go out on vacation.

Dagu and Lina are still sitting together like this. If Yuanquan doesn't leave, why are they still here?

Dagu, you have to seize the opportunity. Brother, all I can do is get out of here as soon as possible and leave the time to yourself.

"Eh? You just came back, why don't you stay here and sit here?" Lina squinted her eyes and played hard to get. On the surface, she seemed to be keeping people, but in fact she was driving them away.

"I really want to hear about your blind date experience."

"Next time, if there is a chance next time." Looking at the silent Dagu and the very active Lina, Yuanquan smiled particularly brightly.

He could already see the deep feelings between the two.

And it's not hazy, but the kind that has already taken root.

In this case, it will take time to water and let this tree of love grow into a towering tree.

At this time, Lina should have basically determined that Dagu is Tiga.

It's just that she doesn't know how to face it yet.

Fortunately, I don't have a girlfriend, and absolutely no one knows about my status as Ultraman.

As long as Dagu doesn't tell the truth.


With his hands in his pockets, Yuanquan did not choose to return to the ground headquarters, but chose to return home, opening a door that had not been opened for a long time.

Looking at the table that had not been back for a long time and had accumulated a thick layer of dust, Yuanquan smiled, shook his head, and started the regular cleaning work.

Rather than returning directly to the ground headquarters, Yuanquan wanted to return to his home first.

He had no other thoughts, he just wanted to stay at home, even though he was alone.

"That guy Faust really dared to dance in front of Jonias, so it would be a shame to die."

"In that case, the alien beast should..." Although he was sweeping the floor, his thoughts had already flown to the depths of the universe.

The death of Faust, the spread of alien beasts, and Tartarus's plan, these pressures on Nexus through the timeline are getting heavier and heavier, making it almost impossible for him to breathe.

After opening the red youth form, his strength has grown explosively, but now it seems that he is still not strong enough after all.

From cleaning during the day to evening, I cleaned everything inside and out, but when all the work was done, Yuanquan sat on the bench in the yard and fell into a sluggish state.

What else can you do in your own home?

The house has been cleaned, but the house is empty, except for the sound from the TV, there is nothing else.

It was rare that a trace of loneliness surged into my heart, making Yuanquan quite confused, and he didn't even know what he should do.

The mood comes very inexplicably. It seems that the source has never thought about this before, but when he returns from a distant place, he hesitates in his heart, like a wanderer returning home. When he returns home, he is still ordinary and poor.

So what should you do?

Went back to the couch to watch TV and then went to bed late at night.

Or go for a walk on the street alone?

Yaohui also has a girlfriend now, and it is impossible to go out to have sex with him now.

We can't delay the sweet life of this young couple.

When this trace of loneliness gradually amplified to the point where it began to fill Yuanyuan's heart, a knock on the door also sounded at this time.

"Hey, you came back from the blind date and ran home without saying a word. You are not giving us face. We have all prepared the welcome ceremony in the activity room. By the way, I asked you who your girlfriend is. Who knew you actually let us go? ." Not long after the knock on the door came, Kibi Gosuke's loud and impatient voice immediately rang out.

It had been a long time since I heard such a loud voice, and Yuanquan actually felt a little nostalgic.

The lonely state of mind disappeared without a trace at this moment, and the source of energy jumped up and the active state of mind occupied his heart again, making him no longer so lonely.

"Vice Captain, we are all here, just waiting for you to go out and take us to play together."

"That's right, we finally have a day off tomorrow, and the deputy team came back at the right time."

Opening the door, all the members of the sixth team were standing outside. Although they had been away for a long time, everyone's smiles remained the same, and they did not become strangers because of time. There was no change as before.

Yuanquan looked around at the faces of his captain and team members, and he also gave a satisfied smile.

"If I didn't know that I would have a holiday tomorrow, how could I have rushed back today? No more talk, let's go and pick up the skewers!"

"Yeah, the vice-captain is the best!"

After locking the door, all the members of Team 6 were dressed in casual clothes and walked enthusiastically on the street at the entrance of the alley.

The group was noisy, to the point where Minamoto and Kibi Gosuke started scolding each other as soon as they met me.

But even so, everyone is smiling, smiling enthusiastically and happily.

It is not like a lonely road where no one can travel.

"That's great." In Sherlock's car, Dagu couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the members of Team 6 leaving in the distance.

"I remember that there are no holidays at the ground headquarters recently." Lina, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at the smiling people and couldn't help being infected. She laughed out loud: "You said he felt uncomfortable going home alone. Loneliness, looking at it now, he also has a good group of teammates."

"You are just worrying."

"No way, I understood it when I heard that Yuan did not come to report. But now it seems that there is no need for me to appear." Dagu put his hands on the steering wheel, started the engine and drove away.

If Xibi Gangsuke and the others had not come, Dagu would step forward and invite Source to go out with him.

He understands the feeling of being alone, and he also knows that sources who may seem funny but are actually delicate and sensitive inside are most susceptible to this aspect.

But Xibi Gang helped them, and he still knew the source very well.

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