Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 199 May I ask how you become Ultraman in your dream?

Kirino finally decided to help Dagu. Although it was because he was filled with chicken soup, it was a good thing that he could figure it out on his own.

After all, there is a difference between the person he used to be and the person he is now.

It can be said that from this moment on, Kirino is separated from the past and is no longer the same person.

He told Dagu about Garula's weak point, which was at the neck of the mandible, where Garula's entire body had the weakest defense.

Dagu also understood very well. In a close fight with Garula, he was knocked down on purpose, but he immediately turned around and used the uncharged Zapelio ray, which penetrated Garula's neck with one blow. , successfully killed it.

Kirino was not surprised by this, and went to meet with Da Gu afterward. Then he pulled Yuan Quan who had just come out of the shelter, and the three of them went to a restaurant to have a meal together. They were unusual among ordinary people. gatherings of people among themselves.

During the intercourse of cups and cups, the relationship between the three people also became much closer.

After all, they both have secrets about each other, so it can be called an honest conversation.

Kirino said that he will face up to his power and do what he can do as a person.

That night, he said goodbye to Yuanquan and Dagu, and walked home alone.

Yuanquan and Dagu also parted ways at the intersection.

Dagu is going back to accept the punishment for acting alone, with Lina. However, Yuanquan understands that with Hui Jian's temperament, there is a high probability that Dagu and Lina will be assigned a holiday so that they can live a good life as two people.

After all, although the relationship between Dagu and Lina has not been completely exposed, everyone understands the relationship between the two.

In order to avoid becoming a light bulb, and to prevent himself from being shown affection and feeding his mouth full of dog food, Yuanquan decided to take on a mission far away from the ground headquarters and leave here temporarily.

Hey, as long as I fly far away, I will definitely not be fed dog food.

You live your two-person world, and I live my bachelor's day. No one will disturb the other, it's settled.

However, while performing the mission, Yuanquan heard Liang say that if he hadn't gone back to his hometown for a blind date, Kibi Gosuke would have caused trouble for him.

He probably finally discovered that his wallet was empty, and then thought about how he was drunk and unconscious that night. Although all the bills for eating, drinking and entertainment were paid by Yuanquan, Kibi Gosuke estimated that Yuanquan used his wallet.

Regarding the scene described by Liang, I heard that after learning about it, Kibi Gosuke went to the training ground to shoot targets that day and smashed more than a hundred targets, all of which were inhuman form.

This also fully proves how much Kibi Gosuke hated him at that time.

But it's almost three months since the source disappeared. Even the greatest anger has been diluted by time.

And Kibi Gosuke is the kind of person who avenges himself immediately. If it takes a few days, he will probably forget all about it.

Because the relationship between Dagu and Lina has reached a critical moment, Yuanquan has also reduced the number of searches for Dagu and tried his best to create a world for them.

Therefore, Yuanquan often takes on tasks far away from the ground headquarters, and takes the team members to perform tasks outside or in the wilderness.

It was indeed far away, but Yuanquan did not expect that not even seven days had passed since the Galula incident, another monster would immediately appear.

A monster that does not exist in this material world, but only in the dream world.

When facing this monster, Yuanquan lost the ability to deal with the monster for the first time.

Mainly because he really didn't remember the plot of this episode. He didn't care about the general content at all. He just remembered that Dagu transformed into Diga in his dream and then destroyed the monsters in the dream world.

People who sit in front of the computer and watch TV must think, this is it?

But when it comes to the real world, Yuanquan really wants to shout, what does it mean to transform in a dream!

How to transform in a dream?

How can I control my dreams?

In the original plot, Dagu just parked the car, fell down to sleep, and then raised the divine light stick high to transform and enter the dream world.

But that's the original TV, so there are all kinds of interpretations.

You can even understand that Dagu is extremely talented.

But the source is not good, he has no idea how to operate this.

To him, dreams and other transformations are beyond imagination and are completely nonsense.

Therefore, this monster that exists in dreams but can interfere with reality, the source is stuck for the first time, and it is completely helpless against such a guy.

He could only watch Dagu perform an operation that he couldn't understand at all and eliminate this guy.

Although Yuanquan asked Dagu afterwards how he did it, Dagu's answer made Yuanquan even more confused.

Dagu: I just closed my eyes, raised my hand, transformed and went in.

Source:? ? ? ? ?

The confused source also tried to transform while dreaming afterwards, but in the end, there was no option to transform in his dream, and all Nima was a paper-man wife and an action blockbuster.

When I woke up the next morning, I even found that I couldn't move my left hand.

Because he held the Truster of Evolution on his chest and held the transformation with his hands, the Source pressed the Truster of Evolution underneath him when he turned over.

Just holding my arms like this all night will numb anyone.

Then, just five days passed. After Yuanquan woke up in the morning, he immediately discovered that the Evolution Truster placed beside the bed was flashing.

This also shows that alien beasts or biological monsters have appeared on the earth, causing reactions from those who believe in evolution.

But what makes Yuanquan curious is that a new monster has appeared in just five days. The frequency of this monster's appearance is completely higher than ever before.

Only in the beginning, when the monsters first appeared, was the period of frequent occurrences comparable to now.

But thinking about it carefully, excluding the time when he traveled through time and space and wandered to other universes, Source was shocked to find that three years had passed since he became Ultraman Nexus and fought hard until now.

As for the entire Tiga TV, counting the time, we have come to the last episode.

In other words, the three-year lull period in the middle has passed, and now is the final outbreak period, which is as frequent as when monsters first appeared. It is impossible for such things to happen only every few months.

Yuanquan was used to the calm period when monsters appeared, but suddenly encountered such a frequent period, Yuanquan was still a little unaccustomed to it.

But since he is an Ultra Warrior, fighting is a must. Therefore, he immediately put the Evolution Truster and the energy blaster in his arms, washed up and got dressed, and left the ground headquarters at six o'clock in the morning, a rare opportunity, and drove On the main road, I followed the guidance of the evolution truster and pursued the past.

The guidance of the Evolution Truster is not far away. It is only about ten miles away from the ground headquarters, and the source comes to the place where the Evolution Truster shines most intensely.

But in this deserted forest, are there any traces of monsters?


The source thinking this way tried to point the Evolution Truster at the ground, and after getting no response, he pointed it at the sky.

But this time, the light of the Evolved Truster shone even more intensely.

"Comes from the sky? Is it a monster that comes from the depths of the universe? Tsk, the final explosion period." Looking up at the sky that was not completely lit up, Source pulled out the Evolutionary Truster without saying a word, and wrapped it around his body. In the dazzling red light, it left the ground and rushed straight out of the earth's atmosphere into the vast dark universe.

And it just so happened that at this time, there happened to be a spacecraft on its way back in the solar system.

And behind this spaceship, there is a very huge box hanging. It may be wrong to say it is a box. It should be something like an interstellar battleship that has the ability to navigate in the universe.

It is as if the return of the previous spacecraft is just to open up a path for them to the earth, and to make the TPC on the earth relax their vigilance, so that they can land safely on the earth.

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