Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 207 Why doesn’t your new body have that?

"Takashi was weak at first, and that's because, unbeknownst to all of us, even the Earth Defense Force was hostile to him."

"When he attacks because of this, he is helpless. He is so weak that even a strange beast cannot fight against it."

Recalling the past, those past things are mentioned again at this moment, and the people who remain in the memory turn into a storm that disturbs the current thoughts.

"Later, the goodwill unleashed by Long's actions to destroy monsters and save mankind were rewarded. Therefore, the Earth Defense Force tried to cooperate with him for the first time and was a great success. As a result, Nexus's role in society increased. The voice improved.”

"Almost immediately, it became a trusted partner of mankind."

"I still remember that during that time, he was high-spirited. He had comrades-in-arms, partners, people who cared about him, and people he loved. Even though the battle was difficult, he still had a smile on his face." Faust also said with a voice. There was a trace of nostalgia, but Nexus didn't. He just listened quietly and secretly clenched his fists.

Because he knew exactly what was going to happen next.

"Then, I let the Earth Defense Corps be destroyed. His beloved Jingzi was devoured and digested by the alien beasts, and his family was infected into the alien beasts."

"I watched with my own eyes as his warm smile turned heartbreaking and numb, but even so, he still didn't give up the fight."

"I saw that he was living too hard, so I personally asked him to stop fighting."

"Well~ went to meet his lover."

"Kagetora!" A low and suppressed voice sounded in Nexus's throat, and the sudden murderous intention boiled like boiling water, rising endlessly.

Even if you just hold it back, it still makes people feel scared.

"After that, generations of capable people fought alone, without partners, lovers, or comrades fighting side by side. They fought alone until death, until the next capable person appeared." As a person from the same world as Nexus, Kagetora certainly knows the situation of the able-bodied in each generation.

In fact, he experienced it firsthand, and even among these capable people, there were some who were killed by him, and some who beat him violently.

Then what? They are dead and they are still alive. This is victory.

"Why do you think there are no comrades? Why do you think they say goodbye to their families? Separate from their lovers? Cut off all contact with their friends?" If Faust is in front of Nexus now, Nexus will Si has already gone up to kill people with the sword of storm.

But now, he could only suppress his anger: "Faust, don't you know better than anyone else?"

"Hahahaha! That's right, for every capable person, I will let the alien beast devour the person he loves."

"I will transform his family into alien beasts and let him kill them with his own hands."

"His friends will die one after another of fear."

Faust laughed wildly, and at the same time there was a storm sweeping across the entire Meta Realm, and the alien beast factors floating in the air were being absorbed crazily.

Even the alien beast factor materialized into a ball of black particles and was absorbed by Faust.

But the next second, the red stream of life light surged like a sea, tearing through the layers of darkness and directly hitting the center of the darkness.

Nexus was waiting for Faust to appear. In this situation, he was so angry that he couldn't help but take action.

The continuous release of the ultimate light flow continuously causes irreversible and devastating blows to the alien beast factors.

Although Faust was absorbing the alien beast factors, he also gave Nexus the opportunity to eliminate the alien beast factors.

But this situation only lasted for a short moment. Soon, the black light flow spurted out, pushing the ultimate light flow backwards and upwards.

Although they were not able to push back completely, they managed to maintain the stalemate.

This is also the ultimate flow of light, but it does not belong to Nexus, but to Faust.

"Do you know why I am committed to coming to this world?" Faust's voice gradually condensed, and the ferocious claws of the alien beast stood in the field of the Meta Tower, with distinct joints and muscles.

"Because you will enjoy the same treatment. After losing everything, you will collapse and seek death, just like the fittest people of your ancestors!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the alien beast factor was completely absorbed, and except for the part destroyed by Nexus, all had entered Faust's body, which also gave Faust a new body.

It's not a body similar to Ultraman's, but the appearance of a strange beast with full flesh and blood, more like Ultraman's.

The demonic legs have strong muscles. There is no doubt about the explosive power hidden under the black skin, and the purple patterns are even more extraordinary.

Both hands and arms have also evolved into something similar to Nexus' weapons. The knuckles were long and thin, and the pointed claws were slightly twisted, reflecting the cold light.

The twisted eyes reflected the insect-like mouthparts, but they were hidden by the visor.

Ultraman's eyes are pure black in color, like diamond-shaped gems, and like countless compound eyes.

His biological eyes are enough for him to deal with most situations.

On the left half of his face, you can still vaguely see the metallic face of Faust. But it was crowded with the flesh and blood of the alien beast and completely embedded in it.

On the back, six rib-like bone patterns spread across the back, covering the entire back.

If you look closer, you can even see that the flesh and bones are constantly adjusting, changing to suit the location at any time.

"Not bad." His arms were placed in an "L" shape, and the ultimate light flow that was also released reached a full five-to-five this time. Faust twisted his neck and sneered: "I'm back from hell again. Got it!"

"Absorbing all the alien beast factors and regaining the body, but in this way you will not be considered a human at all. Is it worth it?" Even when facing the waves, Nexus did not have any fear.

"As early as when I became Faust, I was no longer human." The intertwined stripes on the chest showed a core, which was blocked by the reconstructed armor, leaving only a little bit left.

Just like Ultraman's timer.

"Then I will kill you without any burden!" All the alien beast factors in Meta's domain disappeared, completely absorbed by Faust.

Nexus now understood why he talked to him so much in the meta realm.

Is it because he is afraid that he will close the Meta Field so that he cannot absorb it?

"As early as the last time I talked to you through the air, I discovered that your meta realm is filled with alien beast factors. They are like prisoners, locked in this world by you."

"They are eager to leave, eager to go to a new world!"

"I'll satisfy them."

"I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time." The point-to-point collision between the ultimate light flow and the ultimate light flow ended with a stalemate between the two parties and a simultaneous explosion.

In the smoke and dust, Faust and Nexus rushed out in unison. The two sides crashed through the smoke and dust. Their surging fists and feet vibrated the air during the collision, and the environment around them was swept away.

"Can you do it? You are alone, without a victory team, without Tiga, can you do it alone?" Faust looked at the source provocatively. The seemingly powerful Nexus in front of him, he Faust has understood the shadow that can never be erased from his heart.

Faust has read the battle information of Fountain. His strength is based on the people who support and accompany him.

He's not difficult to target.

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