Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 228 Where in the world are there no super-ancient civilizations/monsters/people?

Chapter 228 Where in the world are there no super-ancient civilization monsters?

The source was inaccessible by car at the place pointed out by the witch, which was in a flat land hanging above a lonely cliff.

Unless the jeep can have two wings, there is absolutely no way it can go up.

Walking to the top of the cliff with the witch, Yuanquan looked at the endless green grass and turned around with an expression of "That's it?"

"Underground." The witch raised her feet with some discomfort. In the past, even when she came to a place like this, she always wrapped herself tightly. How could she expose her legs like this today and scratch them with the grass? Itchy.

"Underground?" Yuan didn't believe it, so he simply closed his eyes and drove his telekinesis towards the land beneath his feet.

Within a moment, the source of telekinesis touched the signs of life of a large creature.

However, it is not the life of living things, but the vitality similar to plants.

This plant with strong vitality seems to be still in a dormant state, with no sign of recovery yet.

But what Yuan wants is not it, but Yaohui.

The telekinesis force continued to explore downwards, and soon, Yuan felt a burst of yellow pollen, which took a sip at his telekinesis force.

Logically speaking, Yuanyuan should not be injured through the power of telekinesis, but this is not the case for this yellow pollen. Even through the power of telekinesis, it gave Yuanquan a precise and severe attack, and it was a mental attack.

Taking a slight step back, Yuanquan opened his eyes. He didn't feel much hurt, but the hallucinogenic feeling caused by the pollen making him feel dizzy and familiar at the same time.


In another place, the witch was squatting in front of a certain crack, looking down at the dark crack, beckoning the source to come over.

And when the source was in place, what he saw were the rows of people embedded in the walls, carried in pockets by plants like pitcher plants, and soaked in unknown liquids.

From the outside, we can only see people, because they are obscured by the wall of pocket-like flowers.

But even so, this scene is really nerve-wracking.

The twisting vines were like snakes criss-crossing the ground, their roots intertwined, and you couldn't even see the end at a glance.

"They should have taken advantage of the chaos caused by Faust, when you two Ultramans couldn't escape, and plundered secretly." Although this kind of scene is scary, it's not like witches have never seen it before.

Doesn't anyone really think that there are really a group of good people in another dimension?

Yuan said nothing because his eyes were attracted by the unique transparent plant pipe.

It doesn't look like a living thing, but instead there is yellow sap flowing in the inner stem of the plant that looks like a pipe. It is an unknown liquid extracted from the pitcher plants that contain people.

"..." Yuanquan didn't say anything more, but instead pulled out the energy blast gun, adjusted the muzzle, switched to charging mode, and aimed at the smelly flower that grew on the top with red sarcoma crisscrossing it. on the same plants.


The energy blast gun that had accumulated energy hit the smelly flower with a thick red light, causing good damage and creating a huge crack in the flower.

But that's all, it can't be killed with one blow.

The consequence of not being killed in one blow is that both the source and the witch revealed their positions, causing the vines staggered below to start to riot, twisting their bodies, pulling themselves back, and moving towards the source and the witch from all directions. Location surrounded by past.

"Let's shoot first to show friendship, now is your end." Yuan switched the energy blast gun to rapid fire mode, and at the same time threw the gun to the witch. With the latter's skillful grasp, Yuan took out To evolve a trustworthy person, just pull it out and put it in front of you to transform.

The red light burst, and the lasing particle razor cut off a twisting vine in front of him, and broke the soil above the crack in the earth with undiminished power.

As it fell, it also buried the smelly flowers.

In a rare battle in his juvenile form, Nexus held the condensed particle razor in his hand, and then stretched the entire particle razor to form a particle lightsaber.

Since the awakening of the Storm Sword, Nexus has rarely used the particle lightsaber.

However, without turning on the red youth, the particle lightsaber is indeed the best choice.

Wielding the sparkling white particle lightsaber, the silver-black body turned into an afterimage and continued to circle around.

The wind tore, the soil was splashed, the shrubs were broken, and the sword marks were destroyed in the scattering. Those twisting and twisted vines were often directly cut off by the particle lightsaber the moment they appeared, and the cut parts were A fire was lit.

Then, the entire vine was burned.

The witch took the energy blast gun, jumped down from above the crack in the ground, and continuously pulled the trigger, breaking the remaining vines in mid-air.

At the same time, the witch used her mental power to absorb the humans wrapped in the pitcher plants, manipulated them one by one through the air, and threw them onto the grass above.

(Don’t say it can’t be done. In the original work, Mitsuo Itabashi was able to nail Megumi Nakama to the wall with his mental power, making it impossible for him to get off. I think it’s not too much for a stronger witch than him to be able to do this.)

As if aware that they would be wiped out one by one if they continued like this, the huge plant life forms hiding underground finally couldn't bear it anymore. As the earth shook and the mountains shook, they broke out of the ground waving their thick and ferocious tentacles.

The huge 48-meter-tall tower towers on the ground, bringing infinite fear and panic to people.

And the smelly flower that was shot by Yuan before was clearly on the monster's head.

Huge leaves surround the waist, and the hanging vines form a skirt-like shield. The trumpet-like mouthparts make a whimpering sound, like the kind of long-lasting echo in the mountains.

One hand is a thick vine, and the other is an arm that is just like a human.

Except that the whole body is yellow and has the plant pipes that Nexus saw before, it is no different from a human hand.

No, it would be better to say that the combination of those pipes and the liquid flowing inside them is like the blood vessels and blood of the human body.

However, these yellow liquids are extracted from human beings.

I have to say, this is the most like personification Nexus has ever seen.

Although it is only part of it, it is enough to show that this guy is absorbing something from human beings and has evolved to the point of complete anthropomorphism.

And at that time, I am afraid that the lives of those who have been absorbed will...

Seeing that the monster finally appeared, Nexus no longer remained the same size as his body. He clenched his hands into fists and walked in front of him. His body gradually became larger and soon returned to a height of 56 meters, far away from this unknown monster. Opposite.

The witch is still rescuing people. Fighting the monster at such a close range may cause interference on the witch's side.

Therefore, Nexus switched to the red youth form, raised his hand to condense the light particles into a group and shot into the sky, releasing the Meta Field.

Encapsulate the two in golden particles and enter another world to avoid interfering with the witch to save people here.

The moment the Meta Realm expanded, before he was about to leave this world, Nexus inadvertently glanced and saw an adult man and a girl standing on the peak.

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