Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 234 Human desire is deeper than Qijela’s roots

"Sooner or later, you will also discover that Qijela has many uses besides bringing people into the world of dreams."

Luke symbolically took out a device, which contained Qijela's essence. It had incredible power and could even provide sufficient power for biochemical cyborgs. It was easy to carry and fully functional.

From such a small thing, we can see the glory of the super ancient civilization in the past.

"You have been living on something like this until now, can you still be considered human beings? Or are you coming back just to watch the earth fall into this situation?" Dagu couldn't accept it, let alone understand it. It exceeded his life goals too much.

Coupled with the current changes in the situation, Dagu couldn't help but become irritable.

"The one who can do something in this era is not us, but humanity itself." Luke touched the head of the little girl Dina and said plainly: "We are the last remaining humans from 30 million years ago. Not of this era.”

"What the future of mankind will be, and what the choices of mankind will be, have nothing to do with me."

"But Diga, seeing such a tragedy happen again, what can even you do?" As he said, Luke turned his attention to the source who had been silent: "You have to reproduce that glory, for Do humans make choices?”

"The only one who can save mankind is mankind itself, and vice versa. You want to say that, right?" Yuanquan also spoke at this time: "But I have always believed in the deep-rooted badness of human character. No one is first. If you stand up alone, humans will never understand."

"And that is the responsibility of Diga and I." Yuanquan said.

Luke turned around and looked at the source again: "Once upon a time, trapped in the dream woven by Qijela, human beings were indulged in a happy world and no longer thought about anything."

"Because of this, the giant of light has lost the meaning of his existence."

"Then, the last thing that comes will destroy everything." Even Luke was frightened when he mentioned the final darkness.

At that time, he had already left the earth in a spaceship, but when he looked back from outside the earth, the entire earth was shrouded in deep black fog.

The scene of falling into darkness was something Luke would never forget in his life.

"The giants of light respect human beings' choices and will not choose to interfere, so the giants of light all left."

"But Nexus, are you saying now that you want to intervene in this battle of desires?"

"The departure of the giants of light has nothing to do with me. Before I was Ultraman, I was first and foremost a human being. Even if I cannot represent the people in the entire world, even if I represent myself, I have to do what I think is right. .”

"The eyes of others? The hatred of the world? Come on then. From the whole journey to now, I am not fighting for the title of savior. I never care about the eyes of others."

Is the world addicted to Zijra?

Does the world think Qijela is a good thing?

They will kill anyone who dares to touch Qijela?

Sorry, that's other people's opinions and has nothing to do with me.

What does destroying you have to do with you?

I only act according to my own will.

After all, the source of learning a lot from Da Gu is not the same pessimism and hesitation as he was in the past.

And this attitude also fed back to Dagu, who quickly gave up his confusion and became determined.

"That's right, we are just doing what one person should do!" The passionate attitude made Luke a little stunned. Are the attitudes of the two giants of light who are still active in the current era the same?

This is completely different from 30 million years of money.

At the same time, in the picture displayed on the screen, on the grassland of the monster that Yuanquan had killed, the earth collapsed, and countless tentacles crisscrossed the earth, taking root in the earth, like a blood-sucking flower.

The towering huge flower stems shoot straight into the sky, and the blooming buds spit out countless pollen. The shape becomes thicker during the transformation, and turns more like a monster.

Under the sunlight, it looks like a god who has pronounced the death of mankind.

"That's Qijela." Seeing the Flower of Paradise that defeated the super-ancient civilization 30 million years ago, Luke's eyes were full of complexity.

"As long as it comes out, Dagu, let's go together!" Now that Qijela has appeared, Yuanquan has no reason to let it go.

Taking out the Evolved Truster, Yuanquan just wanted to pass by.

"Even if you really eliminate Qijela, people who have been tempted by Qijera's pollen will suffer because they cannot enter the world of beautiful dreams. Are such humans still useful?" Just as the source was about to leave. In an instant, Luke also spoke.

"Nexus, you can indeed destroy Zijra, but you cannot destroy Zijra in human hearts."

"In the final analysis, this is because humans themselves cannot resist this temptation. Qijela only plays a guiding role."

"Then, we call on everyone to work together to uproot Qijela, that's all!" Dagu also took a step and said immediately.

"As long as everyone works together and knows what Zijra is, humans will definitely destroy it!"

"...There were some poor people in ancient times who tried to do the same thing." Luke's eyes revealed a trace of nostalgia and regret, and it was not difficult to imagine that the people he was talking about had a lot to do with him.

Or maybe he himself is one of them.

"But Tiga, human desires are deeper than Qijela's roots."

This is an experience that Luke has experienced personally. From his point of view, it is really the most suitable.

Dagu was silent. Although he didn't want to admit it, what Luke said was indeed true.

It is not that he has not experienced these things himself, he has even suffered them together with Yuan.

On the big screen, Qijela, who was spreading pollen wantonly, suddenly stopped, and his overall life activities also dropped to the lowest point, as if he had been affected by something.

Luke was familiar with this scene.

"Qijela is a plant after all. Its activity will weaken when the sun goes down. When the sun rises, it will start acting again." Luke was ready to leave, because he had said everything he needed to say, and the rest was It depends on the choice of Tiga and Nexus, the two remaining giants of light on earth.

"There is only one night. When Qijela fully blooms at dawn the next day, it will be the end of mankind." Luke finished this sentence with profound and far-reaching words, took his daughter's hand, He walked to the door of the command room and left here.

"What will happen if Qijela blooms tomorrow?" Dagu suddenly asked just before Luke was about to leave.

"...Then you will also lose the meaning of your existence." Luke paused, and answered Dagu's words with some emotion.

Immediately, the door to the command room was closed, and Luke and his daughter Dina were no longer seen.

Although it was cryptic, Luke's meaning was clear.

When people all over the world fall into wonderful dreams, Tiga and Nexus will lose the meaning of existence just like the giants of light 30 million years ago.

Because human beings no longer need it, no, it is completely hopeless.

Dagu suddenly sat on the chair, his expression full of decadence and confusion.

Can humans really understand this in one night? Let’s talk about myself...

"Yuan, what should I do?" In confusion, Dagu longed for an answer, an answer that came from conviction.

The source did not speak, and was also silent.

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