Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 239 I don’t want to fight two monsters anymore

After that, on the Enoden Railway, a photographer reported the sighting of a monster.

But when the victory team intervened, nothing was found, which made people wonder if someone was making a false report.

But the photographer felt that the victory team trusted the equipment too much, which was why they were so slow, so he wanted to use his own power to find the monster.

But in fact, this monster has no malicious intent. It is a mimic monster from the depths of the universe. It looks like a snail. It is a young monster, Tanaba, from a super giant planet.

It lost its way in the starry sky and fell to the earth, where it was discovered that the whistle of Enoden's tram was exactly the same as the sound of their clan.

Tanaba is therefore attracted and will chase the tram almost as soon as it whistles.

Because in its eyes, that is its mother, its mother.

Although I don’t know why it became so small and strange, the cry is unmistakable.

The source who knew this was the first to find the existence of Tanaba in the surrounding shrines while acting alone. It is in the shape of a snail and can mimic the surrounding environment to achieve the effect of invisibility. Even the most advanced instruments can't. It cannot be detected.

The source uses telekinesis to talk to it, without using words, to directly express its own heart and the meaning it wants to express, and convey it to Tanaba's heart.

This is communication without any care.

Tanaba's somewhat explosive mentality due to his long stay on the earth was relieved. With the efforts of the source, he was even able to rub two of Tanaba's snail eyes.

Although it's a little dry and doesn't feel very good, at least it's a sign of peaceful communication.

"I will take you to find your mother. She is outside the starry sky and has been waiting for a long time." Looking up at the sky, Yuanquan conveyed his feelings to Tanaba, and at the same time Tanaba let out a happy cry. , which also disarms mimicry.

The 40-meter-tall body suddenly appeared standing on the ground without warning, causing people who were still working normally to fall into panic.

There is a lyric that can describe the current situation.

without any precautions……

But the panic did not last long. What followed was a brilliant red light that condensed as it spread, forming the figure of Nexus standing on the ground, blocking Tanaba's face.

Ultraman appeared so timely that everyone couldn't help but feel that the matter should be over here.

With Ultraman here, it is certain that the monsters will be destroyed.

But Nexus might have disappointed this group of people. He nodded to Tanaba, and communicated with it through telepathy. After receiving the other party's affirmation, Nexus stomped on the ground directly with one foot. Flying across the sky, but not very fast, because he still had to wait for Tanaba.

Soon, Tanaba followed behind Nexus, and the two flew away from the earth one after another, broke through the atmosphere and came to the outside of the universe.

Arriving in the universe, Tanaba began to scream, and Tanaba's mother, who had been waiting outside the earth, also canceled the mimicry and returned to her original appearance to appear in the universe.

Tanaba returned to his mother, and Nexus received feedback from Tanaba and his mother through telepathy. Both mother and son expressed their gratitude and respect for Nexus's helping hand.

Nexus didn't feel anything was wrong, and Tanaba didn't intend to do anything bad. It was just a monster attracted by the whistle of the tram, and it didn't even do anything at all.

Looking at Tanaba's mother's body, which is several times bigger than Ultraman, who dares to go up and act recklessly?

Watching the mother and son turn away and return to the cosmic starry sky, Nexus watched quietly for a while before turning back to the earth and canceling the transformation.

I believe that the appearance of Tanaba and its mother has also been captured by TPC's satellite. That body of more than two hundred meters should be able to sound an alarm to the upper levels of TPC.

Don't always shout to destroy aliens when you see them. If Tanaba really died on earth, once her mother became angry, even Tiga would be hard-pressed to fight against them.

We should have a sense of reverence for any life, instead of putting ourselves in the position of God and looking down upon everything on the earth.

Of course, this will also stimulate their hearts to gain strength.

But if there are losses, there must be gains, and if there are gains, there must be losses. The choice between good and bad, whether good is better or bad is worse, can only depend on each person's understanding.

This incident ended so quickly that the victory team almost didn't even react.

However, looking at the huge figure of Tanaba's mother, the victory team was very lucky that they did not attack. Otherwise, if such a huge monster landed on the earth, who could withstand it?

Well done Nexus, this speed is really fast.

This matter ended peacefully. Although TPC's exploration of the universe has long been on the agenda, every time they encounter those space monsters, TPC's three views will be severely refreshed, making them realize that their views on the universe are still too much. Too shallow.

After this incident was over, when Yuanquan returned to the ground forces, a document that reached him personally from the top, bypassing Gosuke Kiki, had appeared on his desk.

This document was not sealed, but lay there half-open.

The source closed the door. The timing of the appearance of this file was very clever. It was so clever that it appeared in his room that night after almost destroying the monster with his front foot.

Yuanquan sat on a chair and opened the document. The document was not thick, and there were only a few pieces of paper. However, what appeared on these few pieces of paper was a shocking scene.

That is something that is unacceptable to the source, no, to anyone.

Yuan had encountered this matter before, but he didn't have the position to intervene in it, so he didn't face it.

But he didn't expect that if he didn't interfere, the matter would happen to him.

"Ebron cell availability plan, biological experiment report, animal adaptability, and this... possibility of mutated human evolution." Looking over the five pieces of paper in his hand, Yuanquan only felt funny.

He remembered, he remembered that when Ultraman Tiga was nearing the end, the experiments on Ebron cells were still going on.

Even though the last chaos caused by Ebron cells occurred three years ago, there are still people inside TPC who stubbornly believe that Ebron cells are the key to evolution.

The photos in this biological experiment report show what the animals looked like before being injected with Albron cells, and there are also photos after being injected with Albron cells.

Comparing the two, even when they died, they could not leave with their original posture.

In the endless pain, in front of a group of people who have no compassion and love for others, they lose their lives bit by bit.

Monkeys, mice, peacocks, pigeons, and even... prisoners.

These kinds of things will gather together in the near future to form a collection of resentments, shaped like a humanoid monkey.

It is made up of endless resentment, the resentment and anger of all the creatures who died in this biological experimental research center.

Its only goal is to destroy, to kill all human beings.

Revenge for the damned human race that brought it such death and misery.

It is the Buried One, a resentful beast born of those who hate.

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