Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 250 The Loving Hero ( )

There is absolutely no doubt about the power of the Space-Time Demon God Etaluga. He is an opponent that even Zero, who has reached the peak of his strength after experiencing the Ultra Legend, cannot capture it alone.

Its own attack power may be controversial, but its defensive power is so powerful that it makes many Ultraman despair.

For the first time, Nexus faced this kind of enemy active in the new generation, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Therefore, from the beginning, Nexus used 100% of its strength to fight against it.

In terms of energy level, there is still a big gap between the two, but in close combat, Nexus is rarely suppressed.

There is nothing you can do about this. Facing a thick-skinned guy like Etaluga, he can just take your attacks, but can you block his attacks?

Opening and closing with almost no intention of defense, he calculated that his physical strength was enough to make Nexus despair. With this, Etaluga successfully gained the upper hand, and Nexus, who was forced, could only use a defensive posture to face the enemy.

Perhaps saying this is not straightforward enough to reflect Aitaluga's defensive power, but the source has already used the Storm Sword. In the past, it has almost never suffered a deflated Storm Sword, and it can only scratch Aitaluga's body. Even a slight spark could not leave a sword mark.

Etaluga brushed his chest disdainfully and said calmly, "You are indeed not an ordinary Nexus. The one I met didn't have this trick."

"However, that's all. You Ultra Warriors can't be my opponent at all." Etaluga stretched out his hand and pointed at Nexus from a distance. The purple light stream released from his fingertips was like a meteor shower. They gathered like this and wrapped around Nexus's whole body.

The aqua blue rippled shield spread out to resist all attacks. While Nexus was withstanding the attack, he was also ready to activate his ability and move to the back of Etaluga with Mach movement.

Can't break through the defense? That's not necessarily true. At least there is one trick that Nexus hasn't tried yet.

After the last meteor passed by, Nexus folded his hands and appeared behind Etaluga in an instant, bending his arms and slashing with Nexus' weapons.

This attack also produced sparks, but they were just sparks and still failed to break through the defense.

Etaluga swept backhand, Nexus gave way to the attack, swept down with one foot, and kicked Etaluga in the lower abdomen, successfully knocking him back.

With this kind of defense... no wonder he was able to capture and defeat the Space-Time Demon God alone, an Ultra Warrior.

This kind of physical strength is simply too much.

"Ha, it doesn't hurt or itch." Aitalujia looked particularly relaxed and put on his posture and charged forward again.

Nexus knew that the opponent's physical strength was amazing, so he changed his tactics and adopted a roaming method to fight Etaluga.

Although Aitaluga is physically strong, his reaction ability is not very good. Nexus swims around him like a small fish, and without a head-on collision with it, he can barely maintain the situation for a while. It will not lead to serious energy consumption and failure.

But this can only last for a while. Aitaluga's physique is so amazing, which means that his physical strength must be extraordinary. If it lasts for a long time, he will eventually be the first to be unable to hold on.

But in terms of the situation, what else can be done?

"Etaluga, Ultraman Tiga has been captured, leave." Just as the two sides were fighting, the sudden bleaching mirror wrapped Nexus from all directions, and a unique and quite dangerous power emerged from all directions. Born inside the mirror, there is no fluctuation of energy and no residue of dark power.

That is...the power of another world upside down within the mirror.

Nexus had no time to open his shield, so he could only put his hands on his chest to block the strongest explosion, but he was still knocked away.

Wearing a golden princess crown on her head, her plain white skirt swayed as she moved around. Her eyes, filled with hatred and satisfaction, could no longer see the agility of the past.

A head of jet-black hair, with a faint red rhombus reflecting off it.

The princess of the Zante royal family - Alena.

"Let's go, he is not the target we need to deal with." Nexus has been caught. Even if another Nexus appeared in front of her, Alena had no intention of capturing him.

Because she has more important goals.

The Loving Hero-Ultraman Gauss.

"Yes, Princess Arena." No matter how many times he saw it, Etaluga still had to admit that the power of the princess of the Mirror Star was so terrifying and charming.

This ability can imprison and permanently fix Ultra Warriors. As long as he possesses her, all Ultra Warriors will be captured by him.

And then...

Etaluga and Arena returned to the time and space city, and the entire city began to release unique fluctuations, as if they were searching for and locating the universe it was going to next in the vast space of time and space.

The time and space city began to rotate, and the huge castle set off a strong time and space wave. Nexus, who was forced to fly back with great difficulty, had to open his shield in front of him to avoid being involved in the time and space wave and being pushed into an unknown time and space.

But there is probably no way to prevent Time and Space City from leaving.

With difficulty resisting the waves of impact, the Time and Space City passed through the time and space wormhole in an instant, and had already headed to the time and space where Ultraman Gauss was.

"Wait a minute! Etaluga! Give Dagu back!"

Being shaken away from the time and space city by the final fluctuation, Nexus could only watch all this happen.

But Dagu was caught, and he could not stand idly by, so Nexus directly swung his cloak, and while approaching quickly, he extended the length of the Storm Sword, and used the Storm Sword to cut off the bottom of the time and space city at the extreme distance. A piece of gravel.

Although it was too late to stop him, Nexus chose another way, which was to travel through time and space to pursue the past.

Therefore, this part that was cut off from the Time and Space City is very important.

Inputting light energy, the king's cloak buzzed. Using the part of the space-time city in his hand as the coordinates, Nexus locked the current position of the space-time city, directly activated the ability of the king's cloak, shuttled out of the space-time tunnel, and followed Go behind the time and space city.

He is also about to arrive in the time and space of Ultraman Gauss.

But Etaluga doesn't know all this. He doesn't know what the King's Cloak is. The only thing he knows is Ultraman Zero from the Kingdom of Light. With the Palag Bracelet, Zero can travel freely through all the universes. And has been chasing after him, he is an opponent who needs to be treated with caution.

The king's cloak carried Nexus through the barrier of time and space, and appeared in a vast universe.

What he saw before his eyes was a huge planet dotted with unparalleled beauty.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a gem embedded in the dark universe.

But inside this gem-like planet, bursts of energy fluctuations erupted, and accompanied by fairly high-level explosions, there were flaws that were difficult to heal on this beautiful, gem-like planet.

Nexus did not stop, but flew down directly and flew towards the interior of the planet.

If he remembers it well, the name of this planet is Julan. It was the planet that Ultraman Gauss and Haruno Musashi chose to live in after experiencing and completing the story on Earth. It is a planet where monsters, people and things coexist. planet.

Planet Zhulan is a miracle of the universe.

Now it can even be called a miracle of life.

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