Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 269 Then, please watch my transformation

"Gumen... Gumen..." Faust once said that he killed Yuan's brother, Gumen Ikki.

At that time, Minamoto said it was strange because he had no memory of Ikki's solitary life. At that time, he thought Faust was playing with his mentality and didn't think much about it.

But the memory that surfaced now and the conversation in his mind fully told Yuan Quan that there was something wrong with his memory.

And he really has an older brother named Gumon Yihui.

But why?

Why don't you have any impression at all?

Why do you only recall it when you see the corpses on the ground?

If the corpse here was the triggering condition, why did he not react at all to the same scene during the turmoil caused by Faust and the chaos caused by Qijela?

Is it because I went to visit the new generation? But why?

Why would the new generation have the key to unlock memories if they just go there?

Who is it, or why has his memory become so incomplete?

Holding his head and moving forward with difficulty, the bursts of pain gradually disappeared. The clothes on his body were wet with sweat. Yuanquan gasped and raised the energy blast gun again to disperse the gathering black mist.

Now is not the time to think about what is wrong with my memory, but to find the captain and the others and rescue them!

Electronic communication equipment is no longer available, and all means of contact have failed. All Source can do is shout over and over again in this empty ground headquarters.

The increasingly dense black fog became thicker and thicker, even completely covering the ground headquarters.

Because they noticed the annoying aura and the presence of a warrior of light in this building.

Looking for them one by one, with an increasingly anxious attitude, the source's cry became louder and louder, and the attacks launched by the energy blast gun became more and more frequent.

This black mist has gathered to a considerable extent.

The superb five senses gave Source the answer he longed for, and his ears could already hear the shouting on the rooftop of the ground headquarters, as well as the reluctance of human beings when they died.

The source couldn't wait too long and directly pulled out the Evolutionary Truster. The light that had shined brilliantly in the past was completely swallowed up by the thick darkness, leaving only a fleeting light, symbolizing how weak the last hope was. Small.

Breaking through the floor all the way, the life-sized Nexus broke through all the obstacles of the black mist, broke through the floor and landed in front of everyone.

The spreading light forced the black mist back, and Nexus turned around and released an energy shield, covering the people who were still alive.

Alone, he opened a path forward, and the source rescued those who were still alive from the ground headquarters.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning. When people reacted, they suddenly found that they were out of danger.

And standing in front of them was Ultraman Nexus, whom they were so familiar with.

Although it was also the first time for them to see such a small Ultraman Nexus.

"Thank you, Nexus."

"Yeah, thank you for saving our lives."

There were not many people left, only about a dozen. After they realized that they were out of danger, they didn't want to stay there for even a second longer.

Because the life-threatening black mist has spread over!

The number of team members running around gradually decreased, and in the end, only one person remained here, and that was Gosuke Kibi.

Kibi Gosuke stood there and looked directly at Nexus, with countless emotions in his eyes that he wanted to express.

He knew who the Ultraman in front of him was, and he knew even better what he would do next.

Nexus didn't have the habit of waiting. He had already confirmed Kibi Gosuke's safety, and he was about to do what he should do.

"Do you still want to hide it from me now?!"

Seeing Nexus about to leave, Kibi Gosuke knew that if he didn't say something, he might not have the chance to say it again.

"You know what I'm talking about, Yuan, you have too many flaws." Looking at Nexus' stopped body, Xibi Gang took a step forward and smiled.

"I know you will definitely come back, and I also know that you must have your own things to do, because you are Ultraman, Ultraman Nexus."

"I never thought that when I was recruiting vice-captains, out of hundreds of people, the only person who came forward to form the sixth team with me would be Ultraman."

Xibi just took a step forward, and the back of Nexus could only be looked up at before, but now, it is the eyes of both sides, which represents the equality of both sides at this moment.

"But when I knew he was Ultraman, whether it was the power he showed in daily life or his behavior of rushing to the front line whenever anything happened, everything had an answer."

Kibi Gosuke's face was very serious, but apart from his seriousness, he also had a deep sense of relief.

Compared to an unknown Ultraman, Yuan was someone he was more familiar with.

"I know from when I hit you with my jeep that you are no ordinary person. And many of the injuries you sustained were caused when you were fighting monsters, or even people from the universe."

"You have been carrying it all by yourself, carrying all the pressure, burying everything in your heart, and never told us."

"You are a person who likes to show off (pretend), but you have been able to hide this matter until now."

In the words of Kibi Gosuke, Nexus gradually turned around, his glowing eyes stared at Kibi Gosuke. In this dim and doomsday world, the captain and vice-captain of the sixth team finally confessed.

"You have worked hard enough. You have saved humans on this planet several times. Even if you leave now, no one can blame you because you have done a good job." Gosuke Kibi met Gatanje With the image of E, he even saw with his own eyes the end of Zoga sweeping the world.

He once thought Ultraman was a god and omnipotent.

But now, he just wants his team members, his vice-captain, to leave here, far, far away from this planet.

Because he knew that the next road was a dead end.

God is omnipotent, but man is not.

"Captain, that's not the reason for me to escape. If I retreat here, I will encounter the same problem next time, and the next time. Can I still keep retreating?" Nexus' image disappeared. , the source grabbed the evolution truster and stood in front of Kibi Gosuke.

After confessing, he made everything clear, and the story hidden in his heart had already been told to another person.

And now, the remaining secrets must be told at this moment.

"This is what you once told me, and I have always kept it in mind." Pointing to his chest, Yuanquan said with a smile: "Captain, if I can save this planet and save mankind, then I can still succeed this time. .”

"I'm not standing here thinking I'm going to win, I'm standing here because I have to win."

Yes, such a tragedy of destruction, I will never let that scene happen again!

"Yuan, you are a human being. There are always things that people cannot do. You have no need or obligation to go. You should understand, right?"

Yuanquan was in a daze. Captain Xibi's question was just like the scene that was playing out at the TPC headquarters in the sea base at the same moment.

Dagu, are you facing the same inquiry from Jian Hui now?

And it's the same problem.

Then the answer I give is the answer you have always given me with your physical and mental efforts and your actual actions. It is exactly the same answer as you.

Since I came to this world, met everyone, and met you, I have really changed a lot.

"There's no way you can win. I don't understand."

The Trustee of Evolution was slowly lifted up in front of him. This was the answer from the source, the same answer as Dagu.

"You're still the same, as stubborn as ever. It's your decision. No matter what I say, I can't change your decision." Xibi seemed to have known the answer for a long time, and shook her head with a smile.

"Then go ahead and win. You have always been synonymous with miracles!"

"Yeah!" He nodded and gave a thumbs up with his other hand, and Yuanquan showed a bright smile.

At this moment, my heart suddenly resonated with the hearts of the two big brothers of Heisei Tokusatsu.

I believe that at this moment, they and themselves have the same consciousness.

"Then, please watch my transformation."

The red light particles once again enveloped the body of Source as they escaped, making him bigger and bigger until he returned to the image of Nexus's juvenile body, standing on the ground.

Nexus nodded to Kibi Gosuke, used his feet hard, and turned into a galloping silver stream of light that rushed into the dark clouds.

In that dark world, draw a brilliant light of life.

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