Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 273 Look at this Gatanjie, he’s so inferior

A single tentacle wrapped around the Storm Sword has only one outcome, and that is to be cut off by the sword's edge.

But how could Gatanjie only use one tentacle?

The blade of the 100-meter-long Storm Sword was entangled by countless tentacles rising from the sea. Not only the Storm Sword, but even Nexus himself was also wrapped in the tentacles.

The long sword that exuded golden light became increasingly dim under the cover of darkness, until it was completely submerged under the cover of the tentacles, and no trace of light could be seen anymore.

Along with Gatanjie's roar, countless tentacles released black mist, and they all clenched tightly. In exchange, the golden sword broke apart.

The scattered golden fragments could not make a single wave in the darkness, and were completely crushed and swallowed.

"The sword is..." The power of the Storm Sword has always been reassuring, which is inevitable for the victory team.

Countless monsters and cosmic beings were defeated by the Storm Sword.

When the hundred-meter giant sword appeared, they thought they had won.

But reality slapped them hard, explaining to them how it could be that simple.

The breaking of the Storm Sword was not beyond Nexus' expectations. In fact, the moment the sword broke, Nexus extracted the light energy from the timer on his chest and directly rubbed a huge eight-point light wheel. .

He wanted to give Gatanjie a big blow before these tentacles had time to retract.

The huge eight-point light wheel was held high by Nexus. With Mach's movement, Nexus instantly came to the top of Gatanjie. The eight-point light wheel he held with one hand was directly thrown down by him.

The pure white light wheel broke through the air, tore through the darkness, and landed directly on Gatanjie's shell.

This huge eight-point light wheel was quite powerful, and the continuous cutting damage it caused made Gatanjie roar and feel extremely annoyed.

Retracting the pliers unhurriedly, Gatanjie was ready to smash the eight-point light wheel, but at this moment, a red figure suddenly broke through the air and trampled on the sea water, holding Dillahulme's sphere in his hand, taking three steps He took two steps to get in front of Gatanje, and dunked on Gatanje's head.

The pliers that originally wanted to break up the eight-point light wheel changed direction and fell on Diga, knocking Diga away again.

Gatanjie bit the Delahum sphere, swallowing it between his teeth, and roared at Dega in dissatisfaction, as if asking if there was more.


The eight-point light wheel that continued to be cut was obscured by black mist, covering up all its brilliance, but at the moment it was about to be completely swallowed, the eight-point light wheel exploded.

The huge shape means that it contains a lot of energy. The turbulent explosion airflow overturned the gathering black mist, and even caused damage to Gatanjie at close range.

This time, there was a hint of pain in Gatanjie's roar.

But more importantly, he was furious.

It was the anger caused by being hurt and surprised that one's defenses would be broken.

The white smoke dissipated, and a mark clearly appeared on Gatanjie's shell. It was a shallow scar cut by the eight-point light wheel, but it expanded countless times in the explosion, causing the injury to expand.

Like a blooming flower.

It can be said that the eight-point light wheel exploded after it cut into Gatanjie's shell, otherwise it would not be so powerful.

Nexus landed, and the timer had already begun to flash. Condensing such a huge light wheel and adding explosive energy to it would consume a lot of energy.

The flashing of the timer and Gatanje's injuries meant that Nexus' fatal blow was not without any achievements.

But this also brought about the result of Gatanjie's rage. The tentacles that were restrained slapped the water surface, causing the surrounding sea water to float on a large scale.

Nexus and Tiga looked at each other, and one of them accumulated light energy and began to move forward, releasing the ultimate light - rushing.

One condenses the energy of the high-heat explosion into a timer, preparing to use the most powerful type of Zeperio ray under normal conditions.

In an instant, two powerful rays of golden and red light came together to form a spiral of impact light, breaking through the tentacles and pincers used by Gatanjie to resist, allowing all of them to be annihilated under the spiral light flow.

The mighty bright light suddenly hit in front of Gatanjie, and the powerful impact and penetration force almost pushed Gatanjie's huge body to move back.

Facing the Ultra fusion light head on, Gatanjie's body began to release powerful black mist, and its roar became anxious and rapid. Obviously, facing this blow, it could not really ignore it.

This time, the Ultra fusion light was not evacuated as it hit before, but continued to bombard Gatanjie's body, causing continuous damage.

Gatanje's defenses began to be disintegrated, and the high temperature, coupled with the power of the super-speeding spiral, gradually broke through its defenses.

Although it was slow, it was indeed unable to block the blow.

If it really hits the body and breaks through the defense, it may really overturn here.

When he thought of this, Conch regretted his previous joke-like tactics, but there was no use regretting it. What he was looking at now was the level of competition between the two sides. Will Gatanjie be able to hold on when Ultraman can't, or Ultraman? Terman took the lead in breaking through its defense.

Continuous infusion of energy and maintaining maximum power release are no small burden for Tiga and Nexus.

Nexus's timer was already flashing, and its energy was severely depleted.

Diga took the lead in fighting here and consumed a lot of energy.

At this moment, both Ultraman's timers were flashing, and they were flashing faster and faster as time went by. The almost continuous alarm sounds meant that their time was getting shorter and shorter.

Hold on, come on, Ultra Warriors!

Be sure to hold on!

Victory is in sight!

As long as you persist...

At this moment, this fusion light carries the expectant eyes of countless people on the entire planet. Combining the power of the two Ultraman, this is the greatest opportunity. This is the only opportunity to eliminate this dark nightmare.

Just hold on, as long as you can...

The continuous attack lasted for almost tens of seconds, and finally, while the two Ultraman's timers flashed rapidly, two figures flying at high speed hit the backs of Nexus and Tiga.

The sharp claws drew out large swaths of sparks on their backs, leaving Tiga and Nexus, who were unleashing their full strength, completely unprepared, and were knocked directly to the sea.

The continuous attack of Ultra's fusion light also disappeared, and the remaining faint points of light escaped, revealing the huge burnt wound in front of Gatanjie.

On the pitch-black shell, the spiral vortex marks were clearly visible, surrounded by a few white smoke brought by the high temperature. The charred shell still maintained high-heat crystals, flickering.

Gatanjie roared, his voice inevitably a little weak, and such an injury was a serious injury to it.

The twisted marks of the spiral spread to the entire shell, and combined with the previous damage caused on the top of the shell, a slight but real crack connected the two wounds.

It's small and obscure, but it does create a connection.

It only takes one more attack, another attack as powerful as the previous Ultra Fusion Light, and Gatanjie's shell will be cracked with countless cracks, and then explode with a bang, completely breaking through the defense.

And that was also its death.

only need to……

The chirping of birds resounded endlessly, and Zoga, standing on either side of Gatanje, was like a guard protecting Gatanje.

They had also sneak-attacked Tiga and Nexus just now, interrupting Ultra's attack of fused light.

Realizing that he was in a fatal crisis, Gatanjie called out to Zorga and was able to survive successfully.

The same intensity of Ultra Fusion light as before again?

It sounds simple. Tiga and Nexus, who had almost exhausted their energy, were holding on to prevent themselves from falling. The timer flashed so fast that it was suffocating.

The two Zoga roared in triumph, swinging their claws, driving the surging tide, slowly approaching the two warriors of light who were unwilling to fall.

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