Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 278 Have you ever thought about how to live in human society as Ultraman?

"If we want to wake up Nexus, we need to use the method that Ultraman Tiga used to revive him, which is to give Nexus light. But in the deep sea, we can't all go there with flashlights. It’s unrealistic to say we need to give light.”

Ye Rui really wanted to determine the location of the Nexus statue, but unfortunately, the thick black fog floating on the Pacific Ocean now obscured the exploration of electronic equipment.

He had no way of finding the specific location of the Nexus statue.

"However, our research on the Giant Stone Statue of Light has not made any big breakthroughs. It is almost impossible to revive Nexus." Hui Jian held her forehead with both hands. Now she was trapped in In anxiety and restlessness.

She is really worried about Dagu's current safety, and she doesn't know whether Lina and Zongfang can find him.

"Perhaps, there is someone who knows how to turn the Ultraman stone statue into Ultraman again." Director Sawai stood up from his position, although he understood that as long as this matter started, it would never be the same for TPC internally. is a good thing.

But in this situation, he had no choice at all.

Instead of thinking about the future, getting over the current difficulties is what really matters.

If humanity perishes, what will happen in the future?

"Sawai, what do you mean, you want to use that guy?" Director Ji Gang had worked with Sawai for many years, so he naturally knew who the person he was talking about was.

Likewise, he also understood Sawai's helplessness.

"It's him, Keigo Masaki." Sawai and Yoshigo put Na as the Riddler, but fortunately Megumi's mind turned very quickly, and he instantly thought of the third Ultraman who had appeared on this planet. .

Masaki Keigo, a human who transformed into a giant using the stone statue of the Giant of Light.

"If we want to resurrect Nexus, Masaki Keigo is an indispensable force. I'm ashamed that his research on giants far exceeds ours." Sawai was also helpless, but while sighing, he still The order was given.

"Go to the police station and bring Masaki Keigo here. We need his power."

"Just send it here. The Atdis is in front of you. Your team members are all there." Looking at the Atdis in the distance, Kirino had no intention of going over.

He is only responsible for sending Dagu here, nothing more.

"Where do you want to go next and what do you want to do?" Kirino turned around and left without any hesitation, but Dagu really wanted Kirino to help: "At this time, one more person means more strength. As long as we work together Working together, we will be able to overcome this difficulty.”

"There is a guy sleeping in the deep sea who is dreaming. I have to wake him up from his dream." Kirino's eyes were focused on the sea aside. Of course, the person he was talking about has now been turned into a stone statue and lost. someone of life.

His eyes were brought back, and Kirino was ready to answer Dagu's last question: "Dagu, you are right. Working together can indeed overcome the current difficulties, but when settling accounts after the fall, we will not take into account today's feelings."

Kirino shrugged and said with a smile: "I have a pair of eyes that can see through people's hearts, Dagu, what will you do after this time?"

"You may not know that your identity has been exposed. The Victory Team is no longer a safe place for you, because Ultraman's power is more tempting than mine." Kirino made a gesture and put a mask in front of his eyes. A circle gesture.

"Don't worry, even if I'm outside, I can still help you. Don't forget my abilities." Kirino said with a low smile, waved goodbye to Dagu, and then officially left.

"Tirino, thank you for coming forward at this time." If it weren't for Kirino, Dagu felt like he would have been swallowed by the black mist.

The unconscious self has no ability to escape at all, and it is inevitable to be infected by the black mist.

"You're welcome. Seeing how hard you are fighting, of course I have things I can do, and I'm doing what I can do as a human being." Kirino's realization is really not simple now, and he would never have said such a thing before. Come.

Dagu didn't say much. He also understood what kind of outcome Kirino would face if his ability was exposed.

He also knew that after this doomsday battle, his position and identity would become very sensitive.

When a secret is no longer a secret, trouble will follow.

But that was for the future, and now he was thinking about the current affairs. Therefore, Dagu covered his legs with difficulty and walked step by step towards the location of the Atdis.

The injuries he suffered before would not heal in a short time. Even now, he is still dragging his body with wounds.

Fortunately, Ye Rui has been controlling the computer, and he can even use three of them with ease.

On the one hand, they were counting the situation of the shelters and the damaged areas of major cities, and on the other hand, they were desperately trying to find a way to penetrate the black fog and open it.

The other one covers the area around the Atdis, monitoring changes in the surrounding environment to prevent it from being stolen by the black mist.

Because of this, Ye Rui stood up excitedly when he saw the figure of the limping man wearing the uniform of the victory team displayed on the computer on the left.

"It's Dagu! I saw Dagu!"

"What? Where is Dagu?"

"Dago is back? Is he okay?"

"Team Dagu...I'll be out right away!"

Ye Rui's voice can be said to have attracted everyone's attention, especially when it is now known that Tiga is Dagu. Dagu's return will undoubtedly cause a huge sensation.

Because that means that Tiga is still alive, and as long as there are Ultra warriors, hope still exists.

The success rate of the plans they are about to carry out next will be greatly improved.

Hui Jian took the lead and rushed out of the Atdis. He immediately saw the figure swaying forward in the distance.

A few hours ago, she had seen a lively Da Gu, in very good condition, and even Hui Jian encouraged him to fight at that time.

Although he knew he was losing, he still wished him victory.

But now we meet again, it is this embarrassing failure, and the meeting like a bereaved dog.

"Captain, I'm back." Covering the wound on his thigh, Dagu stood in front of Hui Jian, with a smile on his handsome face.

Force a smile.

"It's okay when you're back." Hui Jian's eyes were blurred, and tears wet her eyes almost the moment she saw Dagu.

It didn't flow down her cheeks, it was the last bit of her stubbornness.

It's a pity that there is no Xincheng here, otherwise he would definitely rush towards me with a bear hug.

"Team Lina and the commander all went out to look for you. I didn't expect you to come back on your own." After the surprise, Hui Jian also had some questions. Although it was the same before, Dagu ran out on his own after the war, but this time is different from before. .

"Only when I meet a noble person on the road to help me can I save my life." Dagu slowly walked into the Atdis with the support of Ye Rui who followed him.

The people in the medical department have been arranged by Sawai, and they must ensure that Dagu can get the best treatment at present.

Ji Gang immediately blocked all information about Da Gu to prevent Da Gu's identity from being leaked and known to the staff of other TPC branches at this critical moment.

Years of tacit understanding have allowed Yoshigo and Sawai to work together silently and complement each other.

But when the blood-stained uniform on Da Gu's leg was torn open, the hideous wound made everyone gasp.

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