Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 289 The first you, the first me

"Nexus, Nexus!"

Sensing the appearance of that hateful light, the Imperial stars far away on the moon became even more crazy.

Although the alien beast factor has been integrated, it is not without cost. The Imperial Stars, who have lost most of their rationality (although they did not have it in the first place), now want to kill the Earth and completely cut off Nexus' life.

But it can't do it, no, it's not that it can't do it, but that a certain consciousness in its body doesn't allow it to do it.

"Idiot, the Ultra brothers are all here. That guy can't go anywhere, he will definitely come." The Imperial star turned around, and on the back of his head was the head of Yabo.

In other words, the current body is completely two entities, one behind the other.

The Yabo people and the Imperial Stars merged into one with the fusion of the alien beast factors, which not only had the advantages of both, but also complemented each other.

Coupled with the characteristics of being difficult to kill given by the alien beast factor, the strength of the two is even more terrifying.

The Ultra brothers had killed them several times, but their bodies healed intact again within a moment, leaving the Ultra brothers with no solution.

In the end, in the long delaying battle, it was forced to collapse.

On the earth, he no longer chooses to fly outside the earth, but chooses to open the shield to block in front of him. Not only that, Nexus is also flying everywhere, blocking the front of those lightning strikes and energy bombs that are bound to fall, avoiding These attacks fell on the city below, causing heavy casualties.

Once such an intensive offensive hits the earth, the city below it will inevitably be devoured by a sea of ​​fire, and thousands of lives will be buried as a result.

This is something Nexus would never allow.

After resisting all the attacks with difficulty, Nexus did not hesitate and flew upward at a faster speed.

But this time, what greeted him was a light with black lightning.

This is a pincer-like ray from the Imperial Stars, but it also incorporates something else, which is incredibly powerful.

Nexus did not dodge, he popped up the Storm Sword in front of him, cut the light with the sword edge, and split it on his left and right sides, while his own speed did not slow down, and he went upstream and passed through. The atmosphere has arrived outside the universe.

Here, he finally saw what was happening on the moon.

The cross stuck in the ground crookedly, Zoffie, who was tied to it, the timer flashing, and others.

And they all saw Nexus appearing, and they were shocked and wanted to break free to help.

It's a pity that they have extremely serious energy consumption and cannot break free at all.

The storm sword swept across, cutting through the pincer-like light. The diverted light hit both sides, turning into floating particles and scattering.

Nexus slowly landed on the moon, and the radiant light from the Storm Sword illuminated the side of his face, echoing the fusion beast lurking in the darkness on the other side.

"What should I call you now? Imperial star? Or Yabo, or..." Looking at the nondescript thing in front of him, Nexus couldn't make a conclusion about it for a while.

"We are evil ghosts who crawled out of hell to take revenge on you. There is no way I could lose to an unknown guy like you!" The Imperial star clenched his fists and spoke in a solemn tone.

He was not willing to die after losing to an unknown person.

"We have been waiting for your arrival for a long time. You are different from Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light. Someone told me that as long as I can eat you, I will gain power that is comparable to the King of Ultra!"

It changed its body and became a human being facing Nexus, but it was not for revenge, but to become better and stronger.

"Swallowed? I think you two were swallowed without realizing it." Nexus understands the domineering nature of the alien beast factor better than anyone else.

He had no idea why the Imperial Stars and the Yabo people merged together, and what happened.

But those are not important. What is important is that he wants to eliminate this guy here, this thing that was born because of him.

"Stop talking nonsense, Nexus, and die!"

The side of the Yabo people was turned around, and the side of the Imperial star was exposed. He waved his hands. The hands that were supposed to be pincer-like turned into human palms, but the ferocious bone spurs were exposed on the arms, covering them. The whole arm.

Because of this, the Imperial Stars have gained new abilities.

The whip of punishment was thrown out by the Imperial Star, and it wanted to wrap around Nexus's neck, but unfortunately, the binding light was also thrown out by Nexus, and became entangled with the Imperial Star's whip.

Both sides straightened their arms and refused to give in to each other.

"Look at me."

At this time, the other hand controlled by the Yabo people changed. In a burst of flesh and blood, this hand, along with the entire arm to the shoulder, was covered by dense muzzles.

You can detect the ferocity of the firepower just by looking at it.

The Yapo people laughed wildly, firing countless missiles from these cannons, dragging their tail fins in mid-air, and spinning towards Nexus.

Lacking the corresponding understanding, and not knowing what the abilities of the three-faced thing in front of him were, Nexus could only use trial and error to carefully judge the opponent's abilities.

So almost the moment these missiles were launched, Nexus raised his other hand and flung out the restraining light, swept across in front of him, and exploded the flying missiles.

A sound like setting off firecrackers exploded in the air, and continuous sparks burst out into interweaving brilliance.

But this was just part of the missiles all over the sky. Nexus broke the stalemate, took the initiative to retreat and took a few steps back to erect a shield, completely blocking the subsequent missiles.

The Imperial Stars seized the opportunity and used the Killer Beam without saying a word. This light, which was specifically aimed at the Ultraman clan, did not aim at the shield, but at Nexus' legs, which were not protected by the shield.

The killer beam successfully hit Nexus's left thigh, hitting a large area of ​​sparks, causing Nexus to kneel on the ground, almost unable to maintain the existence of the shield.

The killer beam fired twice, and the second attack immediately approached. Nexus could not wait to be hit, so he took the initiative to cancel the shield and flew directly into the sky to avoid it.

The missiles released by the Yabo people had tracking properties. Even if Nexus fled the place, they still pursued Nexus.

It will never stop until it hits the target.

"You seem to know me very well. Did the alien beast factor tell you that?" The ripple shield coupled with energy absorption can be regarded as Nexus's unique skill.

When the opponent uses energy to attack, use the ripple shield to block it, and then use the Nexus weapon behind the shield to absorb the converted energy and then release it.

However, this is limited to energy attacks, and the Yabo people use pure physical damage such as missiles. The Nexus weapon cannot absorb the impact and explosion of the missile, so it can only resist it.

When attacking Nexus's lower body, he was hit by the killer beam almost the moment he opened the shield.

"I will repay the pain of being imprisoned by you for so many years a thousand times." The voice that appeared this time was not that of the Yapo people, nor the Empire Star people, but independent of the two, with the help of the two Alien beasts produced from the brains of human beings.

"Really? Then I'm very curious, what is this three-faced look of yours?" He turned around and released photon blades continuously, destroying most of the missiles in pursuit. Although he couldn't see clearly, the faces of the Imperial Stars and Yabo people were already there. Twisted closed.

Instead, there was a squirming film on the top of their heads, with rolling flesh and blood struggling inside. With a "pop" sound, large swaths of flesh and blood were scattered.

There is still viscous liquid on the newborn head, and the sharp teeth are reorganizing in distortion.

Those scarlet eyes had been staring at Nexus from the moment it was born, never moving for a moment.

"Ah, what a wonderful feeling." The mucous membrane was still partially attached to the sharp corners of the head, but it didn't care.

Waiting for the arrival of Nexus, he let those two guys squander his own power, and it was only now that the fusion was finally completed.

"call out!"

The flying crescent light blade was bounced off by the suddenly unfolded wings, and fell to the ground of the moon, splashing dust.

The wings were only partially extended, but they gave people an indescribable heavy pressure.

With the appearance of this gesture, an indescribable pressure fell on Nexus.

This is the strongest sense of oppression he has encountered so far, except Gatanjie.

Gatanjeou is despair, the despair of powerlessness. But when despair is transcended, it no longer counts.

The one in front of him is a powerful enemy, even a powerful enemy that is superior to himself.

Especially his appearance gave Nexus a very familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

"Why bother putting on that look? Haven't we seen it before? The first you, the first me." The corners of the fusion beast's grin opened and closed to tell something.

"I can't feel the weak breath of the alien beast factor from your body. It seems that the other alien beast factors in the Meta field have been wiped out by you, right?"

Although it was a question, it was an affirmative tone.

"Then do you want to know why your metafield is filled with alien beast factors, and why just a little leakage can cause such huge damage?" A flash of light flashed in the narrow red eyes. It meant that he was waiting for Nexus' answer.

"Oh, I don't want to know, because both you and I are just someone's pawns. They are just such clowns on the stage of world destruction. There is no point in fighting for what you said." Xexus knew the truth about the destruction of the world, and he knew even more clearly that both the light of Nexus and the alien beasts were actually summoned by the red ball.

Their existence and fighting are just to provide negative energy to the mastermind behind the scenes.

A pawn and a clown.

I worked overtime last night and was so numb that I didn’t have time to write out the closing remarks of the Diga volume.

I'll see if I can free it up tonight.

I’m writing, I’m writing (nodding)

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